Spead your legs, you're gonna be frisked
Joe Biden was at his gregarious best as he swore in dozens of members of the Senate last month. In between flirting with senators' grandmothers and telling their husbands to spread their legs, he kept himself amused with moments like this.
Keep y'all in chains
The vice president seemed to relish every moment of the 2012 campaign, even if he repeatedly forgot what state he was visiting. Speaking before a largely black audience in Virginia, an exuberant Biden warned that Mitt Romney wanted to "put y'all back in chains".
The wheelchair standing ovation
In which Biden asks a wheelchair-bound local politician to stand up and acknowledge the crowd's applause.
Why Hillary would be a better VP
Although thrilled to have been picked as Obama's VP, Biden unhelpfully suggested that perhaps Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice.
Biden has been in Washington since the Nixon administration and often takes the long view of US politics. But the Obama campaign was less than pleased when he began speculating that the new president would face a major international crisis within six months of taking office.
Articlulate and bright and clean...
Many people forget that Biden himself ran for president twice, once in 1988 and once in 2008. His second campaign got off to a rocky start when he mused that Barack Obama, still a largely unknown senator from Illinois, was "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy".
His latest one happened during a televised interview with CBS News in which he called for the arrest of Breonna Taylor
“Why doesn’t he just act like a president,” Biden said emphatically about Trump before suddenly going silent.
“That’s a stupid way to say it, I guess,” he added before an awkward moment when Biden and Wallace both tried to speak.
Shaking his head, he looked down and muttered “sorry.” Wallace tried to urge him on, but he waved her away, saying, “no, it’s probably best I don’t.”
The exchange is reminiscent of the kind of thing that happens with elderly patients in nursing homes.
Biden caught himself saying something he thinks maybe he shouldn’t have, although he didn’t seem to know exactly why it was wrong, so he apologized and just went silent.
If he were my grandfather, I’d want to give him a hug in that moment. But he’s not my grandpa; he’s a candidate for president of the United States, so rather than being endearing, it’s frightening.
Look, he may be a nice guy or he tugs at your heartstrings when he speaks like you want to help him finish what he was trying to say or whatever, but honestly we cant have a guy like this as leader of the most powerful country in the world. its scary. period.
how would this work with him meeting leaders of other countries and trying to make deals that effect military action and our economy and everything ,its just not feasible really.
i dont hate him i dont hate trump i didnt hate obama, i'm not that emotionally tied in to these people. they are strangers, politicians, job applicants really. some i would hire some i would not.
if someone impresses me with speaking skills and seems bright and responsible and i look in their eyes and feel i could trust them with our future four years more than the other applicant , i dont really care if he or she is from one party or the other.
I was all for obama,maybe for the wrong reason-to be perfectly honest- i wanted a black president to show the world AND the black citizens of the USA -we are not as prejudice as some make us out to be
and even if there exist some extremely small percentage of americans who ARE prejudice its by FAR not the norm here.
plus he did speak great and seemed on the ball and like he wanted to do good for our country.
so i dont know if i will be called "racist" now since one main reason i liked obama WAS because he was black. who knows in this climate, but I felt it would be good for the country at the time.
and that,i feel, should be everyones measure of a candidate - if they will be good for the country at the present time.
i liked trump because he was an outsider and not beholden to anyone and felt he really did LOVE this country deep in his heart. i did kind of laugh when he started running and seemed not "presidential" and i had doubts he would last thru the primaries especially with some of the politically incorrect things he said and did. BUT after he won he grew into the job and produced what i feel are amazing results, on the world stage and in our economy.
despite being bashed and attacked hourly from our own american media and politicians-tossing our enemies fodder to bash him too, he produced.
and i have no respect for anyone who gives aid to the enemies of the united states.
i would like to end this "who i am ramble" by saying the so called democratic party we have now is nothing like the democrats and republicans we had before,like all my life. when i was younger you could barely tell the dems and repubs apart..they were "politicians" saying whatever they thought you wanted to hear to get votes for the most part. and we were all ok with that, laughing about it while still believing in our system of govt. over any other on this earth.
but the new "democrats" are just so disrespectful to our own leaders and other govt officials we elected and seem so filled with such venomous hate, against our fellow americans, ones we as a nation of people have chosen to do jobs in our govt for us.and they even HATE US for choosing those we chose... that it really seems they just hate america and everything it stands for anymore. and i am not exaggerating they really seem to hate our flag and our history and our national anthem and use the freedoms of speech and freedom to assemble and freedom of the press to try to destroy the very govt.of the people that gives them this same freedom.
and i am sorry, i cannot vote for any of that. be it republican-democrat or independent.