******October 11th******
"With the invention of the mirror came the new practice of 'scrying', the art of looking into a mirror & divining information about matters. 'Scryers' were much sought in Elizabethan & Jacobean times, & a relic of the practice survives in the crystal call gazers of fairgrounds & holiday resorts. Dr. John Dee, whose interests spanned science, mathematics, astrology & magic, was perhaps the most famous of these diviners & it was claimed that he uncovered the existence of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 by scrying. One of the most common applications of such mirror divinings was the seeking out of Witches. Those fearful of Witchcraft also purchased small 'witch-balls' of reflective glass, which was reputed to ward off sorcerers, & mirrors were credited with the power to deflect the Evil Eye, a notion that led to the fad for wearing hats decorated with small mirrors. Witches themselves are said to favor mirrors framed on just 3 sides, as these enable them to see over immense distances."
« Last Edit: September 25, 2021, 08:52:28 AM by GEMINIGUY »
"If it's good enough for the Gemini Guys
Then it's good enough for me" - Adam Ant