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Backlash Beginning Against Georgia's Jim Crow Voting Law

msslave · 679

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Major League Baseball is pulling the All-Star game from Georgia after their legislature passed a new law to restrict voters access to the polls.

This is the first financial blow since the Governor signed the new law. The CEOs of both Delta Airlines and Coca Cola have criticized the law too. Both corporations are based in Georgia.

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Offline Dudester

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Reply #1 on: April 03, 2021, 06:56:31 AM
And Biden endorses these moves. Think he helped the dems in the next election?

Offline Lois

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Reply #2 on: April 05, 2021, 08:23:47 PM
What Georgia has done makes me ill.  They are not even trying to hide the motivation behind this new law.  How many people here that are not black have ever had to wit in line to vote?  In Georgia, Alabama, and other states if you are black it is common to wait in line for two hours or more, and you don't automatically  get excused from work to vote either.  The new law allows Georgia to cut the number of polling places where ever they want so there will be even longer lines, and you can't even bring people waiting in line water or you can be arrested!

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Reply #3 on: April 06, 2021, 03:13:48 PM
By MLB pulling the All-Star game out of Atlanta and the state of Georgia, who are they actually hurting?  Many of the vendors and suppliers are minority owned so now they will not reap the rewards of Atlanta hosting the game. I think a better way would be to have MLB and the players post public service announcements to the fact they disagree with the new voting laws. Why hurt those who just want to make a buck? 

Now there is a scramble among governors of states that have major league baseball teams to entice the MLB to move the All Star game to their state. Seems to me that it is MLB who stands to make money on this.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #4 on: April 06, 2021, 04:53:38 PM
MLB moved the All Star game to Colorado.  This was done because many All Stars said they would not go if the game was held in Atlanta, Georgia.  MLB realized this would be a disaster and moved the game.  So it seems to me it was a business decision.


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Reply #5 on: April 06, 2021, 05:19:27 PM
Now the Republicans are threatening to organize a boycott and higher taxation against any corporation that objects to voter suppression. And they call it “cancel culture”… SMH

Offline joan1984

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Reply #6 on: April 06, 2021, 06:59:25 PM
  Georgia's Legislature took control, from what had been a out of control mix of non Legislators, which peaked with the bizarre rules of the 2020 Elections.

  The Legislature is the body that is designated specifically in the US Constitution as the one responsible in each State, to decide and write rules, and details about that State's Elections, at least as regards National Office Elections.

  The election details, using Covid as the excuse, have been usurped by others, using the Courts in many cases, and local or State administrators to alter the intent, and letter of the State Legislature(s), not only in Georgia, and it is about time State legislators took back control, and set common sense conditions for all Elections.

  The cabal of National Democrats, in Congress and the White House, and syncophant Main stream Media, are making such a fuss with the Media behind the takeover of the power to usurp the Consititution regarding The Vote, in hopes of sending a shot across the bow of OTHER STATES LEGISLATORS, who SHOULD be taking note, and following suit with Georgia in this regard, and Georgia should have done this last year, when it may have truly mattered.

  The details in the Georgia Legislation, now Georgia LAW, have been lied about by the Democrat National politicians, and by Media across the board, and the new LAW sets Standards for how to properly handle all Elections there that are reasonable, and more liberal now, than at any time in Georgia's History.

  The State of Georgia never had "Drop Box" voting AT ALL, until non-Legislators, using local orders, Emergency Orders by Administrators, and the Courts, imposed DropBox and other rules for the 2020 Elections.  The new Law allows DropBox Collection of the Ballots, with Legislature Written Uniform Details in Law for the first time, as to where and how many, and supervision of same.  One would not know this to hear News comments and coverage.

  Same with Political Party or Politicians providing food and drink for prospective voters at Polling Places. Such behavior is proscribed, restricted in general as what it is, which is Electioneering, and as it should be.  The new LAW demands that WATER be made available for all those in line at Polling Places, State Wide, for the first time in Georgia's State History...

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Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #7 on: April 06, 2021, 07:00:11 PM

By MLB pulling the All-Star game out of Atlanta and the state of Georgia, who are they actually hurting?  Many of the vendors and suppliers are minority owned so now they will not reap the rewards of Atlanta hosting the game. I think a better way would be to have MLB and the players post public service announcements to the fact they disagree with the new voting laws. Why hurt those who just want to make a buck? 

Now there is a scramble among governors of states that have major league baseball teams to entice the MLB to move the All Star game to their state. Seems to me that it is MLB who stands to make money on this.

With all due respect, do you honestly believe that players tweeting PSAs will affect any type of substantial change? Players have been tweeting civil rights messages since the day Twitter first launched, with very minimal effect. This type of boycott can be highly effective -- especially if its the first salvo in a nationwide war.

The MLB will make money regardless of where the game is played. While it's true that MLB reacted, rather than acted, they won't lose a penny, and it makes the multi-millionaire owners look like the good guys.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #8 on: April 07, 2021, 02:24:23 AM
McConnell on corporate influence in our elections:  "It's called Freedom of Speech!"

McConnell on corporate protesting of Jim Crow Laws:  "Corporations should stay out of politics!"

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Reply #9 on: April 07, 2021, 09:13:10 PM

By MLB pulling the All-Star game out of Atlanta and the state of Georgia, who are they actually hurting?  Many of the vendors and suppliers are minority owned so now they will not reap the rewards of Atlanta hosting the game. I think a better way would be to have MLB and the players post public service announcements to the fact they disagree with the new voting laws. Why hurt those who just want to make a buck? 

Now there is a scramble among governors of states that have major league baseball teams to entice the MLB to move the All Star game to their state. Seems to me that it is MLB who stands to make money on this.

With all due respect, do you honestly believe that players tweeting PSAs will affect any type of substantial change? Players have been tweeting civil rights messages since the day Twitter first launched, with very minimal effect. This type of boycott can be highly effective -- especially if its the first salvo in a nationwide war.

The MLB will make money regardless of where the game is played. While it's true that MLB reacted, rather than acted, they won't lose a penny, and it makes the multi-millionaire owners look like the good guys.

Probably not. Most of the fans who support baseball, or any professional sport team, really has nothing in common with most of the highly paid athletes, though athletes, a form of entertainer, will be listened to by more people then a scientist or other professional will.

Surprising that the President on down has not called for the Masters golf tournament, to start tomorrow,  to play in another state.

As for this whole thing being about money - it is always about money. Only Atlanta will lose an estimated $100 million dollars. Who wins?

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