Cause, to be honest, I don't see how one can be outraged at one form of rape fantasy, but be totally OK with another, or even a murder fantasy
Okay, a major part of the squick was because it wasn't being represented as a Rape fantasy, we were being overwhelmed with a very specific recurring fantasy where it's all right, because it's "Not rape." Every time we tried to remind these pedophiles that it's rape, we got one of the stock excuses. The Noncon, and Snuff forums come right out and say, this is rape, and murder. The child molester stories used the standard cut, and paste disclaimer, then completely ignored it, for the fantasy of the littlest girls taking the biggest cocks, painlessly, so it's "Not rape."
So, basically, the pedophiles made everyone else fucking sick of it.
Very weird to me. I am against murder and rape, but I have to say, I think murder is far worse than rape.
it's not really a question of what is "Worse." The dead don't suffer. Murder victims don't have sex ruined for the rest of their lives, live in fear, have recurring nightmares, triggered flashbacks, and compulsively shower trying to feel clean inside, like incest victims do.