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The President Biden Thread: All Things President Joe

joan1984 · 27044

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #60 on: June 12, 2019, 12:40:55 AM
  Leftist sites will never be first, when reporting about their own. Unless Michael Avenatti were to call him on it, why would CNN or other in the tank Democrats care enough to make it a story at all.

  Unless Ol Joe is no longer a meaningful 'leading' candidate, in which case none of his other Democrat opponents will pay him any mind at all.

  We shall see.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
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Reply #61 on: June 12, 2019, 12:48:46 AM

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Reply #62 on: June 12, 2019, 12:58:49 AM
Graham is not one of my favorite politicians. Leftist when it fits, yep.

"Leftists," like:

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
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Reply #63 on: June 12, 2019, 01:17:33 AM
Okay, so anyone you don't like is a "Leftist," because it doesn't get any farther right than Lindsey Graham.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #64 on: June 12, 2019, 01:38:44 AM
Very funny, psi. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Please elaborate about the Conservative accomplishments of Sen. Graham.

Senator Graham finds his way to my thinking at times, am pleased to say; 
even a blind pig will find a morsel at times.

He enjoys getting good press. I liked Graham better when he was in the House.

I would prefer to see a reliable true believer, one who is regularly counted upon to do the right thing, because it is right, without the drama.

Okay, so anyone you don't like is a "Leftist," because it doesn't get any farther right than Lindsey Graham.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #65 on: June 12, 2019, 04:32:50 PM
Trump is terrified of Joe Biden because Biden can deliver the swing states that voted Trump in 2016:

« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 10:21:56 PM by Lois »


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Reply #66 on: June 12, 2019, 05:26:44 PM
Please elaborate about the Conservative accomplishments of Sen. Graham.

Do your own damned research.

Honestly?  Where to start.  On every single issue, he's cut from the same Jib as his mentor, Jesse Helms.  

I can't educate your delusional ass, I'm not even going to try.  You're so fucked in the head to even consider for a moment he's anything but the face of the old school GoP.  He makes Gingrich look like a moderate.  Which you'd know, if you ever bothered to look anything up in your life, when you can just make it up from whole cloth.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 05:33:42 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline joan1984

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Reply #67 on: September 02, 2019, 01:05:18 AM]
We Need to Talk about Joe Biden[/b]
National Review   
Kevin D. Williamson
National Review•September 1, 2019

There are two possible explanations of Joe Biden’s inability to tell the truth about things: One is that his mind is failing him, the other is that his honor is. In neither case is Biden fit to hold the office of president of the United States of America, and Democrats would discredit themselves and endanger the nation to nominate him.

Yes, yes, go ahead — “But, Trump!” etc. — and continue when you’ve completed the ritual of equivocation, and don’t think too hard about how far and in what direction that line of moral self-justification has carried the Republican party.

Joe Biden is a plagiarist and a liar, among other things. In the most recent example, detailed by the Washington Post, Biden made up a story in which he as vice president displayed personal courage and heroism in traveling to a dangerous war zone in order to recognize the service of an American soldier who had distinguished himself in a particularly dramatic way. It was a moving story. “This is the God’s truth,” he concluded. “My word as a Biden.”

But his word as a Biden isn’t worth squat, as the Post showed, reporting that “Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony.” Which is a nice way of saying: Biden lied about an act of military heroism in order to aggrandize his own role in the story.

Like Hillary Rodham Clinton under fictitious sniper fire, Biden highlighted his own supposed courage in the face of physical danger: “We can lose a vice president. We can’t lose many more of these kids.”

If Biden here is lying with malice aforethought, then he ought to be considered morally disqualified for the office. If he is senescent, then he obviously is unable to perform the duties associated with the presidency, and asking him to do so would be indecent, dangerous, and unpatriotic.

The evidence points more toward moral disability than mental disability, inasmuch as Biden has a long career of lying about precisely this sort of thing.

The most dramatic instance of that is Biden’s continued insistence on lying about the circumstances surrounding the horrifying deaths of his wife and daughter in a terrible car accident. It is not the case, as Biden has said on many occasions, that they were killed by a drunk driver, an irresponsible trucker who “drank his lunch,” as Biden put it. That is a pure fabrication, and a slander on the man who was behind the wheel of that truck and who was haunted by the episode until the end of his days. Imagine yourself in the position of that man’s family, whose natural sympathy for Biden’s loss must be complicated by outrage at his persistent lying about the relevant events.

Why would Biden lie about the death of his wife and daughter? Why would he lie about the already-heroic efforts of American soldiers? In both cases, to make the story more dramatic, to give himself a bigger and more impressive narrative arc. That he would subordinate other people — real people, living and dead — to his own political ambition in such a callous and demeaning way counsels strongly against entrusting him with any more political power than that which he already has wielded.

Biden lies about matters great and small. He lies about his trip to Afghanistan. He lies about the death of his wife and daughter. He is wildly dishonest about his role in the Iraq War and the 1994 crime bill, landmark moments in his legislative career that later became political liabilities. And whatever the state of his brain today, he was not senile back in 1987, when he plagiarized the words of Margaret Thatcher and Neil Kinnock for his own speeches. Like his lies, his plagiarism is part of a lifelong habit: As recently as this year, he was filling out his policy papers with uncredited — stolen — material from advocacy groups.

The United States has become an empire of lies. We are governed by liars chosen on the basis of lies, and the worst partisans have begun openly to admire the lies, so long as they are skillfully constructed and delivered. The lowest among us enjoy being lied to and celebrate it. Entire political careers are based on lies — and policy initiatives, too.

But if not the serial liar Joe Biden, then whom will the Democrats choose? Elizabeth Warren, who has misrepresented her supposed Native American ancestry? Kamala Harris, who has lied about murder in order to serve her own political ends? Robert Francis O’Rourke, who cannot tell the truth for five minutes about basic and fundamental questions of public policy?

The Democrats are ready to go into November with nothing better to say for themselves than, “Our liar is better than their liar!” It is doubtful they will even be morally conflicted about that. But the nation will be worse off for it, inasmuch as democratic assumptions built on a foundation of lies must necessarily be unstable.

Joe Biden has exhausted whatever presumption of goodwill or benefit of the doubt we might have extended to him for the past 46 years. He has had his chance to show that he is a man capable of honor, integrity, and honesty — and he has failed that test at every turn. If there ever was a time for him, that time has passed. The last thing this country needs is another pathological liar in its highest office. He is unfit for the presidency in every way, and Democrats owe the country better than to nominate him in the pursuit of their own selfish partisan interests.

More from National Review
Joe and the Segs

Is Biden Really Democrats’ Best Bet?

Elizabeth Warren Is Tested and Found Wanting

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #68 on: September 02, 2019, 01:21:07 AM
One is that his mind is failing him,  You are talking about Biden, right?  The other is that his honor is.  Okay, because Trump never had any Honor to lose.

In neither case are they fit to hold be President of the United States of America.

Offline Lois

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Reply #69 on: September 02, 2019, 03:24:16 AM
You can thank Trump for setting the bar so low in the truth telling department.


For a Trumper to complain about anything Biden is the height of hypocricy.


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Reply #70 on: September 02, 2019, 01:41:33 PM
For a Trumper to complain about anything Biden is the height of hypocricy.

Yeah, after "Grab them by the pussy," it's kinda funny to point out that Biden sniffed her hair.  It's still wrong, when Biden does it, but for some reason Donny gets a free pass for so much worse.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #71 on: September 03, 2019, 12:02:47 AM
While the posted article is, frankly, silly, I agree with the headline:

We Need to Talk about Joe Biden

Of late I've found myself in a real quandary when it comes to the former Vice President.

On the one hand, if he were 10 years younger, Biden would be the undisputed front runner for the Democratic nomination, and a very well-balanced option to defeat the current president.

On the other hand, he's currently 76, and he would be 78 at the time of his inauguration. To put that into perspective, the oldest president at the time of his inauguration was Trump back in 2017, and he was 70. Biden will be a full eight years older. I realize that "age is only a number," but Biden is almost the exact same age as my parents, and at this point in their lives, I know what they can and cannot do -- and that gives me great pause. And of late Biden seems to be showing his age, which makes his candidacy even more of a conundrum for me.

The most recent polls put Biden, Sanders, and Warren as the current top three. Sanders is a year olden than Biden, and Warren, who would be 71 at inauguration, isn't too much younger. And many of the other candidates seem to be trying too hard to out-liberal and put-progressive each other, with none of them seeming to strive for the type of balance needed to capture the middle and win the election.

Right now, I'd love to see a Biden-Gabbard ticket.

Who's with me?

« Last Edit: September 03, 2019, 04:49:50 PM by MissBarbara »

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #72 on: September 03, 2019, 12:18:55 AM
And many of the other candidates seem to be trying too hard to out-liberal and put-progressive each other, with none of them seeming to strive for the type of balance needed to capture the middle and win the election.

That kinda reflects the polls.  Moderates aren't doing too well right now, because of all the extremists in office, and running.  It's kind hard to stand out in a field of 20, when one of them is a cloud-cooko lander like Marianne Williamson talking about healing the world with the power of love.

I'm with you, I hate partisan politics, but we have to look at the landscape, and right now the moderates can't yell over the extremists.  They just come off kinda bland, and "Meh."

Offline Lois

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Reply #73 on: September 03, 2019, 05:19:39 AM
I see your point Ms. B.  We don't want to turn off most of the country by going too extreme.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #74 on: September 03, 2019, 09:11:30 AM
What do you consider "too extreme" that all, or all but one Democrat Presidential Primary Candidate currently enthusiastically support, are on the record for having full support, and are scaring more than half the voters and citizens out there about 'imposing' upon them... such as The Green New Deal, elimination of Private Health Insurance as a first option, and one or another form of gun confiscation, or limitation of a hassle free way for citizens to buy the firearm they want from what is available, legally on the market in their State today?  Am really curious.

I see your point Ms. B.  We don't want to turn off most of the country by going too extreme.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
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Reply #75 on: September 03, 2019, 01:25:04 PM
scaring more than half the voters and citizens out there

You know this how?  Over half of the voters are "Scared" of the New Green Deal?

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #76 on: September 03, 2019, 04:58:04 PM

And many of the other candidates seem to be trying too hard to out-liberal and put-progressive each other, with none of them seeming to strive for the type of balance needed to capture the middle and win the election.

That kinda reflects the polls.  Moderates aren't doing too well right now, because of all the extremists in office, and running.  It's kind hard to stand out in a field of 20, when one of them is a cloud-cooko lander like Marianne Williamson talking about healing the world with the power of love.

I'm with you, I hate partisan politics, but we have to look at the landscape, and right now the moderates can't yell over the extremists.  They just come off kinda bland, and "Meh."

I agree, and perhaps I'm jumping the gun. Right now it's pre-pre-primary season, and the candidates are competing with each other for Democratic votes, with less concern for appealing to the country in general. That makes sense.

At this point, polls are only vaguely indicative, and the top five are Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg. Still, in every poll but one (see link below), Biden is ahead, and often pretty far ahead.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #77 on: September 03, 2019, 07:25:06 PM
Right now it's pre-pre-primary season, and the candidates are competing with each other for Democratic votes, with less concern for appealing to the country in general.

I see it more as testing the waters.  We're going to see the herd thin out, hopefully instead of the Circus we had in the Republican primaries in 2016.  The Moderates are dropping out, because the Far Left are polling so well.  It's pretty obvious when you're in the percentiles (Not tens%  Single digits) that you're wasting time, and money on a hopeless campaign.

Unless you believe in the spiritual power of hope.  The smart ones know when to switch gears, and think about Senate seats instead.  I can respect that.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #78 on: September 03, 2019, 08:25:28 PM
The U.S. Senate rejected it, with I believe only one or two for it.

People today listen to the proposals, and are not taking them seriously as they seem so un-American, and we shall see if that dog will hunt, if Democrats get power again.

Democrats in general, have the advantage of a pro-Democrat Press, and much of the criticism of the more crackpot notions many Candidates support, or say they support (maybe they are lying, like Ol' Joe, when he "swears on all that is important about being a Biden", and Media just passes it by largely, making excuses...)

We shall see what happens...

scaring more than half the voters and citizens out there

You know this how?  Over half of the voters are "Scared" of the New Green Deal?

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but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #79 on: September 03, 2019, 08:46:29 PM

Right now it's pre-pre-primary season, and the candidates are competing with each other for Democratic votes, with less concern for appealing to the country in general.

I see it more as testing the waters.  We're going to see the herd thin out, hopefully instead of the Circus we had in the Republican primaries in 2016.  The Moderates are dropping out, because the Far Left are polling so well.  It's pretty obvious when you're in the percentiles (Not tens%  Single digits) that you're wasting time, and money on a hopeless campaign.

Unless you believe in the spiritual power of hope.  The smart ones know when to switch gears, and think about Senate seats instead.  I can respect that.

For the record, I do not believe in the spiritual power of hope, nor in "The Law of Divine Compensation."

You're right: "testing the waters" is a good way of putting it. And while there were initially something like 25 candidates, by the time the primary season arrives, it will be down to a manageable number.

Joe Biden is neither a "liberal" nor a "progressive," and he's certainly not among the "far Left." Then again, neither was Hillary Clinton (nor her husband, nor Obama). Yes, I'm aware than in Joan Terms, they're all leftist extremist communist socialists, but in reality, they're all only a little bit to the left of center.

Moving from data to personal opinion, I think the last thing the Democrats want to do, at least when they start looking to the general election, is to position themselves as Liberals and/or Progressives.

Miss Barbara's Relatively Obvious Theory of Presidential ElectionsTM states that in any given presidential election, each candidate will automatically win 35% of the vote, and the candidate who wins the election will be the one who captured the majority of the remaining 30%. At the risk of vastly oversimplifying, that's what Trump did, and that's what Clinton failed to do. And that's certainly what Obama did.


"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."