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Moving State Boundaries?

Dudester · 33

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Offline Dudester

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on: January 21, 2025, 02:27:08 PM
As specified in Article III, Section II Clause I of the US Constitution, boundaries between two states cannot be moved unless the legislatures of both states agree and the US Congress also agrees.

With that said, for the past several years, the eastern 2/3 of Oregon has been wanting to secede from Oregon and become part of Idaho. To date, 14 counties in Oregon have held non binding elections on the matter and have created the "Greater East Idaho Movement." The legislature in Idaho has not taken up the matter, but has made an offer to speak to the Oregon Legislature to discuss the matter. Oregon, for it's side in the matter, refuses to discuss the situation with anyone. Basically, folks in Eastern Oregon are fed up with the policies of Portland and since the majority of the Oregon population lives on the west coast of Oregon the folks in Eastern Oregon are resigned to the dictates of Portland, unless something drastic happens-like the Cascadia Subduction Zone slipping.

But, in the past fortnight, a couple of other boundary disputes have popped up. First, a state senator in Iowa has made an "offer to buy" nine counties from Minnesota. This state senator seems to be alone in his pipe dream as there hasn't been any non binding elections, like there has been in Oregon.

And in the past few days, there has been an angry exchange of words between Illinois and Indiana. Basically, the southern half of Illinois wants a "divorce" from Cook County (Chicago).

Again, you would need the consent of two state legislatures AND Congress for any of this to happen. The chances of that are slim to none, and Slim done left town.