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Have you been made to feel like you have something to prove to others?

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I have, and I am sick of it.  No doubt it has caused me to act out in all sorts of ridiculous ways and make a complete fool of myself.  I admit it, yes.  Because I don't think I should have to respond to the behavior of others rationally.  They don't deserve it.

I have nothing to prove to anyone.  I had nothing to prove to anyone when I was eight years old or sixteen or twenty-one or thirty-five, forty-five, etc. except my wife and kids.. when you get married you make promises, when you have kids you make even bigger promises...  I owe my employer a good day's work.  But there it ends.  My duty ends with my responsibilities.

Outside of the people in my life, the people that I love, I owe nothing, and I certainly have nothing to prove.

So why is it that so many people expect you to prove something?  Maybe because their lives are so shallow and empty.  I keep trying to comfort myself with that thought, the same way I tried to comfort myself as a child by realizing that the kids who bullied me were more miserable than me and it doesn't help at all.