What to expect is 41 members consuming their own full time, bloviating, and attempting to convince anyone listening that they are working hard, should be returned to Office... in reality, Democrats have been conducting Mock Hearings, fine tuning their spin and sharpening their points, if not fully scripting their speeches and questions, to get the most favorable press reaction, as they make this desperate attempt to make a boring 448 page report seem interesting to those who do not, have not, will not bother to read it... the Cliff Notes is what they hope to accomplish today... who knows what Republicans will say, as the script has been written pretty much, so the questions they should be asking will not be fully addressed or answered, by agreement between Democrats and the co conspirators in the Witness chairs today.
Questions that need to be asked and answered, and will not happen:
Why, when you knew you could not charge a sitting president, did you accept the job?
When did you discover/learn that the FISA Warrants used to begin this quest to unseat a sitting President were based upon untrue and unnsubstantiated claims and not 'facts' as was stated, and therefore knew this case was not worthy of the 35 Million you spent on this investigation.
Was your discovery that you could not find/charge Obstruction, and that there was no underlying crime, made prior to the 2018 Election? If not, why not? If so, why did you not make the announcement then?
How many Clinton Campaign lawyers and contributors does it take to investigate Donald Trump? How many lawyers with NO Democrat ties were on the team?
How did you determine that the DNC Server was hacked, tampered with, if you did not ever inspect the DNC Server?
What did the FISA Judges have to say, when you told the FISA Court that the entire premise of the multiple Warrants they gave to the FBI were based on lies?, and the FBI knew it when they were presented as evidence?
More, many more, and we shall see our esteemed and less esteemed legislators present the rehearsed farce that will consume 5+ hours of CSpan
today, and the rest of the week, this coming weekend, and maybe the entire Congressional Break, in another attempt, by no means final, to attack the Office of the President...