Funny that he would thank law enforcement for quick response when other reports are saying that local law enforcement knew of a potential threat.
I'm also looking at the blood on his ear and face, at the pattern makes no sense to me. It isnt smeared across his face, but looks like it was sprayed there. I do no believe an ear would would bleed that much in such a short period of time.
While deployed my gunner was hit in the back of the head with shrapnel leaving an inch long gash, and there was less blood on his head and neck then trump had on his ear and face.
I also seen a short video of the so called shooter. The "body" is seen laying on a single story building that looks like some kind of warehouse with a white roof. There is no cover or concealment anywhere in the area, but neither the secret service or security details saw said individual until 3 or 4 shots were taken.
The final thing for me is that this is supposed to be an active shooter scene, yet everybody is walking away calmly, or just standing around with their phones out recording.
Just too many questions for me to sit here and say it was a true attempt. I'm willing to bet that the "shooter" will be an illegal immigrant.
If we objectively look at past assasinations in America:
Kennedy was gunned down from the 2 or 3rd floor, along a route that was supposedly cleared for his visit, and even the crowd didn't react hard at first. The historic video of it shows him falling over in the car, and then the police and secret service reacted.
Regan was shot in the chest iirc, I think the gunman had a chance to fire even after being spotted in a "cleared" area.
If you also want to be reeeaaaaalllly honest, "Threats and reactions to them" is a sore point in our history. Pearl harbor, the recon sub for the imperial navy was spotted twice and no one did anything. 9/11 the CIA and other intelligence agencies knew about the plot for weeks leading up to it and didn't stop it. Unibomber and Oklahoma City too. In most cases there is the excuse of "It takes time to investigate." But even then they doubt with some hubris that it would be a valid threat, despite the agencies claiming to take every threat serious.
Also, my youngest brother on a fishing trip with my dad ages ago got a hook caught in his upper ear and tore a nice hole in it. It bled pretty bad. Looked kind of worse than Trump's but I havent seen a close up of his ear. But I am not a doctor.
But what I can say for sure is this. I dont hate the man, nor do I hate biden, because to me both are dottering old fools and rusty tools for a system no one is willing to work at to improve, but in this current political climate after the surpreme court passed its decision on presidential immunity, and even before, I have to raise an eyebrow at things when people on X ask since trump is immune why doesnt biden just take him out with spec ops? or even going back to the comedienne who posted a picture of her holding trumps severed head. I believe most of us remember a time when even posting stuff like that, even in jest got you investigated at the minimum.
Even if you love or hate the man, there is nothing he can do to justify killing him. That is murder, even if he is a as horrific as people make him out to be, nothing justifies murder, unless you are defending your and your own from an imminent threat to your life, and not some asshole law or order that vaguely affects you, period.
I also cant truck with this being a ploy for him, or a conspiracy or w/e. Because if this is for some reason a left power play wet dream, there is a net zero gain from it, because even if they managed to take him out, there are other republican candidates that could be swapped out and win. And if this is some Right wing conspiracy to push his numbers higher, then this is a lower than a negative zero gain, because 1 three people died, and 2. Trump leads in the polls, and even without his lead in the polls, bidens approval is dropping hard. There is no real need to spoof an assassination attempt, because like the old saying goes, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." The Army uses that, but Napoleon said it also. At most this could be a diversion to take eyes off of biden's fish pot of suck going on, but still its a horrid thing if that is the case.