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A Truthful Democrat

joan1984 · 356

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on: May 27, 2019, 04:08:26 PM
One truthful Democrat emerges
to call out party’s ‘delusions’

by Michael Goodwin

Dems should drop anti-Trump platform and become a genuine party

Bob Kerrey, the former Nebraska senator and governor, was always one of my favorite politicians in part because his politics weren’t perfectly polished.

Among other free-wheeling moments, he called fellow Democrat Bill Clinton an “uncommonly good liar” and said a requirement for becoming president is that you must “want it more than life itself.”

Kerrey moved on to academia and now to an investment bank, but hasn’t lost the willingness to break ranks with his party. The habit surfaces in a withering criticism of current Democrats, in which he says they are suffering from two major “delusions.”

“The first,” he writes in an op-ed in the Omaha World-Herald, “is that Americans long for a president who will ask us to pay more for the pleasure of increasing the role of the federal government in our lives.”

He cites as examples the foolish push for the Green New Deal, wealth taxes and Medicare-for-all, all of which are being embraced by 2020 candidates.

The Dems’ second delusion, he says, “is that Americans were robbed of the truth when Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and Attorney General William Barr concluded that President Trump did not collude with Russia in 2016.” He goes on to say there is no reason to think the full report will change the finding that Trump is an innocent man.

Those are remarkable observations — but Kerrey isn’t finished. He also supports the movement to find out what the FBI was up to in 2016, and why it led the nation down the Russia rabbit hole.

“Congress needs to investigate how the Department of Justice got this one so wrong,” he writes. “If the president of the United States is vulnerable to prosecutorial abuse, then God help all the rest of us.”
Mueller found no Trump collusion with Russia, not enough evidence for obstruction: Barr
He makes several recommendations, including one that the congressional probe should be carried out by a nonpartisan commission of outsiders. He told me in a brief interview that the probe should complement, but not replace, anything Sen. Lindsey Graham does with the Judiciary Committee, or anything done by the Justice Department or its inspector general.

As he put it in the interview, he wants an independent commission because “we need something the public can trust.”

Taken together, the op-ed and his comments amount to a damning indictment of his party and Washington writ large. Who can argue?

The problem, of course, is that all leading Democrats are drinking the Kool-Aid that America is ready to embrace extreme, left-wing policies and that Mueller and Barr are covering up for Trump and Vladimir Putin.

This is the stuff of moon bats and tin-foil hats, yet if there is a major Dem in power with the courage to say so, I’ve missed it. The whole party, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi included, seems determined to hold hands and jump off a cliff.

Which is why Kerrey’s voice is so important and timely. Hopefully, other Dems will summon the courage to join him.

Much has been said about what is provoking the party’s lurch to madness, with the inordinate power of small social-media mobs and the dumbing down of college education being obvious contributors. But I remain convinced that the most comprehensive explanation for all the weird behavior is that it is a deeply misguided response to Trump.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is no joke — it is driving the opposition to make irrational and even insane statements and decisions. While some of the reaction has to do with Trump’s unorthodox conduct and habits, much of it is due to the simple fact that he has produced significant achievements for the country, something Dems never expected and can’t digest.

While success in politics usually spawns imitation, Trump’s success shocks his opponents and provokes them to behave in bizarre, self-defeating ways.

First, there is the mad-as-hell political lunacy exhibited by Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. They are obsessed with impeachment and promise to find the facts to support it any day now.

They show no desire to spend a single moment on anything else, meaning they have abdicated their day jobs. Trump is their white whale, and we know how “Moby-Dick” ended.

Nadler may delay Mueller subpoenas so Barr can 'change his mind'
Second, the policy responses are just as daffy. Take immigration, where Democrats long supported border security before suddenly opposing it.

Pelosi’s remark that walls are “immoral” stands in stark contrast to the fact that she voted for many of the 700 miles of walls that were built under previous presidents. To say they are “immoral” only ­because Trump supports them means she is willing to damage the nation because she hates the president.

Reparations are an example of a different kind. Why is support for this idea, which existed on the fringe for decades, becoming mandatory for the party’s presidential candidates?

My suspicion is that part of the explanation involves Trump’s success in driving down black unemployment to its lowest levels ever. Throw in the nascent movement among black conservatives to escape what some call the Democrats’ “plantation,” and there is real fear on the left that their near-monopolistic hold on the black vote is in jeopardy.

So, in a bid to trump Trump among black voters, Dems have decided that treating them as victims and giving them government handouts is the answer. But again, the response is self-defeating because support for such a radical and impractical proposition sets up a contrast that will favor Trump among most voters, ­including many black ones.

In political terms, 2020 is light years away. But with Mueller having spoken, and with leading Democrats trapped by their continuing delusions, the point of no return is growing closer by the day.

Putz’s ‘I give up’ tour
Like clockwork, each time New York City slides downhill, a surrender chorus declares it ungovernable. This time, the chorus is led by Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“People need to understand — even on our best day, if you’re in a city, a state, there’s only so much you can do,” he said while blaming the federal government for nearly everything wrong in the city.

Even for the Putz, this is a new low.

His comments reinforce the belief that he’s given up on his day job. Lazy, incompetent and corrupt from the start, he’s spending his short workdays traveling the nation in a quixotic quest for the presidency.

Perhaps de Blasio’s stump speech in Iowa and New Hampshire should go like this: “Sure, New York is a mess and voters there don’t like me. Make me president and I’ll do the same thing for the whole country.”

At least he would be honest.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #1 on: May 27, 2019, 05:47:07 PM
What do you want to hear?  That the concepts of Democrat, and Truth are so at odds with you, that it's unique to this 1 person?  That the Republicans have any concept of the Truth that isn't clouded by their self serving misinterpretation of the Scriptures, or that Trump is a good president?  That he doesn't weaken, humiliate, and divide his own party on a daily basis, and the Liberals are just too blinded by Hate to see past it?

You wouldn't know the truth if you tripped over your own assumptions, and face-planted in it.  You've proven that time and again, by doing just that, in pretty much every post.  Athos has tried to tell you the truth, so have I, and so have many people here.

Now, someone on the same side as the party you irrationally hate seems to be saying some of the things you want to hear, and all of a sudden this is the "Truth?"  No, you're the last person here (Possibly the second-to -last counting your's truly) anyone goes to, to point out the Truth.

You can't have that.  You don't even really want it.


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Reply #2 on: May 27, 2019, 07:06:45 PM
One truthful Ex-GOP congressman calls for impeachment, says Trump an 'illegitimate president'
By Devan Cole, CNN
Updated 10:01 PM EDT, Fri May 24, 2019

Washington (CNN) A former longtime Republican congressman called Friday for the impeachment of President Donald Trump, who he said is an "illegitimate president."

"I'm calling for impeachment now because the Mueller report is out, and in it (special counsel Robert Mueller) describes 10 obstruction of justice charges that he could not bring because of a Department of Justice rule and regulation that says you can't indict a sitting president -- that's (reason) number one," former Rep. Tom Coleman, who represented Missouri for nearly two decades, told CNN's Erin Burnett on "OutFront."

"Number two, I believe this is an illegitimate President because he welcomed help and influence from the Russians in his campaign," he said. "For example, his (campaign) chairman Paul Manafort met with a Russian intelligence asset in New York and shared with him their polling information and a strategy on how to win the Midwestern states."

Coleman continued: "It's wrong and it needs to be handled and looked at by the Congress because I believe it's an impeachable offense."

The former congressman, who also made the impeachment case Wednesday in a Kansas City Star op-ed, told Burnett he believes Trump is "dismantling our democracy every day brick-by-brick (through) his actions, his lies, his abuse of power."

In calling for Trump's impeachment, Coleman followed remarks on impeachment last weekend by GOP Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, who also cited Mueller's report.

Amash's comments recommending Congress pursue obstruction of justice charges against Trump were the first instance of a sitting Republican in Congress saying the President's conduct meets the "threshold for impeachment."

Amash, a rare GOP critic of Trump, had previously said the President's conduct in pressuring then-FBI Director James Comey could merit impeachment. In a Twitter thread on Saturday, Amash said he believed "few members of Congress even read" special counsel Robert Mueller's report and that the report itself established "multiple examples" of Trump committing obstruction of justice.

CNN's Eli Watkins and Kevin Bohn contributed to this report.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2019, 04:36:26 PM by ToeinH20 »

Offline JulesVern

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Reply #3 on: May 27, 2019, 07:20:20 PM
I just have to add this: The only thing harder to find than a truthful Democrat is a truthful Republican...  ;D