The 15 Day distancing, stay home to break the cycle, will be up soon. The Malaria+generic Rx drug test in New York State supposedly began yesterday, and if positive results are shown, as have been reported in other anecdotal reports, positive signs should be evident in days, so later this week for sure.
The President is reviewing Medical input from many sources, including the ones on the Corona Virus Task Force, and he is responsible to review, and determine the health of the U.S. Economy as well, and so it is not surprising all options are on the table, in addition to the current '15 day cycle breaker' in place today.
Business cannot sustain retention and pay of employees, without production and sale recovery for very long. Purchase of ongoing inventory alone requires the day to day decision making of business owners about sustaining the business at all, as their costs continue to mount.
I would hope our Executive Administration is working very hard to bring up to date information to the planning for continuing to Keep America Great, in the very practical sense of getting back to work with healthy employees, as any with health issues take the time needed to recover fully, so we keep a healthy workplace, and allow our Economy to bounce back against this Virus earliest.
All of our futures is at risk, and we all need to be helping the US to recovery.