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Any interest in a new “adult topics” forum that excludes pedo material?

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 I am just thinking out loud here. We have gone from about 40 active members to only about 10. Last month, ten people accounted for more than 2/3 of the total posts made on this forum.

I am all for free speech. At the same time, I don’t think I should have to step in dog shit every time I logon. Several of us were discussing the fact that this forum used to have a very large active membership that posted frequently throughout the day. Now are seemingly relegated to just a few things and they are not particularly interesting, at least to me.  Pedo and incest.

So is there a forum for freethinking adults that doesn’t popularize fucking children?  If not, would anyone be interested in starting one?  Hell, it could be a related forum or subforum here.

Comment away.  Or not.


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Offline Athos_131

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It would depend on who would be participating.


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Pedo discussions are not allowed outside of comments to fantasy stories, right?


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Pedo discussions are not allowed outside of comments to fantasy stories, right?

And yet they persist.  Daily.  I’m tired of reading about it, hearing about it, and thinking about it.  I put this in 1408 because it is a rant.  And what is incest?  90% of that is underaged related or themed, and that comes up daily too.

This place has changed, and not for the better.  Or maybe I have changed.  The old Aesop proverb says, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”  I think Psi let into Athos about it recently.  What’s the point in protesting pedo material while you are simultaneously posting daily on a what has become a pedo forum?

I just think how could I explain that to the state bar, or friends, or family?  “You see, you have to look in a sub forum to see that material, and I don’t look at that stuff.”  Sounds worse than Bill Clinton’s “but I didn’t inhale” defense.

So anyway.  There’s that.


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Anyone looking for a forum with only Adult content and plenty of Pics and that doesn’t have any Political threads should check out,
it might be what your looking for.

Offline Athos_131

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This place has changed, and not for the better.  Or maybe I have changed.  The old Aesop proverb says, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”  I think Psi let into Athos about it recently.  What’s the point in protesting pedo material while you are simultaneously posting daily on a what has become a pedo forum?

Instead of sideswiping me, feel free to ask me in private my motivations for posting here.

Otherwise, go jump in the lake.


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It would depend on who would be participating.



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I just think how could I explain that to the state bar, or friends, or family?  “You see, you have to look in a sub forum to see that material, and I don’t look at that stuff.”  Sounds worse than Bill Clinton’s “but I didn’t inhale” defense.

That runs through my head very frequently.  And yes, denials do ring rather hollow, and when I picture myself on the outside looking in I wouldn’t believe me either on the ‘but I don’t read that stuff’ assertion.

Offline Army of One

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I just think how could I explain that to the state bar, or friends, or family?  “You see, you have to look in a sub forum to see that material, and I don’t look at that stuff.”  Sounds worse than Bill Clinton’s “but I didn’t inhale” defense. that you've said that, you got me thinking too...especially since, here in NSW, we have a nice thing called a Working With Children Check (which the rest of the country, and I would assume most of the world would have, or at least something similar to), and if anyone were to see me on this forum, namely someone with very ill-intent, it wouldn't take very long for the Children's Ombudsman to come up to me and say, "You know that number you got, so you could be checked to work in a child-oriented position? Yeah, every check from here on in is going to return a BARRED result now."

(I know, I'm sounding like a hypocrite here, since all but one of my stories on here have been hebe-related, but even I've got to admit to myself that I have to grow up and exit out of that sphere.)

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I am just thinking out loud here. We have gone from about 40 active members to only about 10. Last month, ten people accounted for more than 2/3 of the total posts made on this forum.

I am all for free speech. At the same time, I don’t think I should have to step in dog shit every time I logon. Several of us were discussing the fact that this forum used to have a very large active membership that posted frequently throughout the day. Now are seemingly relegated to just a few things and they are not particularly interesting, at least to me.  Pedo and incest.

So is there a forum for freethinking adults that doesn’t popularize fucking children?  If not, would anyone be interested in starting one?  Hell, it could be a related forum or subforum here.

Comment away.  Or not.

I would love to participate in discussions here that include a wide variety of topics, none of which need include sex of any sort.   And I don't mind a good, friendly debate, if such a thing is possible here.  I am used to seeing most disputes around here met with insults.  Maybe there is a reason why there are so few members left. 

Offline Athos_131

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I would love to participate in discussions here that include a wide variety of topics, none of which need include sex of any sort.   And I don't mind a good, friendly debate, if such a thing is possible here.  I am used to seeing most disputes around here met with insults.  Maybe there is a reason why there are so few members left.  

There is no evidence people have left because of this, nice try though.

This is 1408, read the disclaimer.

If you make a statement like, it's ok to rape someone because they are a celebrity and don't report it in what you deem a timely manner, you are probably going to get a negative reaction.

If you complain about someone being the first black president in the same thread over and over that you started and then claim your topic isn't about race you might get a negative response.

If you start a controversial thread in General Discussion, get some negative responses, then start insulting the people giving you feedback, it's gonna get moved here.  Then whining about it is kind of a dick move.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 10:40:26 AM by Athos_131 »

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This is 1408, read the disclaimer.

That means we can say freely, not "Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of pubic opinion."

Then whining about it is kind of a dick move.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin.


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There is no evidence to show that I have ever said it is OK to rape someone at any time at any place.  There is plenty of evidence to show that any time anyone questions the validity of a public accusation, you accuse them of victim-shaming.

There is no evidence to show that I complained about Obama being the first black president.  I did nothing of the kind.  If I recall, my complaint was my mention that when he was elected, if I didn't fall over in love with him because he was "the first black president", a phrase I did not invent, rather than hold him to the same standard I would any white president, I was treated as if I were racist.  In other words, it was racist to question anything he did.  If I questioned what Bush or Bush or even Clinton did, that was fine, but question Obama's policies and my own mother-in-law considered me racist.  Oh, and you, well, there is evidence to show that you called me a racist based on... well... not quite sure.  Once again, holding someone to the same standard is not about race.

As far as controversy, a thread does not become controversial until other people comment and make it so.   I don't mind stuff getting moved here.  As far as insulting people, I will try very hard not to give what I get.
But then, it is about the debate.  Is it or isn't it? 

Or is it about "You don't agree with me so you must be this or you must be that...?"

In 1408, is there such a thing as agreeing to disagree, or does it always have to end in a shouting match or with someone being accused of being something based on ridiculous and distorted perceptions?

I will await any intelligent, well thought-out response.

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It depends totally upon who responds.

I have been here many years and I have had reasonable debates and have had those that degenerated into abusive rants. It depends upon who responds.

Is it conceivable that many people here feel that their beliefs are inviolate and must not be questioned? In fact we do have people like that. We also have people who will argue the facts. You must also recognize that some people here respect neither fact nor civility. You must navigate a path through all of them.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline Athos_131

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There is no evidence to show that I have ever said it is OK to rape someone at any time at any place.  There is plenty of evidence to show that any time anyone questions the validity of a public accusation, you accuse them of victim-shaming.

There is no evidence to show that I complained about Obama being the first black president.  I did nothing of the kind.  If I recall, my complaint was my mention that when he was elected, if I didn't fall over in love with him because he was "the first black president", a phrase I did not invent, rather than hold him to the same standard I would any white president, I was treated as if I were racist.  In other words, it was racist to question anything he did.  If I questioned what Bush or Bush or even Clinton did, that was fine, but question Obama's policies and my own mother-in-law considered me racist.  Oh, and you, well, there is evidence to show that you called me a racist based on... well... not quite sure.  Once again, holding someone to the same standard is not about race.

As far as controversy, a thread does not become controversial until other people comment and make it so.   I don't mind stuff getting moved here.  As far as insulting people, I will try very hard not to give what I get.



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We also have people who will argue the facts. You must also recognize that some people here respect neither fact nor civility. You must navigate a path through all of them.

We already have a forum for Debates.  Childish rants, namecaling, and trolling.  I would like somewhere that we could discuss things without it being a political statement, or be accused of making a political statement, when that wasn't the intent.

I posed hot pictures of a porn-star, fucking.  One would think that's an Adult subject, and I was accused of arguing that "Indians" are "Asians."  By a moderator.

I just wanted to share sexy images.  Now, I have admitted that I was wrong, on multiple occasions.  I have agreed with people, like Pathos, and told to "Go fuck yourself" for trying to agree with him.

I don't want to be excluded because other people seem to think that I believe myself infallible (I don't.)  Or because someone comes here, to a sex site, for the sole purpose to fight, argue, call people names, and tell people to eat shit.

The first one to call for limiting who gets to speak in this new forum for people to speak freely.  I would like a place where I don't have to argue.  As long as the Pedophiles aren't interested, because it doesn't involve children, and they don't want to write about anything else.

If Pathos is willing to talk, civily, than so am I.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 10:52:48 AM by psiberzerker »


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We already have a Sex Talk forum.  We already have a Politics forum, and an insult people for speaking forum.  We have an LGBT; talk forum.  All of these are adult topics, where writing about child abuse is moderated.

If people can't find those, or respect each other without bringing up our pasts, then adding a new one isn't going to change anything.

If a pedophile can come here, and not talk about child abuse, or why it's not child abuse.  (Because 13 isn't a child.)  Then I say we let them.
 Even if they said something racist in the past, they should be able to speak without being racist.  If people have been sexist, or homophobic in the past, they should be able to speak (About non-sexists shit)  If people's politics don't agree with your's, or their religion (Or lack thereof) they should be allowed to speak without being attacked.

If you cannot speak to someone, you hate, without calling them names, you shouldn't be free to exclude them, for any reason.  Having had an argument in the past, and blamed them for it, is not grounds for banning them, or telling them to go fuck themselves anywhere they decide to share their thoughts.  As long as they try to be civil.

Declaring who's allowed to speak, categorically, and not WHAT PEOPLE SAY is wrong.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 11:08:03 AM by psiberzerker »


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Still waiting for proof on points 1 and 2.  Your quotes are self-serving at best.  
I still attest that questioning public accusations of Hollywood stars is not victim-blaming,
and that questioning the policies of a man everyone around me was in love with because he was "the first black president" does not make me racist.  

As for my observation that Maury Povich is still on the air, hey, it was just an observation.  Of course, Athos, you were the first person to comment on my post and took the opportunity to be a total jerk about it.  

What surprised me was the way everyone followed behind you like sheep.  By the time the whole thing was over, I found myself wondering just what I had ever done to piss you people off.  Not a damn thing. Ever.


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questioning the policies of a man everyone around me was in love with

[citation needed]  "Everyone around me is in love with him" is not a political argument.