In about 8 days, the media response to the Covid 19 Pandemic, will shift to whatever the Story of the Day may be that day, I will predict.
The agenda driven media response will have no further purpose after the November 3, 2020 Election Day results are known, and the gaggle of weasels will go back to whatever they were doing prior to the 2016 Election Day results, I expect.
JoE Biden, should he be Elected on November 3, will focus remaining days, months and years on whatever he usually does all day, with one eye looking over his shoulder at his "supporters", especially watching the activity of his Vice President, and the Speaker of the House, as he may carry out activities of his Office.
Donald J. Trump, should he be Elected on November 3, will be a Lame Duck in that he may no longer seek the Office, and will continue to get some residual poor Press coverage, akin to the negative Press coverage of the entire First Term, and will shed such coverage, as he has had to the past 4 years, while he continues the fight, doing the right things, as he sees it, to rebuild the Nation's Economy, and make the changes as needed to Federal Regulations to expedite such Economic successes.
Democrats will be licking wounds, then moving on to the next Target, in State 2021 Elections, and continuing their efforts to electy leftists in State and Federal Elections in 2022, and 2024.
Covid 19 will rightly join with Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and the various other causes of death in our society, as we learn to treat those who cross it's path, with the Vaccines and treatments as may be available at the time of treatment. No political gain from dishing up the fear and chaos each morning to lead the "News" of the day.