Within the margin of error. Most Republican voters, 90% or so, like the success of President Trump. Like 'the cut of his jib', however you wish to phrase it, they know Trump has America in mind, America First, and others not so much...
Whether Weld, or Romney, or other 'Never Trumpers', MSM (mainstream media), who cares what those RINOs and Democrats think? Are they selling a new book, maybe...
Those folks voted for Hillary, so they claimed, prior to the 2016 election.
They lost, and have never accepted that loss. The coup is alive and well...
So much for 'the peaceful transfer of power', 'eh... the past 3 years, is amazing President Trump still wants the Office at all. Then, he likes to WIN, is true.
The point was to answer Lois as to why there are few Republican Primary stories and the answer is, because there is no demand to oust President Trump by the vast majority of Republican voters.
Will there be a challenger, or three, in one, or two or whatever States, likely.
No one, other than Democrats and Media, but I am being redundant, and RINO Hillary voters from 2016, is searching for a different 2020 Republican Nominee.
It is just a practical issue, not saying everyone loves this President, or agrees about the style and details of how he handles social media... WHO would fund such likely losers in an expensive Primary Campaign, but Never Trump losers , and the deep state, chamber of commerce, cheap illegal alien labor, never America First, weasels. I suppose it could happen.
Some will cheer. We will see what happens, who will fund them, and why...
Let them choose Wang, or Ole Joe, or Fauxcahontas, or Booker, or any of the wannabe's who are left standing, demanding solar airplanes and Vegan diets, and pushing plans to spend $17,000,000,000 on wasted, impractical efforts to appease their supposed leftist majority.
Let them believe they could see on Day One or Day 100, depends on the day and the claim, and the city they are speaking in, that 95% of all college debt will be paid for, and Daycare for all, and Great Union Jobs for all, and no border anywhere, and all the world's refugees will be renting out their basement...
Oh, and door to door gun confiscation will be the new reality... by Executive Order or Authority... yep, that's the ticket... all you need to do is believe...
Feel the Bern!
Just sayin'...