Citriodiol sprays were made available to the British army in the early phases of the Covid-19 crisis because they were known to kill other strains of coronavirus such as Sars.
The defence secretary, Ben Wallace, said they were issued on the basis that they would do no harm and could form an additional layer of protection. It is not known how many soldiers have used the spray.
Jeremy Quin, a junior defence minister, said the research found that sprays containing Citriodiol “can kill the virus”.
DSTL was more cautious. In the key test, the lab said there was “some loss of recoverable virus” on synthetic latex skin an hour after it had been treated with Mosi-guard. However, some virus was still recoverable over a four-hour period.
It is unclear whether the spray would make any practical difference beyond frequent hand-washing and the use of alcohol-based hand sanitisers and personal protective equipment in insulating against the virus.