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Reply #100 on: January 19, 2019, 05:21:49 PM
Also, at least here in Waco, there's a decided lean away from Good Mexican food, in favor of Texmex.  There used to be a more even distribution across the food pyramid (With the 3rd leg being BBQ) but the food trucks are starting to thin out.  Meanwhile, Magnolia Market is expanding, opening up new trendy bistros ated and sustain them.

along with Baylor annexing the area around the historical Kate Ross neighborhood.

A housing Project, buy the way.  Waco is being Gentrified, and in order to raise property values, so only the most Exclusive neighbors can afford to live there, you have to get the undesirables out of the neighborhood first.


The true culprits, along with the Corporate entities that created them:

What is happening in Waco is a small example of what is happening everywhere:  Austin, Denver, San Francisco, Seattle... cities are becoming the playgrounds of the wealthy, while lower incomed people are pushed to suburban community an hour or two away, doomed to commute for crappy jobs with no benefits. Or worse, temporary jobs and Über-style gigs.


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Reply #101 on: January 19, 2019, 05:29:02 PM
What is happening in Waco is a small example of what is happening everywhere:  Austin, Denver, San Francisco, Seattle... cities are becoming the playgrounds of the wealthy, while lower incomed people are pushed to suburban community an hour or two away, doomed to commute for crappy jobs with no benefits. Or worse, temporary jobs and Über-style gigs.

I know, I moved here from Portland via Colorado Springs.

However, in the Border states, the power gap was left by these Mass Deportations.  The "Lower Incomed" people are hispanic, which is leaving entire swaths open to be remodeled.

I'm agreeing with you, just adding another example from here.  It's not limited to Austin any more.  (That got Gentrified in the 80s.  When I lived there, in Congress Park Apartments.)

Speaking of Magnolia Bakery, they recently moved into the old grain silos downtown.  Where I got kicked out for explaining to a pseudo-celiac that nothing in there is "Gluten free."  They put a sign up, and a not on the menu saying as much.  It's built into a GRAIN SILO!  The walls are fucking coated in Gluten.  The air inside it isn't gluten free.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2019, 05:33:16 PM by psiberzerker »


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Reply #102 on: January 19, 2019, 05:48:26 PM
What is happening in Waco is a small example of what is happening everywhere:  Austin, Denver, San Francisco, Seattle... cities are becoming the playgrounds of the wealthy, while lower incomed people are pushed to suburban community an hour or two away, doomed to commute for crappy jobs with no benefits. Or worse, temporary jobs and Über-style gigs.

I know, I moved here from Portland via Colorado Springs.

However, in the Border states, the power gap was left by these Mass Deportations.  The "Lower Incomed" people are hispanic, which is leaving entire swaths open to be remodeled.

I'm agreeing with you, just adding another example from here.  It's not limited to Austin any more.  (That got Gentrified in the 80s.  When I lived there, in Congress Park Apartments.)

Speaking of Magnolia Bakery, they recently moved into the old grain silos downtown.  Where I got kicked out for explaining to a pseudo-celiac that nothing in there is "Gluten free."  They put a sign up, and a not on the menu saying as much.  It's built into a GRAIN SILO!  The walls are fucking coated in Gluten.  The air inside it isn't gluten free.

Yeah, I’ve been to the Silos.  An interesting example of mass hysteria.  Middle aged women clutching throw pillows and candles, that they simply *must* have.  I’m told that “Fixer Upper” has filmed its last episode, but let’s review.  Charming Homer Simpson dad, Amerasian cutie wife, who likes to decorate.  Six kids on a farm growing organic herbs and collecting eggs.  It’s a fantasy. And certain, mainly white, mainly female, people just can’t get enough of it.

I used to love the Elite Cafe.  Haven’t been by the new Magnolia incarnation.  Probably will stick to Health Camp now.


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Reply #103 on: January 19, 2019, 06:09:22 PM
"First we take Manhattan..."

Offline Elizabeth

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Reply #104 on: January 19, 2019, 06:15:21 PM
LOL....for some reason I'm glad I live out in the country and don't have to deal with the (above) crap you guys have to deal with.
The best Portuguese food on the East Coast (IMO) can be found in the "Iron Bound Section" of Newark and Elizabeth New Jersey.
The biggest problems I have on my farm are the damn downy woodpeckers...!!!!
The farms around me (mostly truck farms) use Immigrant / Itinerant workers to pick the crops.
It's not heaven by any means, but it seems to have a lot less problems than you do.



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Reply #105 on: January 19, 2019, 07:05:13 PM
The farms around me (mostly truck farms) use Immigrant / Itinerant workers to pick the crops.
It's not heaven by any means, but it seems to have a lot less problems than you do.

Different problems, but that's another economic hardship they're not talking about.  You're friends with these farmers, so you probably already know about this, but the reason why the farm workers are Migrant is because the work is Seasonal.  Which is fine for Nomads that don't get the benefits of having a legal address in the first place, but the flip side is that legal (European) Americans won't work for Mexican wages, and wait until the money comes in.

The Harvests are the worst time, because it's like the end of the month, only it's the end of the MonthS, you invested in planting let's say Squash.  So, until you actually sell your squash crop, you don't have anything to pay the workers with, if you also want to keep food on your table.  Meanwhile, it's January, so Property tax is due, and your refund (If any) isn't until after April.  When the weather will be nice enough to plant crops which sell for better than Squash, and Asparagus.  You know, the hearty winter crops, you need to get through winter?  Yeah.

So, the situation, and especially the laws about minimum wage, and how it's Taxed basically force farmers to either have larger families, or hire people who don't mind working for a few months until you can pay them the money they need to move on to the next job.  Without the Migrant workers?  More farms will be foreclosed, just like the last time we cracked down on Manuel Labor.


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Reply #106 on: January 19, 2019, 07:30:24 PM
I see what you did there.  Well played.


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Reply #107 on: January 19, 2019, 07:48:12 PM
I see what you did there.  Well played.

Manuel Labor?  It's a joke I got from the Construction industry, which unfortunately isn't hit as hard, because the housing crisis already kicked the legs out of the sawhorse.  So, now we can have trendy shows about white women swinging sledgehammers, buying "Run down" apartments, and fixing them up for profit, without the middleman.

(As long as they're Attractive white women, with sledgehammers.  I notice there's no Black couples buying up homes to flip.  Despite the fact that the term "Flip it" started in the inner city before the white women took over.)

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Reply #108 on: January 20, 2019, 03:07:46 AM
IF Congress would enforce the laws that we already have I don't think we would be where we are at today. But both parties worry more about their base than anything else. I for one want secure borders.. WHATEVER IT TAKES, WHATEVER THE COST. As for polls, there is a poll to support any position anyone has, so I don't believe in them.

Seperation of powers. Congress (legislative branch) does not enforce laws, it makes them. The President (executive branch) is in charge of enforcing the laws.

As for our borders, they are already secure.  However they could be made more so without a wall. If we built a wall we still need people to patrol and maintain it, and we don't have the personel to do so.

That's why I think a wall would be a waste of money.


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Reply #109 on: February 14, 2019, 01:57:07 AM
So far as I know, TheWall, under construction now, and into 2020 and beyond...

Where?  If they already started, where did they start, Brownsville, El Paso, or Tijuana? 

With what money?  His gofundme refunded the money to those he bilked.  Congress said "No," so who's paying for it?  Is Donny paying for it out of pocket?

Mexico isn't paying for it.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #110 on: February 14, 2019, 03:44:47 AM
Obama money is paying for current Wall Construction. It was a good idea then and is still a great idea, will cover current construction thru the Fiscal Year.

So far as I know, TheWall, under construction now, and into 2020 and beyond...

Where?  If they already started, where did they start, Brownsville, El Paso, or Tijuana? 

With what money?  His gofundme refunded the money to those he bilked.  Congress said "No," so who's paying for it?  Is Donny paying for it out of pocket?

Mexico isn't paying for it.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #111 on: February 14, 2019, 03:53:14 AM
Obama, Clinton, and other Presidents identified areas along the boarder where fences made sense.  Only Trump is proposing a boarder wall along the entire length, including where it does not make sense.

Points of fact: 

If you build a wall along a river like the Rio Grand, it will be washed out and it's foundation will be undermined constantly.

There are mountains along the border that are so steep we cannot build on them.

Farmers and ranchers own land that stradles the boarder.  Building walls through such property will render which ever half that falls on the side with no roads unusable and worthless.

Part of the wall would need to be built through an Indian Reservation.  This would be a violation of OUR Treaty.


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Reply #112 on: February 14, 2019, 04:09:59 AM
Obama money is paying for current Wall Construction. It was a good idea then and is still a great idea, will cover current construction thru the Fiscal Year.


So, what is this State of Emergency for something that was already done, he's willing to cripple the economy to take credit for?

Again, where's the money coming from?  His budget was rejected, his Gofundme failed (He asked Taxpayers for handouts) and Mexico isn't paying for it.

Too bad there's not a (Alleged) Millionaire to put up his own money for it.  Also, in the last 2 years, there has been no construction on it.  None.  Don't tell me he missed an opportunity to throw a ground breaking ceremony for his legacy.  He lied, and you bought it.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 04:19:03 AM by psiberzerker »

Offline joan1984

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Reply #113 on: February 14, 2019, 04:18:18 AM
Details to be resolved along the way, as the wall/fence/barrier, call it what you must, so long as it, by itself, is an effective STOP to passage for everyone who tries such illegal entry. Why is this so difficult to understand?

Catching trespassers is not the goal, not the primary goal. Trespass costs us all, way more than I think it should, and laws need to be updated, which means politicians need to be thrown out of office, so new legislators, not the ones who are beholden to anti-American interests through current bribery, campaign fund scams and whatever interests continue to allow thwarted effective STOPPING of vehicle and foot traffic across our legal borders.

Meanwhile, a WALL, high enough and strong enough, and continuous enough to be fully effective in stopping all unauthorized entry, must be the goal and must be the fact.

When all entry on foot or vehicle is forced to be at legal ports of entry, the Wall will have become effective, and ever increasing technology will continue to help prevent illegal cargo, including human cargo, from harming US Citizens.

Where for whatever reason a physical barrier cannot be effective, then whatever means may be employed to accomplish the job must be effected.

The more passive the better, so it works all the time, day and night, attended and not attended at any given point or moment. Beyond that, additional steps to prevent criminal entry are welcomed, and totally effective means to capture or otherwise neutralize those who would attempt criminal entry are welcomed.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #114 on: February 14, 2019, 04:20:00 AM
Details to be resolved along the way,

That's not exactly "Under construction" now is it?  Details like nothing done, because the government workers who would be doing it still haven't gotten their back pay from the government shutdown he prolonged, and still didn't get any money out of it.

So, who's going to pay for it?

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Reply #115 on: February 14, 2019, 04:26:51 AM
I suggest you and everyone pay the same amount of attention to any State Of Emergency to be declared, as you each paid to the past 53 State Of Emergency declarations, by President Carter, and every President since Carter, including th most recent President(s), when our leaders found it necessary to cut through Red Tape and bring to bear assets to accomplish necessary tasks.

Exactly the same as #1, #2, #30, #40, #50, #51, #52, and #53.

Many such Emergency Declarations continue in effect today, funding necessary items without complaint or difficulty.

Obama money is paying for current Wall Construction. It was a good idea then and is still a great idea, will cover current construction thru the Fiscal Year.


So, what is this State of Emergency for something that was already done, he's willing to cripple the economy to take credit for?

Again, where's the money coming from?  His budget was rejected, his Gofundme failed (He asked Taxpayers for handouts) and Mexico isn't paying for it.

Too bad there's not a (Alleged) Millionaire to put up his own money for it.  Also, in the last 2 years, there has been no construction on it.  None.  Don't tell me he missed an opportunity to throw a ground breaking ceremony for his legacy.  He lied, and you bought it.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #116 on: February 14, 2019, 04:31:31 AM
That wasn't the question.  The "Obama money" is gone, he squandered it, and the shutdown didn't work either.  So, where's the money coming from?

Offline joan1984

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Reply #117 on: February 14, 2019, 04:35:16 AM
Obama and Bush money continues to fund construction and fortification of existing barriers, and new barriers along the Southern border, going on today.

That wasn't the question.  The "Obama money" is gone, he squandered it, and the shutdown didn't work either.  So, where's the money coming from?

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #118 on: February 14, 2019, 04:40:05 AM
new barriers along the Southern border, going on today.

Where?  "Along the southern border" is thousands of miles, and even if what you say is true (It isn't) Donny has utterly failed to do anything about it, except for take credit for it, after the fact, after calling Obama a foreigner.

So, where's the money?  Where's the construction?

Offline Lois

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Reply #119 on: February 14, 2019, 06:06:03 AM
Wow, Joan is right.  We need to build a wall along the Canadian border as well.

What do you think Joan?