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Reply #40 on: June 19, 2022, 04:16:35 PM

one of the originals

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Reply #41 on: June 19, 2022, 04:32:22 PM

My question is, when Jules announced in the FYI thread that Dominos was banned, did she mean dominus?

Yes, my apologies

If you've ever eaten their pizza, you'd agree that Dominos should be banned as well.

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Reply #42 on: June 19, 2022, 06:48:45 PM
And Stuart, you may have fooled a couple of people here, but you haven’t fooled everyone.

First you claim you’ve never been active on another forum.

I've never been a member in any other discussion board apart from here.

Then you claim you don’t use a VPN. 

You overestimate me sir. I’m too broke to pay for a VPN, And too suspicious of the providers to use a free one.

May I remind you?

Day totally ruined...
Another forum apart from Kristen's Board...
Where I have been a member for more than a year....
Is no longer accessible from where I am.
And the forum does not allow VPN either...
All those people who I could call a friend...

You forget that when you created the Dominus account, you left your local time on it. So both accounts have a Bangladesh time zone on them.

And lest history repeat itself, which it always does… another warning from Stuart…

I have looked immeasurable times through members' profiles  throughout the months, I'll cobtinue to look for you along the years. Just you wait you muthahumpa'

Well, what ruined my day today was like this,
Aside from Kristen, I used to be and still am , a member of another forum,
Where, I had tried to get along with a person, let’s call her K.
So, early May, we met, everything was fine, we had some good funny chats, I was sort of smitten by her, as she was pretty beautiful: in face, body and (after talking to her found out ) personality aswell.
Late May, I made a mistake while talking to her, maybe got overly-friendly, (before anyone gets triggered, I had actually did it while talking with K before a few times, only jesting though, and it was also received in good spirits, hence didn’t feel apprehensive.) said something which she thoroughly minded, I apologised, no response whatsoever, still everything was fine, maybe, as we had some occasional interactions only and she was well, significantly more distant than before.
Fast forward to 2nd week of June, due to some personal reasons, had to leave the forum for quite some time ( a month to be exact.)
Fast forward to 2nd week of July, returned to the forum, K was the first person I messaged, asking for a chance to talk. no responSe For the day. The next day, see her reply to stop bothering her anymore. I Was, well, bummed out AF!
So, finally today, ran into K out of sheer coincidence in the chatroom(hadn’t even visited the chatroom for 2 months till today), messaged her asking her to give me a chance to explain, she did, I explained to her that in my one month hiatus from the forum, I had well, undergone a personality change, and only wanted a friendship with her, nothing more, she replied that she wasn’t interested at all, and would block me if I ever messaged her again, (and Maybe she did too.)
So that’s that, what ruined my day today.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2022, 09:07:49 PM by Pornhubby »

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #43 on: June 19, 2022, 07:03:43 PM
Oopsy  ;D

Offline staci

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Reply #44 on: June 19, 2022, 07:04:26 PM
I don't like fakers

one of the originals

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Reply #45 on: June 19, 2022, 09:12:44 PM
And Stuart, you may have fooled a couple of people here, but you haven’t fooled everyone.

First you claim you’ve never been active on another forum. Then you claim you don’t use a VPN.  May I remind you?

Day totally ruined...
Another forum apart from Kristen's Board...
Where I have been a member for more than a year....
Is no longer accessible from where I am.
And the forum does not allow VPN either...
All those people who I could call a friend...

You forget that when you created the Dominus account, you left your local time on it. So both accounts have a Bangladesh time on them.

And lest history repeats itself, which it always does… another warning from Stuart…

First off, I admit, that I was wrong. Most people there called it a forum, though, it was essentially a chat room. Hence, I went with the flow.
Kristen’sBoard meanwhile, evolved from a erotica discussion board, which itself evolved from a just a story board, as I’ve been informed.
Hence, I was incorrect in calling that place a forum.
Secondly I never use VPN, I only experimented with Proxy, I use the terms VPN & Proxy synonymously because to me they appear to be quite the same; and it was one of the very rare times when I do. Like 4-5 10-20 minutes session in the whole year. Free VPNs, ahem, Proxies, are too hard to find and those which aren’t, are way too laggy. And often disappear after sometime. Hence, I’ve made myself content with what I can easily access.

Finally, I never set a time on this account only. And why are you so obsessed with Bangladesh?? I myself do not live there. If you want to take a vacation there, contact a travels-and-tours company!
Time can be set to whatever one wants. They can’t differentiate, only IP ADDRESSES can, and since you no longer are a mod, you can’t see them. Plus, now that I think of it, it might as well, have been you! Preserving your aristocratic/Royal, high and mighty status, while letting out your primal honest thoughts. AFTER ALL, it was you only who said it.
I’ve only been here 14 years, but rarely has anyone so concisely and succinctly stated everything I would say,
& Using your courtroom psychological skills to unravel me.

Lastly why do you care with what I say, when the conversation does not concern you at all?

As for fooling people, I don’t do that, I’d much rather speak true to have others dislike me, than lie to make others like me. Hence, all those WORDLE games, where I posted my X/6 scores, while I had other options.

The person you think I’ve fooled, I’d trust with anything significant to me.

Why am I saying this? I don’t owe you any explanation whatsoever.
Plus, you’d only believe me, if I were to write a note with blood extracted from self, or carve it on me hand; and film the whole thing.
And you certainly don’t deserve that kind of justification.


Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #46 on: June 19, 2022, 10:10:16 PM
TIL that the point on the opposite side of the planet is called an antipode. For example, the antipode of Bangladesh is off the coast of Peru. Therefore, if someone located in Bangladesh were to start digging downward and CONTINUED TO DIG THEIR HOLE DEEPER AND DEEPER, then eventually they'll reach the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and.. I don't know, actually.. have their hole fill with water?

Sorry, wrong thread  :facepalm:


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Reply #47 on: June 20, 2022, 12:57:08 AM

« Last Edit: June 20, 2022, 01:11:38 AM by Pornhubby »

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #48 on: June 20, 2022, 06:49:03 AM

Little boy, did you really think running to the site moderators would work?

No sir, you are very much mistaken! The gavel of justice shall soon fall!

Your feeling is that presenting a colourful personality will make you endearing and when that fails then pretending to have mental sicknesses will generate sympathy.

The number of people seeing through your dirty game are rising by the minute however!

Your biggest mistake was thinking that denying truth also erases truth.

Is that sound of the monsoon rains pounding the windows or of your heart beating faster?

You realize your time here is soon over.

Your beloved Miss Shiela cannot save you.

You feel the noose tighten around your neck and the fear grows stronger.

Because you know what happens whenever I find you destroying another discussion board yet once more.

In a perverse way you are enjoying this however?

No such thing as bad publicity they say in the show business.

You would rather hang yourself in front of everyone using a rope made of your own deceit than fade into obscurity.

Your compulsion for attention demands it.

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Reply #49 on: June 20, 2022, 07:18:29 AM
The fellow with no VPN continues to entertain.  :facepalm:

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


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Reply #50 on: June 20, 2022, 07:33:24 AM
The fellow with no VPN continues to entertain.  :facepalm:

Do we have any linguists lurking on this board? Someone who could fingerprint users by their verbal tells?

Not just vocabulary or spelling, but also punctuation, length of words and sentences, paragraph formation, etc.

Think Unabomber.  :roll:

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Reply #51 on: June 20, 2022, 07:37:26 AM
He said neighbourhood.  So he is Commonwealth or Queen’s English. Bangeldesh time zone. In otherwords, Asmodel.

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #52 on: June 20, 2022, 07:44:28 AM
Do we have any linguists lurking on this board?

Yes, and I'm quite cunning 😏

Here's an obvious verbal tell..

Miss Shiela

dominus mentioned only one of us by name in their latest post, Shiela. We all love Shiela, but there's a certain someone on this board who is especially obsessed with her. That certain someone is also the only one to ever call her 'Miss Shiela' instead of just "Shiela" 🤔


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Reply #53 on: June 20, 2022, 07:53:18 AM
You guys are sharp. I missed both of those tells.  :emot_ntworthy:

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Reply #54 on: June 20, 2022, 08:19:58 AM
Possibly a third one, though it doesn't prove anything conclusively.. I was wondering how dominus could re-register just by changing the case of their name, i.e. from dominus to DOMINUS. I don't think that's how that usually works, but I know sometimes people get creative with the letters or numbers to make two accounts look like they have [nearly] identical names.

One way is to replace the letter O with the number 0 or vice versa. Another one is to exchange an I (upper case i) and a l (lower case L). I didn't notice it at first in DOMINUS' profile, but something that then seemed odd was how the I in the middle of DOMINUS rises a little bit above the other letters in the 'Miss Shiela' post I quoted.

I copied and pasted the username into Word and used the Change Case function to 'lowercase'. It became domlnus instead of dominus. Then I changed it to UPPERCASE and, voila, it became DOMLNUS. By the way, anyone can do this if they have Word, and maybe other text editors have a similar function.

There is one person who once had a backup account here where they made the username of their backup all capital letters.. But instead of going with the O/0 or I/l route, they changed the s in their original account to a $ (dollar sign) in their backup. Too bad that backup account has been deleted and is now in Guest status, so I don't know if the mods can check on those IP addresses and have some detective fun.

Again, it doesn't prove anything conclusively, but it does make you wonder..  :o
« Last Edit: June 20, 2022, 08:31:31 AM by Clitical Thinking »

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Reply #55 on: June 20, 2022, 08:29:51 AM
You mean A$model and Asmodel? This shit is so transparent.

Professional troller.

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


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Reply #56 on: June 20, 2022, 09:02:58 AM
I copied and pasted the username into Word and used the Change Case function to 'lowercase'. It became domlnus instead of dominus. Then I changed it to UPPERCASE and, voila, it became DOMLNUS. By the way, anyone can do this if they have Word, and maybe other text editors have a similar function.

Now that you come to mention it, there's another way to highlight the disguised letters:

Change the font to monospace, and the differences will jump out at you. Assuming you're using a PC, that is. Don't know if it's that simple on a tablet or smartphone.

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Reply #57 on: June 20, 2022, 09:18:46 AM
Or we could just stop caring. He’s had way more than his allotted 15 minutes.

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #58 on: June 20, 2022, 09:40:05 AM
You forget we can cut and paste your messages Assbottle, or should  I say Stuart?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2022, 01:40:23 AM by Pornhubby »

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Reply #59 on: June 21, 2022, 01:38:18 AM
Dear Assbottle, A$mode, dominus, DOMINUS,  Creepy, recaha (“a reach”), and a few others.

The primary directive of KB, established in 2007 by Grm himself, is that “no threatening or intimidating behavior will be tolerated. “

This is the second time in a week that you have used a handgun analogy, with graphics, directed at me. And I find this PM you sent me overnight (my time) to be the most singularly threatening and inappropriate communication I have ever received here, in 14 years on this board.

I take this as an implied threat of physical violence, which is the definition of assault. Causing a harmful apprehension.

And I’m putting this out there, so everybody else on the board can see your colors, and understand what they’re dealing with when you stalk them, and spam them, and PM them, and all the other stuff that you do.

I request the administrators and moderators to take action. If they refuse to, it is likely because I don’t have a pussy. Because if you sent something like this to Shiela, you would be out of this place so fast, you wouldn’t even know what hit you.  But because I have a penis, maybe you’re safe.

Don’t forget who you’re dealing with. I’m a Texan. We wrote the book on gun violence. I’m an attorney. You don’t have any reason to make an enemy out of me. But you’re doing it. I take threats seriously. I have won more bar fights than bars you have ever been inside.



 :D :D

Saddle up, old man  8)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2022, 02:45:18 AM by Pornhubby »

”You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.  You can swear and curse the fates.  But when it comes to the end, you have to let go.” — The Curious Case of Benjamin Button