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A Murder Mystery.

Writers Bloque · 1294

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Offline Writers Bloque

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on: July 22, 2022, 08:34:52 PM
I want to start a whodunnit game.

I will post a scenario, and anyone who wants to indulge can participate.

The rules are simple:

Ask questions, and based on what is asked answers will be given.
Save all theories until the time comes where I ask for them, or you feel you have solved it.
one theory per person. If you are close, you are allowed to revise it until before the solution is given.
I will give clues and hints, but nothing to spoil it.

The Murders in Montenegro

You all were invited to a high class party. The ballroom was lavish. Dignitaries from all over were mingling, security was in the shadows watching over the crowd of people. The music was light, and the food good. Waitstaff is walking around with drink orders as the tables were filling and emptying as the party progresses.

A loud whine from the mic silences the room. "Good evening friends, welcome to my party. It is a both joyous and sad occasion. My daughter is now engaged, to Mr. Bartholomew, of the Bartholomew Holdings." The well dressed man, flanked by two beefy security, and a wisp of a woman, in a business suit spoke happily to the crowd. A spotlight illuminated the happy couple who were all smiles and waves. Excited chatter rose from the party. A cough from the man silenced the room again. "But not everything is happy, Tonight, I announce my retirement from Proveline Industries effective immediately. My health is failing, and I have chosen my oldest son George, who will take over, and keep the fires going, so to speak." The man joked, but the seriousness of the message was conveyed. George took over, and gave a gentle, and good speech.

  Afterwards the party picked up, and more food was brought out, but the mood was soured from the back of the room. Three men were arguing, but they were making every effort not to be heard. However some people who heard enough moved away. The three men were arguing, while standing at the table of Madeline Proveline, and her sisters. Her fiancee was elsewhere. Madeline's sweet demeanor changed to her real self, of a bored princess socialite. It was quite clear she was from money, as even foreign dignitaries paid her congratulations.

  At midnight, the music gave way to a cabaret, in which all the tables were moved closer to the stage, and the unused half of the room was curtained off for the serving staff to clean up, and refresh the food and drinks. The show ended with a bang, and the dim lights were brightened again. The final closing act of the night would turn out to be boody.

  At one am. the curtains were pulled open, and a scream brought everyone from their party dulled senses to a new grim reality. Three men lying dead, face down on the floor, with Madeline sitting, as if bored at a table that was not moved. Upon closer inspection, her dark sea green dress had a large amount of blood draining down her abdomen. It was clear she was murdered too.

This is where you sleuths come in.

The ballroom is the size of a football (american) field. The room is divided in half, and a curtain divides it in half, when the other is not in use. The work area is hidden by screens, as not to distract the party by the staff's coming and going. All external doors are locked. The windows are eight feet up, and only opened by a switch. It is storming outside currently, and there is no sign of any murder weapon. Who killed the daughter and the three men and why?


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Offline purpleshoes

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Reply #1 on: July 23, 2022, 11:56:28 AM
Is the well dressed man wearing the business suit or is the wisp of a woman wearing the business suit?

Also, what color is Madeline's underwear?

Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #2 on: July 23, 2022, 03:18:00 PM
I'm slightly confused on the relationship between characters.

Madeline Provaline is the retiring man's daughter, and engaged to the Bartholomew George is her brother? I'm assuming "wisp of a woman" mother?

who are the three men are?

Where is the fiance and sisters?

What way were the three men murdered? Stabbed, shot, strangled, poisoned?

Was Madeline shot or stabbed?

Why wasn't her table moved with the rest of them?

Who's in charge of security? Was there any security on the other side of the curtain and if not who had them moved?

If it was a stabbing, Is there any blood droplets on the floor that may give a clue to the direction the killer/killers went?

Who's in charge of the waitstaff and is there anybody missing?

I'll let you mull those over love 💋

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #3 on: July 23, 2022, 03:29:56 PM
I'm slightly confused on the relationship between characters.

Madeline Provaline is the retiring man's daughter, and engaged to the Bartholomew George is her brother? I'm assuming "wisp of a woman" mother?

who are the three men are?

Where is the fiance and sisters?

What way were the three men murdered? Stabbed, shot, strangled, poisoned?

Was Madeline shot or stabbed?

Why wasn't her table moved with the rest of them?

Who's in charge of security? Was there any security on the other side of the curtain and if not who had them moved?

If it was a stabbing, Is there any blood droplets on the floor that may give a clue to the direction the killer/killers went?

Who's in charge of the waitstaff and is there anybody missing?

I'll let you mull those over love 💋

Like sex, knowing the right questions to ask leads to positive results.


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Offline staci

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Reply #4 on: July 23, 2022, 03:35:00 PM
The old man had 5 children. George, 3 brothers, the dead lady in blue panties and one other daughter. After announcing that George was taking the helm, the un-named child , in a fit of jealousy killed her siblings.with the help of the sous chef.

one of the originals

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #5 on: July 23, 2022, 03:54:04 PM
Purpleshoes: Madeline is not wearing any, as the position she is sitting in the chair allows you to see. The wisp of a woman is in the suit. She approaches you, adjusts her glasses, and introduces herself.

"My name is Chelsea Harringson, personal assistant to Mr. Proveline. Please help us bring justice to the killers."


1. George is her older brother. But something seems off, because as you look at George, who is weeping next to his stern looking father, they look nothing alike.

2. The wisp of a woman is his PA, as you learned from standing near Purpleshoes.

3.  You ask around. But are gently brushed off, as you are not part of their scene, except for one older man. Two of the men are Georges half brothers, a fact the family seems to want to keep hidden, the third man is the son of the old man's biggest business rival, John St. Duncan. The victim is Caine St. Duncan

4. Are you actively seeking the sisters, and the Fiancee?

5. If you look closely there is no sign of obvious trauma. It is as though they just stopped living and fell to the floor where they stood. you cannot see their faces, but a closer inspection....

6. She was stabbed through the heart. There is bruising forming around the mouth. Her position is quite unlady like, allowing you to see all of her inside dress secrets.

7. Her table was considered extra and not serviced by the staff. The presence of a used ashtray suggests she came here for a smoke or to be alone. Her sister possible interrupted her little alone time.

8. The head of security is a wholly imposing man named Clarence. For some reason, when the curtain was closed, they darkened that side of the curtain, and security for some reason moved inside the curtain. A fact that Clarence is raging about.
9. No, in fact upon closer inspection, it seems whatever was used to stab her was wiped off on her dress.

10. The owner of the palatial hotel is the head of the waitstaff, talking to her may raise some clues.

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Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #6 on: July 23, 2022, 03:56:24 PM
The old man had 5 children. George, 3 brothers, the dead lady in blue panties and one other daughter. After announcing that George was taking the helm, the un-named child , in a fit of jealousy killed her siblings.with the help of the sous chef.

a miss. She was not wearing panties. And no one knows for sure how many children the old man sired. Gossip in the crowd says the old man's wife usually attends these parties with him, but tonight was oddly absent. Also gossip is that the old man was a true Lothario as now evidenced by the old man consoling George, while flirting/consoling a very beautiful woman, decked out in enough stones and gold to make royalty jealous.

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Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #7 on: July 23, 2022, 10:09:42 PM
I could assume that the three men had been poisoned, but since there is no trauma, I'd rule out any kind of syringe injections. So I would definitely want to speak with the head of the waitstaff. But before I do that, I want to find out what happend to sister and fiancee. Make sure they havent become victims as well, and if so might be more clues there.

I would want to secure all dinnerware, food, and drink that may be on the table as well as the ashtray and any cigarettes/cigars/joints and lighters or matches... basically if it's on the table or near the table I want it inspected.

Where is the spot that the killer used to wipe off the knife. Left or right side will indicate which hand the killer held the knife in.

What information can the PA give regarding the siblings relationship? Did they love each other or was there tension among them, perhaps jealousies?

And I also assume since you didnt mention it when talking doors and windows, there is no surveillance cameras in the area, and if there are, I'd to see any and all footage.

And lastly, I'd check to see if there is anything up her skirt other than her.

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #8 on: July 24, 2022, 04:28:37 AM
I could assume that the three men had been poisoned, but since there is no trauma, I'd rule out any kind of syringe injections. So I would definitely want to speak with the head of the waitstaff. But before I do that, I want to find out what happend to sister and fiancee. Make sure they havent become victims as well, and if so might be more clues there.

I would want to secure all dinnerware, food, and drink that may be on the table as well as the ashtray and any cigarettes/cigars/joints and lighters or matches... basically if it's on the table or near the table I want it inspected.

Where is the spot that the killer used to wipe off the knife. Left or right side will indicate which hand the killer held the knife in.

What information can the PA give regarding the siblings relationship? Did they love each other or was there tension among them, perhaps jealousies?

And I also assume since you didnt mention it when talking doors and windows, there is no surveillance cameras in the area, and if there are, I'd to see any and all footage.

And lastly, I'd check to see if there is anything up her skirt other than her.

1A. I am assuming you are checking their bodies. The three men's necks are broken. this is evident by the way their heads move as you roll them over.
  B. You find the Head of the waitstaff first. A snobbish woman, dressed in traditional cooks attire. She confirms that she did nothing to the food as she oversees the entire production, therefore no one could have did anything like that. However, there is something about her. You get a feeling she might be hiding something.
  C. No sign of the Fiancee. Might be in the middle of the crowds, but from where you are currently, you do not see him.
  D. The sisters are within arms reach of Daddy. Yes there may be clues there.

2. Can't, the servers clear dishes as soon as they are empty, so pinpointing a single one used by a single person will require a lab. No deadly poisons were used. Now you are getting warmer. There is a still smoking cigarette smoldering in the ashtray. The smoke smells weird. It is not cloves, weed, or anything else one would smoke. It is also not tobacco either. You take a strong whiff, and are instantly hit with a strong wave of being light headed, dizzy, slightly aroused, and your limbs are going numb a little. Knowing smokers, you spot the lack of a pack of cigarettes, or even a case which holds cigarettes on the table. Her clutch is open, and even her phone is missing. But her lipstick is lidless, which as a woman you know is an absolute no no inside a purse or clutch, even if its not extended.

3. The killer wiped the blade on the front of her dress, not on any side. which suggests.....

4. She is and was wholly uninterested in the personal affairs of her boss or his family. Her interests lie in maintaining her bosses empire for him. The only tidbit she gives, is that there was a series of cryptic emails sent to her, from an address she did not know, warning her that if her boss did not retire now, his whole family will suffer.

 5. The camera's all face the center of the room at various positions. The only ones that could have possibly seen anything were obscured by the curtain. Using the provided footage, you get a sense that the table was purposely placed there in the best of possible blindspots. However, you do see shoes and a couple of dark figures on the video, as when the curtain was closed the cameras on the dark side of the curtain went into night vision recording. Grainy, and green, you do see two humanoid figures moving out of the blind spot half an hour before the show ended and the whole room was opened again. But due to the angle and lack of clarity, you cannot make out their sex, or age.

 6. Hmm, playing doctor? I kid. Actually you see three things. strapped to one thigh, inner, is a knife sheath. Inside her, sticking out is a Sliver Bullet (no need to explain.) Its tiny buzz is almost unheard in the din of noise. And just above her slit you make out a small blue rose tattoo.

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Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #9 on: July 24, 2022, 06:49:14 AM
I wouldnt remove or move the egg/bullet, but I would have purple shoes turn it off, and he can inspect it and fill me in later.

Right off the bat, I would immediately detain the two bodyguards and the PA Chelsea Harringson for further questioning. I'd have them all searched and checked over for any signs that that may have been in a struggle. ie: wrinkled clothes, bruises on hands, wrists or elsewhere that a person may strike them in self defense.

I'm going to question the head of the waitstaff and have her belongings searched. I am also going to question as to why the table was positioned in that specific spot and not someplace else. I will also want to check with cooks and servers to see if they notice her acting strangle around any specific items such as dr8 is or special orders.

I'm going to segregate the sisters from each other and daddy and question them individually about the nights events and what they may have seen, said, and done. See if there are any inconsistencies in their stories.

I also want the lipstick container inspected for foreign substances.

*on a side note, I think you're trying to lead me away from the whole "cleaning the knife off" thing because it isnt really important in this case, but that is a huge piece of evidence for me. Even if it was dead center of her torso, the pattern in which the knife was dragged in order to clean it would tell me if the knife was held in left or right hand. It could also tell me which kind of knife was used, such as a kitchen knife, dagger, pocket knife, sword... so I am totally fixated on this "unimportant" aspect.

Oh yes, I would also have  John st. Claire contacted for identifying the body and questioning.

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #10 on: July 24, 2022, 07:11:44 AM
I wouldnt remove or move the egg/bullet, but I would have purple shoes turn it off, and he can inspect it and fill me in later.

Right off the bat, I would immediately detain the two bodyguards and the PA Chelsea Harringson for further questioning. I'd have them all searched and checked over for any signs that that may have been in a struggle. ie: wrinkled clothes, bruises on hands, wrists or elsewhere that a person may strike them in self defense.

I'm going to question the head of the waitstaff and have her belongings searched. I am also going to question as to why the table was positioned in that specific spot and not someplace else. I will also want to check with cooks and servers to see if they notice her acting strangle around any specific items such as dr8 is or special orders.

I'm going to segregate the sisters from each other and daddy and question them individually about the nights events and what they may have seen, said, and done. See if there are any inconsistencies in their stories.

I also want the lipstick container inspected for foreign substances.

*on a side note, I think you're trying to lead me away from the whole "cleaning the knife off" thing because it isnt really important in this case, but that is a huge piece of evidence for me. Even if it was dead center of her torso, the pattern in which the knife was dragged in order to clean it would tell me if the knife was held in left or right hand. It could also tell me which kind of knife was used, such as a kitchen knife, dagger, pocket knife, sword... so I am totally fixated on this "unimportant" aspect.

Oh yes, I would also have  John st. Claire contacted for identifying the body and questioning.

Before I address the rest, your side note:

From the position of the body, and bruising on the mouth, you could tell....

(Hint: In a room with people around, what would you do to keep someone quiet as you killed them? The show was loud, but not loud enough that the sounds of a woman being violently attacked would not have been heard, especially by the people on the other side of the curtain close to it. So how would you kill someone with people nearby, separated by a thin curtain of cloth? She was stabbed from the front, which means the killer was ....... her. And there is no blood or wound on her back.)

Also: Did you check inside her mouth?

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Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #11 on: July 24, 2022, 07:22:38 AM
I was getting there love. I'm well aware that somebody had covered her mouth while stabbing her. Perhaps an unnecessary step when stabbing in the heart. That is why I am detaining the PA as well as the bodyguards who may be big enough to break necks of people that have been drugged unknowingly through a "cigarette "

I'm trying to think outside the box but inside the box, daddy is behind it all...

Where the hell is the fiancee??

I need my MP notepad to keep track of all this...

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #12 on: July 24, 2022, 07:52:49 AM
I was getting there love. I'm well aware that somebody had covered her mouth while stabbing her. Perhaps an unnecessary step when stabbing in the heart. That is why I am detaining the PA as well as the bodyguards who may be big enough to break necks of people that have been drugged unknowingly through a "cigarette "

I'm trying to think outside the box but inside the box, daddy is behind it all...

Where the hell is the fiancee??

I need my MP notepad to keep track of all this...

A woman doesn't always scream just because she is being murdered. Outside the box, the most important question has yet been asked: How many legitimate children did he have?

The three men do not smell of the drugged cigarette. But the "drug" is a vital clue. Figure out what plant or chemical produces those effects and follow the reasoning to the answer.

Major Hint: This plant's sale has been banned world wide, not just because of its effects when smoked or ingested, but because it is a rare and almost extinct plant. Also a certain group of temple dwellers used it to worship ancient Greek gods, and also trap a certain hero on their island. Conan the Barbarian Hates the stuff, as it puts you in a stupor. But it also is not used in modern narcotics either.

Further outside the box, as I love where your mind is going Shiela, Not only how many legitimate kids did he have is important, but why isn't his wife there with him on the biggest night of his life.


If the toy is removed, it will become evident that it was coated in more than her honey, a thin layer of purplish liquid was applied to it. Shoe's touching it makes his fingers go numb.

The Bodyguards were with the old man the entire time. They do not leave his side for any reason, even going as far as to follow him into the restroom. *HINT*

The PA was using her tablet at her bosses table too. She was only there to confirm certain people were there.

The head of the waitstaff breaks down. She was paid to spike the drinks of everyone there with small doses of Ex, to liven the party up. Who paid her was a mystery, as there was a strange phone call and an envelope of cash on her desk in her tiny office. That's all she did, she swears.

You question both sisters and the only thing you learn is money does not buy brains or a good person does it make. They left their sister at the table when she lit the cigarette, and the smoke made them gag. They ran off to tell daddy that sister was doing drugs. The sisters are 18 and 19. So dumb even a box of rocks has a PHD over them. Despite their bratty whining, their stories check out. They left her when the curtain was closing.

Lipstick container has the same purple shit on the lipstick itself, also a faint dusting of cocaine.

Daddy is pleasantly oggling the well endowed woman, who is covered in the most expensive jewelry. They are having a private conversation, while she appears to be consoling him and he is feeding into her sympathy while hiding his intent.

The Fiancee is in the men's restroom. But he has not come out in quite awhile...

John St. Duncan is currently weeping at a private table, with his own bodyguards keeping people away. But you can see the loss of his son is only the skin of the bubble of the feelings he is expressing. If you can get to him, you have a feeling there is more than the pain of the loss of a son painting his face.

Also, upon closer inspection of the wound on the daughters chest, there is another liquid, along with blood in the wound and on her dress, the color of her dress makes it impossible to tell what it is.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2022, 07:56:00 AM by Writers Bloque »

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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #13 on: July 24, 2022, 07:58:30 AM
Also to everyone, you are in good enough social graces to ask and learn about any gossip or events in the lives of those involved leading up to this. The old man who filled you in on the identities of the three men is a good hearted goof ball gossip, who seems to be in the know about some private happenings in the families.

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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #14 on: July 25, 2022, 09:11:04 PM
The Fire Alarm goes off, and fortunately for you, the sprinklers only trigger in the area of the fire.

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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.

Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #15 on: July 28, 2022, 07:14:09 PM
Re-evaluating evidence after my small hiatus.  Will be getting back too this shortly 💋💋💋

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #16 on: July 28, 2022, 07:23:03 PM
Re-evaluating evidence after my small hiatus.  Will be getting back too this shortly 💋💋💋
np, just know the fire alarm is going off in the ballroom, you do not see any smoke or fire, at least in the main room. The bathrooms are on the right wall, next to the coat check.

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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.

Offline Writers Bloque

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Reply #17 on: August 02, 2022, 02:56:51 PM
This is gonna be good.

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To taste Heaven, one must play in Hell.

Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #18 on: August 02, 2022, 03:42:36 PM
drugged cigarettes.

A sex toy coated in another drug (opium?)

Ecstasy in the drinks.

Cocaine was also used

((Woman probably died of drug overdose before even being stabbed))

I would say her mouth was covered to stop her from moaning or protesting when the toy was used, but the purplish substance would have made her numb to pleasure, and maybe even unable to walk.

Fiance and daddy met in the bathroom fiance is still in there. Probably also the cause for the fire alarm.

Thre daughters and one son, any kids that aren't present?

Does John St. Duncan know anything about his son's dealings with the victims family? Fiance? Why he was even at the party? Open marriage type of situation.

((I keep forgetting this is KB, so there is probably some huge perverse sex ring thing that I'm overlooking))

I'm also confiscating the PAs tablet to check the list of people names who were at the party.

Offline staci

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Reply #19 on: August 02, 2022, 05:23:46 PM
By Jove, I believe she has it.

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