Thanks..nice profile pic!! How do I upload one of my own?
You can't upload one here, as far as I know. You have to upload a pic to an image hosting site and use an url to link to it. I use
PostImages but there are others if you want to type Image Hosting into a search engine. You can upload to PostImages without joining but I don't know how long they will keep the picture available. I signed up for the free account.
Okay, let's do this. First step, at the top of the page, click on the word Profile (5th button from the right). You might want to right-click on the button and have it open in a separate tab so you can keep this post visible to follow along with comes next just by switching tabs.
Second, move the mouse cursor over the oval where a picture would be displayed until you see the words Change Picture, and then left-click the mouse.
On the next screen you will see Personalize Picture, with 4 options under that. 1-No Avatar (which is the default), 2-Choose Avatar from Gallery, 3-Specify Avatar by URL, and 4-Upload Avatar. The fourth choice doesn't work, at least not when I've tried it. I always get an error message and finally gave up.
So, 2-Choose Avatar from Gallery has Actors, Metal Gear and Musicians to choose from. Click on one of those categories and look at the choices. Select one of those if you want to use it.
If you want a custom avatar, you have to select 3-Specify Avatar by URL. The picture needs to be a specific size (my avatar is 175x100 pixels). Upload the picture you want to use to an image host, and then copy the URL (make sure it's a Direct Link) that will link to the pic on the image host. Paste that URL into the white box to the right. Then at the bottom of the page click on Update Profile. You may need to play around with the size.
If there's anything I haven't explained well enough, feel free to send a PM if you have any questions. To send a PM, click on an avatar, which will take you to the poster's profile page. Under the avatar and username, one of the options is Send PM.
Good luck, and welcome to the forum.