I find this post rather amusing given that *I* am the one who sent you the PM. How very convenient of you to leave out the backstory completely so that it looks like it was just a random comment from a stranger, rather than part of a longer conversation...
You left out the minor detail that you have pm'd me several times sighing and whining about not being able to view my picture thread due to your cell phone, and asking me to email them to you and also making a number of other complaints/comments related to your difficulties of being on a cell phone....
Oh, you also omitted that you put my real name in a thread and then when I asked you to remove it, told me you couldn't because of your cell phone, along with a rather interesting comment that sites where you hang out people always use their real names - I'd certainly be curious to see those sites.
So I give you full permission to post the pm that I sent you. I believe people will read it and see that in fact I did NOT write you a hostile pm. I wrote you a frustrated pm where I suggested that you consider finding a computer (could be a friend, library, whatever, I didn't care - I didn't in any way say you should buy one, since I assumed you couldn't afford it), sign in once, make the change, look at my pics and be done with it.
I find this post unnecessarily dramatic given our past conversations.
It's very sweet that the others are so supportive of you but before they start slinging too much mud at the alleged perpetrator of this PM, I thought they should hear, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story". If, having heard the rest of the story, you still think I should be tarred and feathered, feel free to post your thoughts.