This weekend is to be set aside as a day of remberance for those members of this countries military who have passed and are no longer with us.
Several times in the last couple days I've had people say have a Happy Memorial Day. It's never been a "happy day" for me. My parents (fresh out of WWII) brought me up to understand the meaning of this day.
My two years in the Army, even though I didn't go to Viet Nam, gave me even more respect for this day. I saw people returning from Nam, many who will never be right again.
OK, I'm off my soap box now but I just wanted to remind you how somber this occasion is meant to be. So, enjoy the three day weekend,. take advantage of the sales being offered and what is thought of as the start of summer.
Please, just take a moment to think and reflect on those in the military who are not with us anymore.
Now have fun and be safe.