It would seem to me that to be a true non-conformist these days, one would have to walk through an angry mob with a target on his back.
That was always the case. Also, a "True nonconformist." That's a contradiction like an Unpopular President. If he was unpopular, he wouldn't have won the popular vote...
An unpopular first lady, now that actually happened. There's different kinds of conformity, and therefore also non-conformity. There's your Heretic, or Iconoclast who attacks cherished beliefs, and institutions, right or wrong. That's the critical difference, is it right, or wrong? You're not judged by whether you're conforming by everyone. Some people think that's "Cool," and others -let's call them Conservatives- get triggered when someone deviates from the norm.
That's another term for a non-conformist, a "Deviant." That's being judged by your Deviancy, and not whether it's right, or wrong. If you're disrespectful of other people's feelings, then people are going to get hurt, and that's pretty much never been cool.
A political example of Iconoclasty would be your garden variety Anarchist, who's against the State, and Statists, because they're the state, and statists (Whom they see as Conformist.) However, there are also sub-classes of Anarchist. For instance Anarcho-Capitalists who just want to keep the Money, but don't want to pay Taxes. One way to look at them is that they see Taxes as wrong, and therefore resent the government that collects them, however this is with a Reason (Even if an unreasonable reason) It's not just non-conformity for it's own sake, before it was cool, but against the specific thing they see wrong in the hegemony.
I can go on, but that pisses people off.