Not much has been said about SCOTUS nominee Barrett’s membership in the “People of Praise” church, in which Pentecostal religious experiences such as baptism in the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues (babbling a personal spiritual language), and prophecy (literally speaking for God), are practiced. She is being soft-pedaled as a Catholic. She is not Roman Catholic. People of Praise call themselves Charismatic Catholics, which is very different. Self-described as an “intentional (closed) community,” former members have described People of Praise as “a cult,” in which women are totally subjugated by men. See Boston Globe quotes below.
It’s hard to explain, if you haven’t lived in such a church before. I did, for six years. Judge Barrett literally believes that God can transcend her mind, and she can open her mouth, and channel God’s direct words to others (“Yeah my son I say unto you...”). She also believes that the Holy Spirit can overcome her body, and she will open her mouth and speak “glossolalia“ which sounds like babbling. But to her, it is a “spiritual language“ given by God.
I’m not condemning Pentecostalism. And I am a dedicated believer in religious freedom. But I really don’t want a person on the highest court who believes they get secret conversational messages directly from God on a daily basis. Other frequent characteristics of Pentecostalism include the belief in demonic possession, angels, laying on hands for healing, the rapture, and the 2nd coming of Christ in our lifetime. Of course to get to that last one, you must have Armageddon first... the end of the world, the Anti-Christ, 666, etc. They are absolutely excited by these ideas, and welcome them.
Trump threw the religious right a bone to energize that political base. She’ll only be one of 9 Justices, but given her religious extremism, and pronounced disregard for stare decisis (judicial precedent), Trump might as well have thrown a hand grenade at the bench. He did.
The GOP doesn’t want a SCOTUS nominee being asked about speaking in tongues and casting out demons on TV. But then again, it’s 2020...