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Coronavirus, The plague has arrived

Jed_ · 62332

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Reply #1180 on: October 18, 2020, 09:58:56 AM
Was at the airport in the evening picking up the mother-in-law.  What a desolate place that has become.  She went to Peru to avoid the winter here and was supposed to come back in April.  Several canceled flights later she arrives back home 6 months late, just in time for winter.

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Reply #1181 on: October 18, 2020, 06:30:20 PM
Was at the airport in the evening picking up the mother-in-law.  What a desolate place that has become.  She went to Peru to avoid the winter here and was supposed to come back in April.  Several canceled flights later she arrives back home 6 months late, just in time for winter.

Yes, the airport's curbside pickup and dropoff areas are so different.  I expect a tumble weed to come blowing through my last few times there.   It's not at all like it was preCovid.   At Detroit Metro it might have taken 15 minutes just to get through the traffic backup leading into those areas.   Now it's as easy as driving right in at the speed limit, drop/pickup your party, and on your way.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)

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Reply #1182 on: October 18, 2020, 07:03:22 PM
Was at the airport in the evening picking up the mother-in-law.  What a desolate place that has become.  She went to Peru to avoid the winter here and was supposed to come back in April.  Several canceled flights later she arrives back home 6 months late, just in time for winter.

Yes, the airport's curbside pickup and dropoff areas are so different.  I expect a tumble weed to come blowing through my last few times there.   It's not at all like it was preCovid.   At Detroit Metro it might have taken 15 minutes just to get through the traffic backup leading into those areas.   Now it's as easy as driving right in at the speed limit, drop/pickup your party, and on your way.

Due to overseeing some landscaping on the property yesterday, I walked way too much on my post-surgery ankle.  So it was a relief to park so close to international arrivals and not have to limp so far.

Offline Lois

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Reply #1183 on: October 18, 2020, 07:06:15 PM
Sorry for the re-post, but it is particularly relevent here:

While I don't believe COVID was developed as a bio weapon, who could have made one more perfect?

It's not the flu -- we know how to make vaccines for the flu.   Instead it's a Corona Virus which we have not previously found a need to develop a vaccine against.

The mortality rate is not particularly high when compared to historical plagues like the black death or smallpox, or even more modern ones like Ebola, but it is higher than the flu which is concerning.

The scariest thing about COVID-19 is that it is far more contagious than the flu, and for those that catch it there is a 19% possibility that they will be disabled for a long time if not for life.  This represents a serious economic drain in terms of care & lost productivity.

So think on it.  A bio-weapon does not have to kill to be effective; just produce lots of casualties that will be a drain on our economy for a long time.

The reason I don't believe it is a bio-weapon is that it is attacking every nation on earth.  No one is immune.  It would be stupid for any nation to develop such weapon without having first developed a vaccine.

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Reply #1184 on: October 18, 2020, 07:12:12 PM
Not sure we really know the lethality.  If you remove active infections with no outcome yet and look strictly at deaths vs. recovered, it looks more like 4% not 1%.

And I said recovered, not fully recovered.  We may never know how many lives were cut short by this.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 07:16:59 PM by Jed_ »

Offline Lois

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Reply #1185 on: October 18, 2020, 07:48:42 PM
I think it is just assuming a 1% mortality.  But mortality isnt really the issue in my last post, the casualties are.


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Reply #1186 on: October 26, 2020, 06:24:19 AM
Trump’s chief of staff says, ‘We’re not going to control the pandemic.’

Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, falsely said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it was futile to try to control the coronavirus.

Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, said on Sunday that the United States was not going to control the spread of the coronavirus, which has killed more than 225,000 Americans and is surging across the country.

“We’re not going to control the pandemic,” Mr. Meadows said on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked about the lack of mask wearing at President Trump’s campaign events. “We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigations.”

Face masks can significantly reduce coronavirus transmission, and wearing them is one of the most basic precautions public health experts recommend while scientists work to develop a vaccine and better treatments. But Mr. Trump and his aides have repeatedly laid out a false choice, implying that the only two options are to flout public health guidelines as he has, or to “lock everybody down” and “quarantine all of America,” as Mr. Meadows put it on Sunday.

Democrats responded quickly to Mr. Meadows’s comments, saying they showed that the Trump administration was not even trying to slow transmission of the virus.

“They’ve given up on their basic duty to protect the American people,” former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic nominee for president, said in a statement. “This wasn’t a slip by Meadows. It was a candid acknowledgment of what President Trump’s strategy has clearly been from the beginning of this crisis: to wave the white flag of defeat and hope that by ignoring it, the virus would simply go away. It hasn’t, and it won’t.”

Infections have surged across the United States since the beginning of October, when Mr. Trump announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus and it became clear that there was an outbreak in the White House. There now appears to be a second outbreak among aides to Vice President Mike Pence, and on Friday the country set a single-day record for new confirmed cases.

Despite this, an ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday found that Republicans were less likely to be concerned about the virus now than they were at the beginning of the month. Sixty percent of Republicans said they were concerned that they or someone they knew would be infected, compared with 70 percent who said the same in an ABC/Ipsos poll in early October.

Democrats moved in the opposite direction: 96 percent said they were somewhat or very concerned, up from 86 percent.

Mr. Pence is continuing to travel for campaign events even though he was in close contact with his chief of staff, Marc Short, who tested positive. Mr. Meadows defended that decision on Sunday by claiming the vice president was performing “essential” duties that exempted him from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance to quarantine after exposure to the virus.

The C.D.C. guidelines allow “critical infrastructure workers” to continue working after an exposure if they are asymptomatic. But campaigning is not essential work, and Mr. Meadows did not identify the ostensibly essential activities he said Mr. Pence would be performing.

The guidelines also state that a critical worker who has been exposed should “wear a face mask at all times,” which neither Mr. Pence nor others in the Trump administration have done

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Reply #1187 on: October 26, 2020, 03:14:34 PM
To the west of us, the Dakota's both have highest per capita rates of Covid-19 infection. Yet state leadership still refuse to take precautions such as wearing masks and avoiding crowds.

North Dakota received 1.25 billion dollars to fight the virus. It was reported by our local paper that the state has diverted millions to other purposes. Sixteen million was given to oil companies to help with fracking of oil wells. Other Covid money went to the education department, law enforcement and economic development.

Well trained and been made my cat Neville

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Reply #1188 on: October 27, 2020, 12:25:19 AM
Total cases 27,527  Reported yesterday: +7
New cases (14 days)  13–26 Oct: +241
Deaths  905  Reported yesterday: +0

United States
Total cases  8,744,263
New cases (14 days)  12–25 Oct: +887,367
Deaths  225,386

Its times like this that I am happy to be an Aussie....most of the rest of the world seems to be in chaos with nothing positive on the horizon.. :'( :-*

Australian Kissing.....just like the French - but done "Down Under"...

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Reply #1189 on: October 27, 2020, 02:12:56 AM
As much as one may not be a supporter of the Government, one has to admit they "got it right". They put us into total lockdown for a few weeks and then the States managed their own exit based on "new case" experience. All international travelers were "herded" into quarantine at Government controlled hotels for a mandatory 14 days....and the tracking system we had in place has been able to help the authorities keep things under much so that, last weekend we were qibla to have Football Grand finals with crowds of 30,000 and 40,000 in attendance :D 8) 

Australian Kissing.....just like the French - but done "Down Under"...

Offline joan1984

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Reply #1190 on: October 27, 2020, 02:39:51 AM
  In about 8 days, the media response to the Covid 19 Pandemic, will shift to whatever the Story of the Day may be that day, I will predict.

  The agenda driven media response will have no further purpose after the November 3, 2020 Election Day results are known, and the gaggle of weasels will go back to whatever they were doing prior to the 2016 Election Day results, I expect.

  JoE Biden, should he be Elected on November 3, will focus remaining days, months and years on whatever he usually does all day, with one eye looking over his shoulder at his "supporters", especially watching the activity of his Vice President, and the Speaker of the House, as he may carry out activities of his Office.

  Donald J. Trump, should he be Elected on November 3, will be a Lame Duck in that he may no longer seek the Office, and will continue to get some residual poor Press coverage, akin to the negative Press coverage of the entire First Term, and will shed such coverage, as he has had to the past 4 years, while he continues the fight, doing the right things, as he sees it, to rebuild the Nation's Economy, and make the changes as needed to Federal Regulations to expedite such Economic successes.

  Democrats will be licking wounds, then moving on to the next Target, in State 2021 Elections, and continuing their efforts to electy leftists in State and Federal Elections in 2022, and 2024.

  Covid 19 will rightly join with Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and the various other causes of death in our society, as we learn to treat those who cross it's path, with the Vaccines and treatments as may be available at the time of treatment. No political gain from dishing up the fear and chaos each morning to lead the "News" of the day.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Jed_

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Reply #1191 on: October 27, 2020, 03:07:20 AM
 In about 8 days, the media response to the Covid 19 Pandemic, will shift to whatever the Story of the Day may be that day, I will predict.

The news after Nov 3 will be dominated by Trump’s loss and his refusal to accept it, so yes the ongoing pandemic will take a back seat to covering Trump going through steps 1 through 4 of the 5 stages of grief simultaneously, and never reaching stage 5 of acceptance.

Meanwhile, the pandemic will even further accelerate as the dark winter described by Biden deepens during Trump’s lame duck scorched earth hissy fit.  Covid will be front and center again once Trump finally becomes boring.

I’m so very looking forward to a President that does not wave the white flag of inept surrender to this pandemic and takes real action.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2020, 02:11:33 PM by Jed_ »

Offline purpleshoes

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Reply #1192 on: October 27, 2020, 01:31:49 PM
And unto the earth came the pandemic.

posted on Instagram by thegoodquote

One can only hope
« Last Edit: October 31, 2020, 02:48:45 PM by purpleshoes »

Offline Jed_

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Reply #1193 on: October 31, 2020, 10:00:25 PM
Was driving today and happened to see a friend outside his house and stopped to talk.  I haven’t seen the group of guys I sometimes hang with since probably Feb, him even longer.  I figured he’d be more up on how everyone is doing than me, so I asked if anyone we know got COVID-19.  Seems one guy had a mild heart attack, didn’t know it, just had been feeling tired; he tested negative for COVID.  He needs surgery.

Only one person among this extended group of 20+ guys got COVID.  In retrospect I should have thought about him being at high risk considering his job.  He works in the middle of a superspreader place, The White House.  His job there is apolitical, security related.

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Reply #1195 on: November 03, 2020, 01:22:30 PM
Don't tell me there are no superheroes. Not when there are so many single parents doing whatever it takes to hold it together during a pandemic.

If you're a single parent keeping food on the table, coping with distance learning and keeping your family safe, you're my hero. Have faith, this too shall pass.

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Reply #1196 on: November 03, 2020, 03:21:27 PM
Don't tell me there are no superheroes. Not when there are so many single parents doing whatever it takes to hold it together during a pandemic.

If you're a single parent keeping food on the table, coping with distance learning and keeping your family safe, you're my hero. Have faith, this too shall pass.

A great big WOO!

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.

Offline Lois

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Reply #1197 on: November 03, 2020, 03:49:12 PM
We are currently at 230,383 deaths to covid. (451 deaths added today)

It's still climbing the charts with a bullet.  For those that have said the fatality rate from COVID is about the same as the Flu, check the data below.

Heart disease: 655,381
Cancer: 599,274
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 167,127
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 159,486
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 147,810
Alzheimer’s disease: 122,019
Diabetes: 84,946
Influenza and pneumonia: 59,120
« Last Edit: November 03, 2020, 03:52:38 PM by Lois »

Offline joan1984

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Reply #1198 on: November 03, 2020, 07:22:23 PM
Past 5 years, would be over 300,000 deaths to Flu/Pheumonia,
versus Covid for past 5 year death count, that we know about.

Is that what you are saying? So Obama Flu/Pheumonia deaths
were about 59,000 x 8, or 480,000 deaths? Hmmm...

Lots of dead folks, however one counts the chickens...

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #1199 on: November 03, 2020, 07:46:57 PM
Past 5 years, would be over 300,000 deaths to Flu/Pheumonia,
versus Covid for past 5 year death count, that we know about.

Is that what you are saying? So Obama Flu/Pheumonia deaths
were about 59,000 x 8, or 480,000 deaths? Hmmm...

Lots of dead folks, however one counts the chickens...

It’s an 8 month death count for Covid-19.  Using your false logic (and formula), that would be 1,725,000 deaths, over five years.  But don’t worry Einstein, your dictator says it’s all fake news that will go away tomorrow, once the election is behind us.  Drink some Clorox at midnight.