Texas: First State in the Country to Make Buying Sex a Felony Crime
Of course, the attitude towards johns, and the commercial sex industry, is very different in Texas than it is in either Nevada or Mexico. Anyone seeking to buy sex anywhere in the Lone Star State has always risked arrest, because any aspect of prostitution is illegal in Texas.
However, very soon things will become much more serious for johns who are caught by law enforcement because a new law becomes effective that re-defines the act of soliciting prostitution as a serious felony even if it is the customer’s first offense. For more, read “Texas becomes first state to ‘punish sex buyers with felonies’ written by Art Benavidez.
Personally, I feel that picking up a street walker is risky in several ways, but some guys don't mind the risk.
Now, it will be a felony. Likewise, guy is at the strip club and he gets caught by a vice officer with a certain body part in a stripper's mouth, how does he defend it? "oops, it just fell in there?"
"Umm, she volunteered to do it for free?"
Or, my favorite...
So, a guy is in a marriage that lacks in affection (and this happens more often than people think). Wife says "Honey, I'll be available Friday AND Saturday night, but you have to pay for an expensive addition to the house." Where are the vice officers then? Huh?
Texas was one of the last states to outlaw "sodomy" and it took a Supreme Court case (police broke into a hotel room where two adult gay men were having consensual sex.
These guys were arrested and actually prosecuted) to kill the law. Sex is the most powerful drive people have, besides the need to eat. Now, Texas will be adding to the list of people who will end up on the sex offender registry. Law makers say the need for the law is to stop trafficking of humans. Go to YouTube, use the search function, and type in Bissonet street walkers. The guy that makes the videos also shows the undercover cars that the cops in Houston use.
Breathing is also a primary need-let's make that a felony as well.