In the 2004 mockumentary “A Day Without a Mexican,” all California based Mexicans, who represent a third of the state's population, inexplicably disappear and before long the lack of these Latino maids, construction workers, policemen, teachers etc, lead to a social, political and economic disaster which threatens the whole concept of the Californian Dream.
12 million undocumented aliens. That’s twice as many people as Hitler eliminated, and he was really getting good at it by the end. So let’s have ICE round all these people up. Roughly the population of Los Angeles. Where are you going to put them, feed them, provide basic services for deportation?
If you load them into standard bus coaches, it will take 220,000 busloads, at full capacity, to transport across the border. Bumper to bumper? The line of buses will be 1,875 miles long, only slightly shorter than the length of the US Mexico border. Of course, this would be a north south line. Interstate 35, from Laredo to Duluth Minnesota is only 1,500 miles long. So the caravan would extend into Canada.
This is why any halfway lucid individual who has looked at the problem, including Reagan, Dole, Bush 1 & 2 have concluded there is no fucking way to get rid of this many people, without laying an axe to economic prosperity in America. Trump is an idiot, but I suspect someone has explained this to him by now.