Native Americans would gorge themselves in time of plenty as preparation for times when food was hard to find. I tell myself that’s what’s going on with me to justify why it’s OK I’m getting so fat.
Not positive, but pretty sure Native Americans didn't have six packs of beer or fried food when they gorged themselves. Not saying that is what you are gorging on. They did eat till their stomachs were full when the food was there.
BTW - how is your ankle/leg doing?
Pre-dinner, those 6 beers. Dinner: Lamb chops, leftover fried chicken, baked potato with sour cream and chives, chickpea flour battered onion rings broccoli and cauliflower, Caesar salad with lettuce and kale all washed down with a Côtes du Rhône red. Dessert: large slice of banana bread slathered with peanut butter and a large glass of bourbon.
Yes, I’m getting fat in quarantine.
I saw the doc on Tuesday about my ankle. We’re waiting for some RA tests to come back, but we all don’t think RA is the problem. Elective surgery can’t happen anytime soon for obvious reasons, so I suggested June, and he seemed to think that was reasonable. I want to be hiking this fall.