I'm not sure what the challenge is here. To find a day when the News wasn't reported in Florida? It's Florida, the state of Florida. Thye have News every day, and due to particularly lax journalism laws, they can read 9-11 transripts to find wierd stories. That's it, that's all it is, the Weekly World News was from Florida, and if a man sticks peanut-butter in his penis, then someone is going to hear about it.
Florida Man kills himself, his room mate, and his dog in triple suicide.I know, maybe the challenge is to see who'll give up their Birthday online! I am a violently oppressed minority. There are people who would just love to come to my house, and beat me to death for Jesus. I don't give away personal information on the internet.
Also, why isn't this in Fun&Games? Where's the argument here? It's not controvercial, it's all fun&games.