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Reply #120 on: February 14, 2019, 04:05:56 PM
Honestly, the Canadian Border is less secure than the Mexican one.  It's longer, heavily forrested, there's Great Lakes they can just pilot ships across, and a lot of airports for them to fly over.  Also, there's the Taxes.  That's one of the major driving forces behind people coming here, and staying illegally.

Sorry, not people.  Joan gets triggered if you call them people.  Illegal criminals.  What's even scarier is they look just like regular Americans.  So, there's no telling how many are among US!


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Reply #121 on: February 14, 2019, 04:16:43 PM
Vermont is one of the most unsecured states along the Canadian / American Border.
Including a town that straddles the border (which gives US Customs absolute fits).
But along the Vermont border are many trails (some that I have ridden) that crisscross back and forth (most of which are unmarked). Several times during a ride I have unknowingly crossed the border (only to be told later that some rock or tree designates the border line). If you really wanted to get into the US or away from the US, Vermont is the way to go.


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Reply #122 on: February 14, 2019, 04:26:12 PM
Honestly, the Canadian Border is less secure than the Mexican one.  It's longer, heavily forrested, there's Great Lakes they can just pilot ships across, and a lot of airports for them to fly over.  Also, there's the Taxes.  That's one of the major driving forces behind people coming here, and staying illegally.

Sorry, not people.  Joan gets triggered if you call them people.  Illegal criminals.  What's even scarier is they look just like regular Americans.  So, there's no telling how many are among US!


But that’s the thing isn’t it, they’re not brown like my girlfriend, so no fuss is made.

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Reply #123 on: February 14, 2019, 04:34:48 PM
Easy to spot, just ask them to say "without", "about", "shout"

one of the originals


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Reply #124 on: February 14, 2019, 05:11:42 PM
Easy to spot, just ask them to say "without", "about", "shout"

I take it you've never been to the Upper Peninsula?  They all talk like that up there.

There is no border between the US, and Canada.  Pretty much none, it's not insecure, it just isn't there unless you have a natural barrier like the Puget Sound to cross.  You can just walk right into Manitoba, and not even realize it.

But of course, they're not Brown.  They speak English, and can afford to dodge Taxes by coming down here to smuggle cigarettes.  No shit.  I used to live in Port Angeles, and my brother ex-patriated to Maple Bay BC.  

Nobody's doing anything abot it, because IT'S NOT A PROBLEM.

Unless you're racist.

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Reply #125 on: February 14, 2019, 05:30:11 PM

Easy to spot, just ask them to say "without", "about", "shout"

..or ask them what's the last letter of the alphabet...

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

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Reply #126 on: February 14, 2019, 05:56:11 PM

Well trained and been made my cat Neville


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Reply #127 on: February 14, 2019, 06:34:24 PM
You know how they say their vowels in Española?

"Ee, I owe you, eh?"

That's how they talk, New Mexicans, in the mountains.  I swear they start a sentence with "Eee," and end it in "Eh?"  Like a question.

They're not Mexican, they're Castillian.  Descendants of the Spañards that settled here, and west all the way to California before Manifest Destiny showed up.  

Or, you know, "Immigrants, and Criminals."  Not people, to those who can't tell the difference.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 06:37:16 PM by psiberzerker »

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Reply #128 on: February 14, 2019, 06:58:24 PM


The average American would say "zee."

The average Canadian would say "zed."

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

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Reply #129 on: February 14, 2019, 07:23:21 PM


The average American would say "zee."

The average Canadian would say "zed."

I didn’t know that, but a lot of them say ‘Eh?’ at the end of every sentence.  I thought that was mostly a myth until I spent a couple weeks in Canada.

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Reply #130 on: February 14, 2019, 08:26:17 PM

I didn’t know that, but a lot of them say ‘Eh?’ at the end of every sentence.  I thought that was mostly a myth until I spent a couple weeks in Canada.

Nope, not a myth.   In Detroit, at sporting events, and bars and restaurants downtown we hear it all the time.    And my former place of employment.   Many commute from Windsor to work in Detroit.   Love me some Canadians.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)


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Reply #131 on: February 14, 2019, 08:29:15 PM
I didn’t know that, but a lot of them say ‘Eh?’ at the end of every sentence.  I thought that was mostly a myth until I spent a couple weeks in Canada.

"Right?"  Depends on where in Canada.  In the Pacific Northwest, it's "Right?"  On both sides of the Sound, incidentally.  All the way down to Northern California.  There's really more overlap than a line between American and Canadian.

Probably why we can talk about "Securing the border" when it's a New Englander talking about the culture he has no real exposure to.  The irony is this used to Be Mexico.  The first 2 flags over Texas?  Yeah, first it was First Nations, then it was a colony of Spain, then Mexico, then the Alamo.  You remember the Alamo?

Ironically, the same deluded pricks in New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and now Washington, (With a phot-op/speech in El Passo.  "iPinche' Touristas!")  Talking about the Invasions of Illegal Aliens don't recognize the fact that this was Mexico, before it was American.  They're just too concerned about taking the Mexican out of America to worry about that, or securing our Other borders, against anyone else.

Remember 9-11?  They didn't come over the border from Mexico, either.  They flew in, to New York, Pennsylvania, and DC...

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Reply #132 on: February 14, 2019, 09:11:10 PM
Canadian......Out by Calgary
They like to say or add...."You know...aaay" a sentence.



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Reply #133 on: February 14, 2019, 09:20:43 PM

Probably why we can talk about "Securing the border" when it's a New Englander talking about the culture he has no real exposure to.  The irony is this used to Be Mexico.  The first 2 flags over Texas?  Yeah, first it was First Nations, then it was a colony of Spain, then Mexico, then the Alamo.  You remember the Alamo?

Ironically, the same deluded pricks in New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, and now Washington, (With a phot-op/speech in El Passo.  "iPinche' Touristas!")  Talking about the Invasions of Illegal Aliens don't recognize the fact that this was Mexico, before it was American.  They're just too concerned about taking the Mexican out of America to worry about that, or securing our Other borders, against anyone else.

Pedro and Maria pose no threat. They mow our lawns, wash our dishes, and clean our buildings at night.  They pay into the system and take far few dollars out.

The propaganda tools of fascism are to scapegoat, separate us into “us” and “them,” and fan irrational fears.  Leaders along the border, Republicans and Democrats, are against the wall for the most part, because they understand the historical context, and the economic benefits, of a relaxed border.

Trump can’t undo 300 years of history.  He can try.  It’s just a ploy to avoid attention to his own high crimes and misdemeanors. We’ll see what the Mueller Report and 2020 hold.


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Reply #134 on: February 14, 2019, 10:04:24 PM
Right?  Mexicans Are Americans.  Not white people, white people aren't America.  We're welcome too, but some of us need to fucking learn to share.

What there's no place for here is White Supremacy.  In fact, that's downright Unamerican.  You want to solve the "Illegal Immigrant Crisis?"  Make it easier to Legally Emigrate.  Building a wall isn't helping, it's just dividing US.  It's making US fight ourselves, over jobs like mowing our own lawns, because we can't afford to pay someone to do it any more.

It's crippling our economy, not the wall, the stupid petty fight over it.


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Reply #135 on: February 15, 2019, 12:20:09 AM
In the 2004 mockumentary “A Day Without a Mexican,” all California based Mexicans, who represent a third of the state's population, inexplicably disappear and before long the lack of these Latino maids, construction workers, policemen, teachers etc, lead to a social, political and economic disaster which threatens the whole concept of the Californian Dream.

12 million undocumented aliens.  That’s twice as many people as Hitler eliminated, and he was really getting good at it by the end.  So let’s have ICE round all these people up.  Roughly the population of Los Angeles.  Where are you going to put them, feed them, provide basic services for deportation?

If you load them into standard bus coaches, it will take 220,000 busloads, at full capacity, to transport across the border. Bumper to bumper?  The line of buses will be 1,875 miles long, only slightly shorter than the length of the US Mexico border.  Of course, this would be a north south line. Interstate 35, from Laredo to Duluth Minnesota is only 1,500 miles long.  So the caravan would extend into Canada.

This is why any halfway lucid individual who has looked at the problem, including Reagan, Dole, Bush 1 & 2 have concluded there is no fucking way to get rid of this many people, without laying an axe to economic prosperity in America.  Trump is an idiot, but I suspect someone has explained this to him by now.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 12:42:08 AM by ToeinH20 »


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Reply #136 on: February 15, 2019, 12:24:23 AM
In the 2004 mockumentary “A Day Without a Mexican,” all California based Mexicans, who represent a third of the state's population, inexplicably disappear and before long the lack of these Latino maids, construction workers, policemen, teachers etc, lead to a social, political and economic disaster which threatens the whole concept of the Californian Dream.

12 million undocumented aliens.  That’s twice as many people as Hitler eliminated, and he was really getting good at it by the end.  So let’s have ICE round all these people up.  Roughly the population of Los Angeles.  Where are you going to put them, feed them, provide basic services for deportation?

If you load them into tandard bus coaches, it will take 220,000 busliads, at full capacity, to transport across the border. Bumper to bumper?  The line of buses would be 1,875 miles long, only slightly shorter than the length of the US Mexico border.  Of course, this would be a north south line. Interstate 35, from Laredo to DULUTH Minnesota is only 1,500 miles long.  So the caravan would extend into Canada.

Nice!  Not to mention Fresno would literally dry up, and blow away without migrant workers to tend the artificially irrigated fields.  No profit, no money for that irrigation, and a Dustbowl.

So, we're talking (Hypothetically, since it's a lie, and a pipe dream) about the same conditions as the Great Depression.

Maybe that's what he means by "Great Again."  The Great War, and the Great Depression.  He just doesn't understand Irony.


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Reply #137 on: February 15, 2019, 01:02:35 AM
Trump to declare national emergency as Senate passes border security spending deal

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said if Trump declares a national emergency, Democrats could consider legal action to stop him.

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Reply #138 on: February 15, 2019, 01:08:25 AM


Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor


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Reply #139 on: February 15, 2019, 07:22:46 PM
I would really like to why every time I hear about our borders in the media, they almost always refer to the "immigrants" without the term "illegal". I for one welcome all immigrants into our country, but I have issues with the "illegal immigrants". Since the President made his statement earlier today, all I hear from CNN and such are the "immigrants" , are they afraid to use the word illegal with that ? Forgive me if I do not express my thoughts clearly enough on this subject, but I hope I am understood just the same. Thank you.