After a month of staying home watching my city burn, I finally went back to my favorite wildlife refuge in Wisconsin. Here's a few of the pics I captured.
A Trumpeter Swan showing off it's huge wing span. Actually this one was calmly feeding on the lake bottom when another swan came up behind it and tapped it's butt. Displeasure at the interruption was shown.
A Yellow Headed Blackbird...haven't seen one of these guys for a few years. Usually I'd find them perched on a cattail. For some reason this one was working the ground. Kept hopping from the road to the grass back and forth for quite awhile before flying away.
Some nice Water Lily's were in bloom near where I was shooting the above bird. So, here's a flower for the ladies.
This pair of Sand Hill Cranes stayed grounded while I snapped away. Usually they fly when a car come close. I was hoping maybe they were not flying because they had a colt (chick) near by. I've never gotten a picture of a colt and only seen one once, but it disappeared before I could raise the camera.
If these guys had one, they were keeping it hidden in the grass.
Thanks for viewing.