As it was, years past before I started noticing her body, especially that ass and pussy. I thought of how I was formerly, in shape, healthy, a ladies man . . . I thought maybe if I could get back in shape, I could get off the meds and have a shot at Jessica [sorry, Cash, old boy].
Then it hit me how I could do it!
"Hey, Albz," [our nickname for her], "I was thinking."
"Yeah?" She said, her voice so damn sexy.
"You're in such great shape, and you've been able to maintain it. I let work get in the way of staying in shape, and now that I have so much free time, I have no excuse. Could you give me some tips to start on the road to the better health?"
Jessica's face lit up.
"I'd be happy to do more than that!" She said. "I'll be your personal trainer!"
Taking me into her personal gym, Jessica showed me her equipment. She said a lot of it wouldn't do me any good, because it was for toning your body. But for right now all I needed was cardio exercises to start losing weight. She had in mind using the exercise bike, jogging, swimming.
Swimming! I loved to swim. And I had an indoor and outdoor pools. Of course the exercise bike would be a great start! And when I went home I'd get back in the habit of swimming daily.
I set up my own personal gym, getting the latest exercise bike, heavier weights to build up my muscles again, machines for my legs and abs. Jessica started coming over when I was to at her places working on her taxes to train me. Between the excerise bike, the swimming and weightlifting, and eventually going jogging every morning, I was starting to feel.better and soon was off the meds!