I'm going on (And on) because this is the place, and it's not just a complex issue. It's life, full of complex issues, and hard decisions. My problem is that labels like "Social justice" appear to serve no other purpose than to decide which issues are important, and which ones aren't worth our attention. It's also used by Homophobes, which are against LGBT people being able to marry, adopt, and raise children without a father.
Is that Social Justice? I'm not going to say that this is more important than the next Einstein being born, because that's the premise of this rationale: "What's more important?" That's the central question here, what's worth worrying about, and what's just "SJW" nonsense? To the "Right," it's "Traditional family Values," and "God's Will." According to them, Abortion isn't just murder, but Homosexuality is Abomination, punishable by death.
Equally important is Gun Rights. Not Gun Safety, the right to bear arms is guaranteed, but Jefferson didn't say anything about making them Safe. So, nobody has to look at his son, and thank God that he wasn't murdered in school by a lone gunman for attention. (I believe that's the primary motive.) We require that guns have Safeties, multiple safeties so that they can be carried on Safe. We require seatbelts, and even that you wear seatbelts, or you can be pulled over, for driving with it hanging loose over your shoulder.
Just in case you get hit with a drunk driver. There's no laws that you actually use the Safety on your gun. What's important is we have the right to bear arms, and it's not infringed apon, even if that means that anyone who wants to murder children for attention can get their hands on the tools that make it easy. As long as the children are Born, regardless of the circumstances, we'll ignore the possibility of them being the victims of Mass Murder, or witnessing Mass Murder.
I have to ask, what about the Survivors of school shootings? They're the Lucky ones, right? They're alive, so we tell them to "Stop sniveling," and be happy that they weren't murdered? No, because it doesn't work like that. Not being murdered gives you the opportunity, the privilege of being Alive (Until you die.) That's the bare minimum, whether they're not killed by a medical professional who's actually trained, and swears an oath, a drunk driver just trying to have a good time, or a guy with a gun, who either believes he's the "Good Guy," or the Victim of bullies.
Which one is the SJW? That's the central question: Which one's concerns are more important than any others? Which ones can we dismiss, because it's just "Social Justice," and therefore not important?
If you ask me, it depends on who you ask. To a mother (Or pervy Aunt) it's the born child's, if you ask a Pro-Lifer it's the Father's, because they invariably err on the side of His rights over the mother's. First the child, then the Father, and then the woman who has to go through all that Labor. If you ask a Gun Rights Activist, it's the Guns'. Rights. Guns have rights in America, by Constitutional Law. Guns are better protected in children's schools.
I'm sorry, but it seems to me that a child being born, only to leave flowers, and a stuffed animals at the shrine where her friends were killed is incredibly short-sighted. How we live is at least as important as being born in the first place. If it's important that no Fetuses are killed, than it should be equally important that no school children are killed, because the rights of Guns outweigh the lives of your children. (I don't have any, because I know that I would abuse them.)
We all pay the price. We all do, if you're a Socialist that believes that we should all have a share, then we should all share the responsibility. If you're a Capitalist, and believe that Wealth is a measure of Merit, then you should insure that the children we Force to be born into this world have food, and enjoy all the Rights you take for granted. The right to be married, even if you fall in love with someone of the same sex. The right to have children, even if you can't because of a congenital condition (Like not being attracted to Men.) The right to NOT have children, you can't provide for, or can't love because of some physical, mental, or social defect. (Like Spinabifida, Pedophilia, or Poverty)
It's a Right if you have a Choice. It's not a right if someone with Power over you decides for you. No, you can't have that, because it's Murder, and we'll charge you with Murder. You have to go through with it, regardless of the circumstance, and then you will be hit with the bill. If you can't afford a child, you still have to deal with the debt you owe, for having her in a hospital without insurance. If you don't have a car, then you'll have to pay for the ambulance. If you're raped, and the Father wants parental rights, he can.
I know, it makes me sound like a "Social Justice Warrior," but I'm for Mother's Rights. Including the right to decide that you can't be a mother, or you're not ready to right now, as long as You decide not to have sex. You decide not to let that man's sperm become a new life that may not have the opportunities of a full family.
I honestly don't believe that anyone else has the Right to make that Choice for all women.