This is a non-controversial controversy.
"Mertyl, get th' hose. Those dadblamed liberals is at it again..."
It's a pretty reliable sign, in modern (Let's say the last 25 years) political commentary, when certain nebulous terms are used, repeatedly, they have abous as much meaning as the accusation. Like Rush Limbaugh revolutionized the media with such Rightist namecalling, as "Feminazi," and using "Liberal" as a curse word.
That's what "The Left' means in this context: Nothing, no one, like the "Far left," and even worse, the "Alt left." Because some extremely deluded bigots started calling themselves the "Alt-right" (Which is the darker edgier Alternative to the Right. A niche traditionally held by Progressives) then logically, there must be an "Alt left," because that's how logic works, right? What gets me after the whole Teabaggers is nobody started calling themselves the Coffee Filters, because, IDFK, that would be silly? (Not much sillier than the phantom "Alt Left.")
So, that's where the signal to noise ratio is coming from here. The magic words she has to say to stir up fear. "The left," on the assumption that anyone with 2 neurons to rub together should be as terrified by "The left" as she is, instead of calling people "Cucks,' or "SJWs," or the perennial favorite, "Nazis."
But just in case, anyone is thinking about calling someone Nazis, here. Now in the wrong board because we didn't give her enough attention in "Politics" where this discussion belongs. (We don't have a sub-forum for Identity Politics, like "The Left") She's just going to accuse us of calling her that preemptively, because apparently she pathologically incapable of articulating an argument, that doesn't include accusing someone (On "The Left") of calling her a Nazi.
You know what? AntiFa defines itself by it's opposition to Fascism. So yeah, they see Fascists everywhere else. You would think that someone who identifies as "Not a Nazi" would be able to understand that. Nobody else has to prove that they're NOT a Nazi. Pretty much ever. It's not like the real Nazis go to any trouble to hide it.
Closet Nazis are about as much a myth as "The Left."