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Reply #220 on: January 02, 2019, 04:16:27 AM
I wish I had a perverted neighbor or two.  It would break up the monotony.

Offline Jed_

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Reply #221 on: January 02, 2019, 04:19:16 AM
I wonder why it is that when I look up "passive aggressive" on-line, trying to learn how to deal with my wife's behavior, all I can find is articles and videos about passive-aggressive men.

In my experience, 9 out of 10 women are passive aggressive, in that if you ask them
what is wrong, they respond with a cold stare, a pout, or by acting out in some other way rather than responding directly.

Just an honest observation.

I’m going to guess that for every one trait in women you find unfair or annoying, those same women could name at least ten traits about men that are more unfair and more annoying, perhaps many of them applying to you personally.

I made a vague attempt at pointing out a double standard with my Peruvian a few days ago.  It was a bit of a lost cause and rather pointless, mostly because despite that double standard she’s pretty fucking wonderful.  And, she was right about me being wrong even if she does it too.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #222 on: January 02, 2019, 02:33:14 PM

In my experience, men who say shit like "9-out-of-10 women..."  Are sexist.


"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

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Reply #223 on: January 03, 2019, 04:47:00 AM
Gee, Miss B, what gives it away?

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

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Reply #224 on: January 03, 2019, 02:14:17 PM
Boy this place has just about died.  Sad...

I LOVE Squirters...YUM!


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Reply #225 on: January 03, 2019, 02:18:33 PM

My wife's doctor gave her a prescription for a new drug to be used once a week (a self-injection), suggesting that she check with the insurance company to make sure it's covered.

The good news: it is covered. The bad news: the co-pay is 28% of the cost.

The price quoted by the pharmacy is $5,280 PER DOSE. Even after insurance, that leaves our out of pocket cost at over $1500. Every week.

I did a little math and the new medicine works out to be almost 16 MILLION DOLLARS a pound. Is there anything on earth that's worth 16 million dollars a pound?

Looks like she'll be staying with the medicine she's already on. That one is only $600 every six weeks.

I have one thing to say to drug companies, and that is (with apologies to Elizabeth for stealing her line) BITE ME!


PS: Feel free to check my math. Dosage is 150mg. There are around 453,000 mg in a pound, or about 3024 doses. Each dose is $5,280.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #226 on: January 03, 2019, 06:29:05 PM

Gee, Miss B, what gives it away?

Do you mean other than the fact that this is far from the first time this user has manifested this type of misogyny on KB?

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #227 on: January 03, 2019, 06:38:29 PM
Do you mean other than the fact that this is far from the first time this user has manifested this type of misogyny on KB?

The one that had seven inch in his user name?  Mmmh, yeah.  That sounds like a dickhead to me, before he says something like 9-out-of-10 women are Passive-Aggressive.

Offline Jed_

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Reply #228 on: January 04, 2019, 01:13:12 AM

My wife's doctor gave her a prescription for a new drug to be used once a week (a self-injection), suggesting that she check with the insurance company to make sure it's covered.

The good news: it is covered. The bad news: the co-pay is 28% of the cost.

The price quoted by the pharmacy is $5,280 PER DOSE. Even after insurance, that leaves our out of pocket cost at over $1500. Every week.

I did a little math and the new medicine works out to be almost 16 MILLION DOLLARS a pound. Is there anything on earth that's worth 16 million dollars a pound?

Looks like she'll be staying with the medicine she's already on. That one is only $600 every six weeks.

I have one thing to say to drug companies, and that is (with apologies to Elizabeth for stealing her line) BITE ME!


PS: Feel free to check my math. Dosage is 150mg. There are around 453,000 mg in a pound, or about 3024 doses. Each dose is $5,280.

Sorry Remmy,

There is some price gouging that goes on.  In fact, a bunch of companies got in trouble recently for price fixing generics.  I’m proud to say the company I work for has never been implicated in wrongdoing like that (at least that I know of).

Pharmaceuticals like biologics are not cheap.  This can’t always be attributed to greed by the industry.

I did a quick calculation based on a manufacturing cost value I know, and 150mg of the product I work mostly on costs about $200 to make.  That’s the raw drug, it does not include the filling into the container and the packaging that the doctor would eventually receive.  It doesn’t include all the cost overhead like the testing that is done on every batch (overhead like my salary).  It doesn’t include the rough approximation of $100 million it cost to develop the drug, nor takes into account probably 10 other similar drugs were invested in that failed and never made it to patients (or resulted in revenue for the company).

And that’s cost, not pricing.  Pricing involves making a profit.  If a company doesn’t think it can make $billions on a drug, then usually it’s not good business to bother with it.  I don’t know what a shot of my drug is priced at, but the dose is not 150mg, so it’s not mine.  You also don’t need the shot that often.

Want to really fix this, well I’ll say something even the executives at my company wouldn’t like.  Medicare for everyone with appropriate regulatory oversight to ensure no price gouging occurs.

You gotta be real careful though.  Squeeze companies the least little bit too much and you severely stifle innovation.  And patients don’t get their life changing meds.  And people die.

And if someone tells me that for your wife to get her meds will mean an increase in my taxes, then I will happily pay.


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Reply #229 on: January 04, 2019, 01:07:38 PM
Sorry Remmy,

There is some price gouging that goes on.  In fact, a bunch of companies got in trouble recently for price fixing generics. 

Want to really fix this, well I’ll say something even the executives at my company wouldn’t like.  Medicare for everyone with appropriate regulatory oversight to ensure no price gouging occurs.

You gotta be real careful though.  Squeeze companies the least little bit too much and you severely stifle innovation.  And patients don’t get their life changing meds.  And people die.

And if someone tells me that for your wife to get her meds will mean an increase in my taxes, then I will happily pay.

There will always be wrongdoers doing wrong, no matter what industry you talk about. From what I've read about nationalized healthcare, it seems to work, but I don't think I'll live long enough to see it happen in the US.

Profits have to be a factor in the capitalistic model, and I have no problem with that. Rogue drug companies can get away with gouging because most of their payments come from insurance, which is another industry that seems to have run amok. Your medical insurance in many cases can literally decide whether you live or die.

I don't have any answers, but I'm thankful that I have a place where I can rant once in a while just to get it out of my system. Whoever started this topic must be a genius. Oh, wait... that was me--and I are not a genius.  ;D



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Reply #230 on: January 04, 2019, 02:30:00 PM
Rogue drug companies can get away with gouging because most of their payments come from insurance, which is another industry that seems to have run amok. Your medical insurance in many cases can literally decide whether you live or die.

I think this (The Insurance lobby) has a lot to do with it.  I'm not going to posit a conspiracy with Drug Lobby, they may be both work independently for profit at the expense of Care, but it has gotten out of hand.

I need only point out how the "Obamacare" became the Insurance Bailout Bill to support my suspicions about Insurance's hand in this.  Health Insurance need not be compulsory, but I'm sure anyone who's ever needed health "Care," or worked in the industry knows that you cannot receive it, without "Insurance," unless you can Afford to pay it out of pocket.

The government wouldn't have to step in, nor shut down the government to make sure Insurance has it's interests protected if we had real Affordable Healthcare.  If the Industries cared more about our Health than their Profits.


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Reply #231 on: January 07, 2019, 01:34:36 PM
What the fuck is up with people making Vlogs about "Social Justice" Girl.  By which they mean Supergirl, because that's a bad thing.  Supergirl "Injustice Searchlighting."  I'm not going to share links, because they're all clickbait for views, but this is what's bouncing around the echo chamber?

I know it's sexism.  I know this, because nobody said a god damned thing when Superman came back from the dead to tell Steppenwolf "I'm also a big fan of Justice."  Remember that?  Of all the bad things there is to say about that movie, all the ass shots of Gal Godot's.  Part of her body, where she'd have an ass.  (It's only a model!)

But we can't have supergirl stand up for Social Justice.  That's something only a Man (Or Amazon, apparently) can do?  It's the Justice League.  Young Justice, remember that?  You know what's wrong with this country?  SJWs fighting for Justice.  We can't have that, while our movies, and TV are dominated by superheros fighting each other, and the free world is being run (Into the ground) by a supervillian.

Yeah, that must be the problem.  We got a TV show about a young girl standing up against the forces of evil.  Just like Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a sign of the end-times.  You remember that?  I blame Joss Whedon.

What the Fuck is Supergirl supposed to do?  It's not like this is new.  It's not like she didn't stand for Social Justice in the comic books.


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Reply #232 on: January 10, 2019, 03:18:31 AM
You ever reach a point where you can't stand it anymore and just want to scream as loud as you can?

CJ's reached that point and I might explode at any second.  :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead: :emot_banghead:


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Reply #233 on: January 11, 2019, 05:20:25 PM
Elderly at the store again.

They were having a sale on 6 packs of Pepsi brand sodas for $1.50. I picked some up, but I don't let the kids have any. An old guy comes by and goes "6 pack, they can't give us 8 packs? Make us drink what they want". Then he mumbled cuss words, was so pissed he smacked his cart as I held the baby Latinas ears, giving no shits he was cussing near a toddler.  :roll:
« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 07:32:40 PM by ChirpingGirl »


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Reply #234 on: January 11, 2019, 05:49:13 PM
6 packs of Pepsi brand sofas for $1.50.

That's a pretty good price for furniture!   :emot_laughing:


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Reply #235 on: January 11, 2019, 07:33:39 PM
Auto correct makes me sound even dumber.  :roll:

Offline Jed_

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Reply #236 on: January 11, 2019, 07:38:05 PM
Auto correct makes me sound even dumber.  :roll:

The creator of Auto-correct is no longer among the living.

May he restaurant in peace.   



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Reply #237 on: January 11, 2019, 07:45:00 PM
He made the world a savor place for grammar Nazis everywhere.

For those of you with smartphones, type autocorrect in to see what it comes up with...



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Reply #238 on: January 12, 2019, 12:35:35 PM
Auto correct makes me sound even dumber.  :roll:

The good news is... you're not the only one. I'd turn it off if I wasn't too lazy to type out the longer words.  :D


Offline Jed_

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Reply #239 on: January 12, 2019, 12:48:37 PM
Auto correct makes me sound even dumber.  :roll:

The good news is... you're not the only one. I'd turn it off if I wasn't too lazy to type out the longer words.  :D


A friend of mine working on a job a ways from home had the company spring for rooms for everyone, so they all got drunk since they didn’t have to drive.  He texted his wife to explain the situation while drunk:

‘Not coming home til tomorrow.  Suzy got me a room.’

He woke to a phone call asking him ‘Who the fuck is Suzy!!!’
‘I don’t know any Suzy?’
‘Well, you texted me she got you a room.’

He looked at his phone.  Fucking autocorrect.