Immigration is Pro-American. We're founded on it, built monguments to it. The solution to Illegal Immigration is to make it Legal again, for everyone. Not put up barriers so that the only form of Immigration is Illegal. Basically, the law has been changed so that Immigrants from Mexico are illegal, while there is no Barrier to immigration from Canada, or Europe.
The United States employs and pays many Billions, annually, to prevent such illegal entry, to attempt full control of our borders, as is their legal charge and purpose, and those who break our laws are not beginning any relationship with the Nation in good faith. The is always the case, regardless of reasons/excuses.We used to. In order to pay for this wall, money has been taken from the Border patrol, and Coast guard, so that they have neither the manpower, nor the resources to do their jobs. Which is patroling the border/coasts, and ensuring that nobody sneaks across rather than announcing their intent, and applying for Amnesty leagally. (Like the Caravan attempted to, until they were stopped.)
The attempt to modify the language,peopleILLEGAL ALIENS, TRESPASSERS
Like crossing out the word People, and changing it to
Changing the status of American citizens, taking their children, and putting a wall between them so they can't get them back is Anti-Mexican American. It's redefining American as "Not Mexican."