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Why do people come here for Just Politics?

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Offline staci

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Reply #20 on: January 07, 2019, 05:24:54 PM

Too small to be black however.

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Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #21 on: January 07, 2019, 05:37:03 PM

Remmy, usually, it’s best to to either not respond, or simply tell them to desist. In the instance of myself, and several others here, the male genitalia is a non-starter, but that seems to egg some people on to further efforts.

If they don’t take a simple no as an answer to their advances, reporting them to a moderator usually squashes it.

Exactly. For me, it's simply delete and ignore. I never respond.

I'm dating myself, but when I first started a MySpace account, I didn't list my sexual orientation, and though I posted a face pic, I don't have the looks that would capture most guys' attention (or imagination). Within days, I was bombarded with responses from guys, some including "dick pics," and many expressing desires of what they would like to do to/with me. I know I'm not your average girl, but I don't believe that there are many girls who get excited when a complete stranger offers to cum on her tits. In my naivete, I was completely surprised and completely taken aback by the avalanche of responses.

So then I listed my sexual orientation as "lesbian," thinking that would stem the tide. It did not. I almost instantly became bombarded with similar messages from "lesbians" (albeit without the tit-cumming) and when I clicked through to their profiles, they were, almost to a person, gorgeous and scantily dressed. It took me a little while to realize that most if not all of them were not lesbians, nor were they even women.

Lesson learned.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #22 on: January 07, 2019, 05:43:01 PM
Trolling.  They're not serious offers, any more than catcalls on the street.  It's mostly motivated by boredom, only on the internet, you don't have to get up, and go out.  You can flash women without any risk of getting caught.  "Indecent exposure" doesn't count on the internet.  "Public Indecency" isn't a thing.  So, they get brave, and bored.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #23 on: January 07, 2019, 06:04:17 PM

Could try a reply of, ‘That looks a little like a penis, but much much smaller than normal.’

And the only way guys like that get their weenies wet, is if they spit in their palms.

That's a fair point.

But, to Katie's point, they're looking for a response, and even that is a response...

(And to Staci's point, I have no idea what "Kik" is, and I've only heard of it in this exact context.)

« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 06:56:21 PM by MissBarbara »

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

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Reply #24 on: January 07, 2019, 06:35:49 PM

Could try a reply of, ‘That looks a little like a penis, but much much smaller than normal.’

And the only way guys like that get their weenies wet, is if they spit in their palms.

That's a fair point.

But, to Katie's point, they're looking for a response, and even that is a response...

(And to Staci's point, I have no idea what "Kik," and I've only heard of it in this exact context.)

I also have heard of it but did not know what kik is so I googled it and it says it is a messaging app.

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Reply #25 on: January 07, 2019, 07:47:15 PM
I used YIM before Kik.  YIM is gone, and the last messaging I did on Kik for many months now has been an occasional ‘hi, how have you been?’

For me it was texting with someone where one or both of you were unwilling to give out a phone number.  Although, that’s not always true.  Sometimes you just never bothered to exchange numbers.

And just like texting, you can send pictures from your phone which is the primary reason they want you on Kik.  Or to role play.

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Reply #26 on: January 08, 2019, 12:37:03 AM

"Do you have Kik?"


Yep, that’s me on kik, LOL.


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Reply #27 on: January 08, 2019, 11:25:11 AM
Good grief, reading the comments about unwelcome attention, I feel so much better about myself!

I have sent dick pics to precisely four women in my life; all of them I asked first, and all of them we each knew the other was a real person first, and all of them returned the favour.

Don't ask who, I don't kiss and tell, nor do I share private pictures.


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Reply #28 on: January 08, 2019, 12:37:39 PM

Katie, staci and MissB:

Thank you for your answers. To be honest, I spent a bit of time Monday second guessing myself for even posing the question. Not even sure why, maybe a fear of it being seen as some kind of prurient interest.

I was aware that it goes on from passing references on social media, but until I read Katie's post I just never really thought about it as relating to a real person.

I've never taken a picture of my junk (and at my age, I use that term advisedly  :D) and can't even begin to understand why men would be so... crass, I guess. Maybe it's a generational thing.

I've learned so many new things since I joined here and I very much appreciate people who are willing to share about some very personal things.

I've certainly learned to be more empathetic about some things women have to struggle with on a daily basis. The other thing I appreciate is feeling confident that if I did go somewhere inappropriate, none of you would hesitate to point it out to me, and I thank you for that.


« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 01:25:13 PM by Remington555 »


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Reply #29 on: January 08, 2019, 08:22:02 PM

I've never taken a picture of my junk (and at my age, I use that term advisedly  :D) and can't even begin to understand why men would be so... crass, I guess. Maybe it's a generational thing.

Not to detract from the serious & mature nature of that post, I can tell you that it is bloody hard to take a picture of your own junk on both logistic and aesthetic terms.

I'm not telling anybody to send one to an unwilling recipient (I think we have established that is a crass move), but I do challenge male readers to take an in-focus, decently-framed dick-pic that shows you to be fully aroused, without looking freakishly deformed...

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Reply #30 on: January 08, 2019, 08:37:57 PM

I do challenge male readers to take an in-focus, decently-framed dick-pic that shows you to be fully aroused, without looking freakishly deformed...

Should we start an image topic called "Mirror Guys"?
I mean, if someone takes a great pictures and would like to share it.

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Reply #31 on: January 08, 2019, 08:42:40 PM
I'd be fine with a Dick Pic selfy thread in Pics, and Vids.  Since the Selfie threads are invariably pictures of other girls.  I don't have a phone, but I could get my hands on one...

I just realized, I came here to ask about Politics, and wound up talking about dicks.  So, it does swing both ways.  Neat!

I kinda want to nominate that for the Derailment of the Year award.  I mean, if you're going to do it, I have to appreciate that depth of irony!


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Reply #32 on: January 08, 2019, 09:18:38 PM

I do challenge male readers to take an in-focus, decently-framed dick-pic that shows you to be fully aroused, without looking freakishly deformed...

Should we start an image topic called "Mirror Guys"?
I mean, if someone takes a great pictures and would like to share it.

There's a thread called "Mirror Girls", so I see no reason not to.  But, please, don't expect me to contribute personally for the afore-mentioned reasons.

Offline Jed_

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Reply #33 on: January 08, 2019, 09:52:46 PM

I do challenge male readers to take an in-focus, decently-framed dick-pic that shows you to be fully aroused, without looking freakishly deformed...

Should we start an image topic called "Mirror Guys"?
I mean, if someone takes a great pictures and would like to share it.

I got asked, more than once.  It took 3 weeks of begging by her before I relented the first time I was asked.  Then years later someone put a challenge on RU; I got harassed by a few girls to participate until I did.  I put one in a gallery and posted a link.  The ringleader in that harassment was a woman in Brazil who then sent me privately a reward of a pic of her, about the only thing covered in that pic was her face.

It’s a rare girl that wants to see a dick pic, but bless them that do.  Even those that do don’t want them unsolicited.


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Reply #34 on: January 09, 2019, 07:40:04 AM

It's a wonder there aren't more female serial killers.



Not to change the topic, but I have been nursing an idea for a novel about
a female serial killer.


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Reply #35 on: January 09, 2019, 10:47:58 AM
Not to change the topic, but I have been nursing an idea for a novel about a female serial killer.

Go on...

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Reply #36 on: March 03, 2020, 03:55:06 AM
I have no idea what the hell happened in this thread at all.  I was thinking about all the political talk and then started reading about unwanted dick pics.  Do not underestimate my bored mind.

So politics on a sex site.  There is a place here for that here, so go ahead and talk about it, I just dont get those who come here just for that reason. Seems like there are a very small number of posters who only seem to post in politics.  If that's what gets you off then more power to you.

The progression onto dick pics, I've had a fare share sent my way.  I assumed it gets some guys off thinking about a woman looking at their dicks.  I personally dont care, I look then say thanks for the background then ignore everything else.  I treat it similar to when a guy wants to buy me a drink.  Thanks for the drink, don't expect me to fuck you now.

And if I find that mirror girl thread I may leave you all something  :emot_kiss:

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #37 on: March 03, 2020, 03:38:26 PM

I have no idea what the hell happened in this thread at all.  I was thinking about all the political talk and then started reading about unwanted dick pics.  Do not underestimate my bored mind.

So politics on a sex site.  There is a place here for that here, so go ahead and talk about it, I just dont get those who come here just for that reason. Seems like there are a very small number of posters who only seem to post in politics.  If that's what gets you off then more power to you.

There's politics on a sex site chiefly because KB isn't strictly a sex site. Read Farmer Miles's posts from January 2019 above and you'll see what I mean.

At the same time, and directly answering the question in the thread title, there are very few -- if any -- posters who come to KB only to read and write on the Politics boards. In fact, if you look at the members who frequently post on those Politics boards, you'll find that they're the most active posters on the board in general, and that they post throughout the many boards and sub-boards.

On top of that, the majority of the story writers and readers, and many of the pic posters, come here exclusively to spend time on those story and pic-post boards, and rarely visit any other part of the board. As proof of that, next time you log on, scroll down to the bottom of the home page, and click the "Who's Online" link. I just did it, and it showed that the overwhelming majority of those currently online here are on the story boards or image boards.

To my mind, the best thing about KB is its multiplicity of topics and boards. And a point many KB members miss is that every member and every guest remains perfectly free to visit any part of the board they wish. In other words, circling back to the OP, people head over to the Politics boards because they're interested in writing and reading there. Some people have zero interest in Politics, or simply don't prefer to the content there, and that's great. I have close to zero interest in the story boards, and that's great, too.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2020, 06:00:36 PM by MissBarbara »

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #38 on: March 03, 2020, 07:17:00 PM
The short answer is, it’s called trolling.  Socially inept individuals who fill a need by standing on the corner and howling.

Don’t feed the trolls.

Offline staci

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Reply #39 on: March 03, 2020, 07:39:04 PM
The short answer is, it’s called trolling.  Socially inept individuals who fill a need by standing on the corner and howling.

Don’t feed the trolls.
I disagree. Most of the conversation is opinion of the poster and all of it is thought provoking.

one of the originals