Trump promised to bring the National debt down in four years, he’s increase it , he promised to win an easy trade war with China, he hasn’t, he promised Mexico would pay for the wall , they won’t, he promised to bring back coal, he hasn’t, he said that North Korea would give up their nuclear weapons, they haven’t, he promised that “Carrier “wouldn’t move to Mexico, they did , he said that a healthy stock market reflects a healthy economy, it doesn’t,he promised to bring fresh water to flint, he hasn’t. He said he wouldn’t have time for golf, he did,he promised to bring down the prices of pharmaceuticals, he couldn’t,.He promised more people will have healthcare,they don’t... He promised to show his tax returns , he was to embarrassed to .....He promised to bring back jobs,22 million people are now unemployed.he promised that Europe would pay more into NATO ,they’re not,He told the American people that the covid 19 virus was a hoax and would disappear in April , it hasn’t, He promised to give working families tax cuts , he lied,but he did promise to give his donors a tax break , which he did..When will the winning stop .