I'm not sure what a wall that we were told Mexico was going to fund has to do with title of this topic.
We can't afford both. In fact, we can't afford either one of them, but we'll get a lot farther on one designed to help people, and make America a nicer place, than one that's designed to keep people out, and make it "Great" again for those who already have everything they want, except more power.
Also, the irony of Joan1984 saying not realistic, when she just said:
But a wall keeping peopleILLEGAL ALIENS, TRESPASSERS out of America.
They're not PEOPLE. They're aliens, trespassers, and that revokes their status as human beings.
So far as I know, TheWall, under construction now, and into 2020 and beyond, is not a part of The Green New Deal, other than living with it's existence, once constructed, at whatever cost and time is necessary. The GND will be completed by 2030 supposedly.
Yeah, that's exactly what i asked you. You really believe it's already under construction (It isn't) and it will be funded (It hasn't) and yet an investment in our Future (Which doesn't end at 2030, that's just as far as they have planned ahead at this point) is "Unrealistic."
I know you don't have an original thought in your head, so it honestly doesn't fucking matter who said it first, you're regurgitating it up as if it's lemonaid, and not piss shoved down your throat.
The Wall is not part of The New Green Deal. Accept it, your great and terrible orange one failed, and he's probably going to try to shut down the government again after the game, but he can't do that.
He doesn't have that power, he never did. The Senate does, to block the House. That's why they did it, but the Wall would be BAD for the environment, BAD for America, and BAD for our future.
So, it's not getting funded. Period.