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Oklahoma Sen. Dusty Deevers proposes bill to ban all pornography

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Oklahoma Sen. Dusty Deevers proposes bill to ban all pornography: What to know about SB593

“We can restore normalcy, decency, and morality; we can protect the most vulnerable, restore a high view of marriage, and shield children from explicit material that can warp their innocent minds. We simply must have the courage to stand against the most radical and degenerate elements of the far-left,” Deevers wrote in a press release.

If passed, anyone found guilty of possessing, purchasing, trafficking or viewing the material would face imprisonment of 10-30 years instead of 0-20 years. Additionally, instead of the $25,000 cap previously outlined in Oklahoma law, they can be fined no more than $250,000. Repeat offenders will face 15-50 years and a fine of no more than $300,000.

The second portion of the bill, if passed, would prohibit pornography in general. This marks the second attempt by the senator to outlaw pornography throughout the state.

The measure would broaden language in Oklahoma law to make it illegal to possess, purchase or distribute "unlawful pornography," which is defined as any depiction, image, or film that shows sexual conduct, intercourse or lewd exhibition of genitals for sexual stimulation of the viewer.

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  • I said it's weird, not that I wouldn't do it.
Freedom of expression. If I wanna show off the Growler, that's nobodies business but mine and the recipient.

Just wait, they're gonna try and ban premarital sex next.

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I looked Deevers up on wikipedia. Apparently he has a degree in theology and also is CEO of a successful real estate firm, so he knows the bible and he knows matters involving real estate. During the 80's, the Reagan administration tried and failed to ban pornography because of the first amendment. It would be wise of Deevers (and others in the Okla legislature) to read up on the anti porn crusade of the 80's because if Deevers gets his way, Okla will waste millions of dollars on a Quixotic quest. I mean, if Okla wants to throw away millions of dollars, lining the pockets of lawyers and giving the media something to chatter about, then, hey, be all about it. I don't know if there are libertarians in Okla, but this kind of thing makes them just gnash their teeth and rage about the stupidity of it all.