Ironman-hahaha “I know your going to say...”. That’s funny there sweetheart.
So stay home. You can get hit by a car on your first day back to work as well. You cross a street in crosswalks right? Well when you are out and about jogging or walking your dog or even working you would adhere to certain things to keep yourself safe suck as keeping distance from people or wearing a mask or washing your hands and not touching your face.
At what point does what we are doing become worse than the virus?
Yeah I do follow certain guidelines, rules, and laws when I'm out and about sugarplum, but if some jackass hits me because he's drinking and driving. All the things I do to stay safe don't mean shit.
This lockdown keeps that drunk driver off the road. In otherwords, the idiot who think this is a hoax and they can't get trumps cock out of the mouth, doesn't care about my rules. I don't have medical grade PPE like those in the medical field. I can't go scrub my hands after every single interaction. There are people out there that are literally spitting on others as a way to scare them.
So if my work opens up and I'm told to come back too soon, Looks like it's either risk it or get fired. They are extending this for the safety of the people. Trump wants to rush re opening because all the stock and employment improvements he's been bragging about just went fuck all. He doesn't give a royal flying fuck about the American people. He cares about a reputation that he can tweer about and a fat fucking bank acount. If you can't see that then you must have gotten brian damage from hitting your head on the headboard while Trump fucked you hard