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Random Rants

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on: November 09, 2018, 02:50:14 PM

I was going to put this in the What Ruined Your Day topic, but then I realized that it didn't really ruin my day, so that wasn't appropriate. The What Made Your Day wasn't quite right either, so I started a new topic.

I got my ass chewed out royally by a college age young woman, maybe 21 or 22. She ranted at me for a full three minutes at least. If that doesn't sound like a very long time, try having someone call you and listen to the phone ring for three minutes.

Why was she tearing me a new one? I had the audacity to pull open a department store door and gesture for her and her friend to enter first. I call that common courtesy, and I do it for everyone, not just females.

She called it—let me make sure I get this right... “a dick-centric plot to oppress women and force them into second class status”. And that was just to start with. Her friend's face looked like a shiny red Delicious apple, but she wasn't finished. Oh no.

She didn't need some fucking asshole to open a fucking door for her. Just because I had a goddam penis didn't mean I could treat her like a piece of shit. She actually called me an MCP. Now that's a term I haven't heard for a while.

We slowly gathered an audience of 8 or 10 shoppers leaving the store. Some were openly gawking, others walking quite slowly while they ‘minded their own business'.

When she finally ran out of words and was spluttering, she spun around and stomped off. Fifteen feet away she stopped and took a step back toward me. Her red-faced friend nearly yanked her arm out of its socket and a few seconds later they disappeared around the corner of the building.

Now, 20 years ago that might have ruined my day, but the older I get, the more empathy I seem to have. Even as she was screaming at me, I was wondering what her life must be like.

Had she just had a bad break-up with her boyfriend? Was it simply the wrong time of the month? (I mean no offense ladies, but any married man knows that PMS is a fact of life to some degree or another.)

Or maybe she was just a militant FCP (is that even a thing?). I'll never know exactly what set her off, but I've been thinking about some similar—if less dramatic—things that I've seen recently and it makes me wonder.

Is common courtesy dead? Is it wrong to be considerate of others? I grew up in a much simpler era, and it's hard to un-learn things that were drummed into you for years as being the right thing to do.

So, if someone is holding a door open for you and they look a little hesitant or slightly apprehensive, why not give them a smile and just say, “Thanks.” It's the polite thing to do, and it doesn't cost a dime.

The one thing I know for sure is that I have no intention of abandoning my core beliefs, including common courtesy.



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Reply #1 on: November 09, 2018, 03:25:10 PM
Thank you for this thread.

As for what she was pissed off at, I can only guess, but because of the Trigger, I would think that she was fed up with being treated like a young female in public.  Sometimes, it's treated as an Illness.  (Also, doors are designed for 6' tall men.  So are Kitchen Cabinets, if you like you can do a search for "Short Girl" memes.)  The rest of the time, you're constantly reminded that you're young girls in public.  Just from demographics, I can basically guarantee that they were both followed, catcalled, or at the most extreme "Oops" assaulted, at least once, in the past 24 hours.

Because that's how young girls are treated in public.  If it's not an illness, then it's an invitation for sexual advances.  I generally hold the door for people when their arms are full, or otherwise have some problem with operating a door.  (Being young, and female, is not such an infirmary.)  

Since you asked, I would have to guess, but most likely she sounded fed up with being treated like a Young Lady In Public.  Go out with one, I'm sure you know, or maybe even 2, and just follow them around.  (If they're your friends, don't follow strange girls around in pairs.)  Just keep your distance, and watch what thy put up with, constantly, as long as they're out in public.  They're judged on their weight.  There's no perfect Goldilox zone, where they're thin enough to be considered healthy, but not thin enough to be considered vain.  

If they dress nice, they're harassed for it.  If they don't dress nice, they're harassed for it.  If they don't Smile, they're harassed for it.  This isn't Just men, women do it too.  You want constant fashion advice from complete strangers?  Try being a woman in her early 20s.  You ever get comments on your Shoes?  When was the last time someone told you you wore the wrong shoes today?

It sucks, to be them.  I'm sorry she took it out on you, but after that, they ran off, her friend was embarrassed, and then it continued to suck to be them, until they got home.  Girls that age have to maintain a standard higher than the Military Uniform Discipline.  Basically, and worry about sexual assaults.  It's stressfull.

I'm not excusing for what she did, but you asked.  I can only offer a plausible explanation.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2018, 03:28:34 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #2 on: November 09, 2018, 03:44:05 PM

I was going to put this in the What Ruined Your Day topic, but then I realized that it didn't really ruin my day, so that wasn't appropriate. The What Made Your Day wasn't quite right either, so I started a new topic.

I got my ass chewed out royally by a college age young woman, maybe 21 or 22. She ranted at me for a full three minutes at least. If that doesn't sound like a very long time, try having someone call you and listen to the phone ring for three minutes.

Why was she tearing me a new one? I had the audacity to pull open a department store door and gesture for her and her friend to enter first. I call that common courtesy, and I do it for everyone, not just females.

She called it—let me make sure I get this right... “a dick-centric plot to oppress women and force them into second class status”. And that was just to start with. Her friend's face looked like a shiny red Delicious apple, but she wasn't finished. Oh no.

.  .  . 

I'm always a fan of a good rant, and this one scores you a 9.25/10. Well done!

Please keep in mind that you did the right thing, and, perhaps most important, this women is an outlier, and a more extreme outlier.

It is common courtesy, and it's common courtesy despite your age, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc., and despite the age, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc. of the person for whom your holding the door.

You're doing the right thing. She's a moron.

Take comfort in that...

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #3 on: November 09, 2018, 03:44:24 PM

I was going to put this in the What Ruined Your Day topic, but then I realized that it didn't really ruin my day, so that wasn't appropriate. The What Made Your Day wasn't quite right either, so I started a new topic.

I got my ass chewed out royally by a college age young woman, maybe 21 or 22. She ranted at me for a full three minutes at least. If that doesn't sound like a very long time, try having someone call you and listen to the phone ring for three minutes.

Why was she tearing me a new one? I had the audacity to pull open a department store door and gesture for her and her friend to enter first. I call that common courtesy, and I do it for everyone, not just females.

She called it—let me make sure I get this right... “a dick-centric plot to oppress women and force them into second class status”. And that was just to start with. Her friend's face looked like a shiny red Delicious apple, but she wasn't finished. Oh no.

She didn't need some fucking asshole to open a fucking door for her. Just because I had a goddam penis didn't mean I could treat her like a piece of shit. She actually called me an MCP. Now that's a term I haven't heard for a while.

We slowly gathered an audience of 8 or 10 shoppers leaving the store. Some were openly gawking, others walking quite slowly while they ‘minded their own business'.

When she finally ran out of words and was spluttering, she spun around and stomped off. Fifteen feet away she stopped and took a step back toward me. Her red-faced friend nearly yanked her arm out of its socket and a few seconds later they disappeared around the corner of the building.

Now, 20 years ago that might have ruined my day, but the older I get, the more empathy I seem to have. Even as she was screaming at me, I was wondering what her life must be like.

Had she just had a bad break-up with her boyfriend? Was it simply the wrong time of the month? (I mean no offense ladies, but any married man knows that PMS is a fact of life to some degree or another.)

Or maybe she was just a militant FCP (is that even a thing?). I'll never know exactly what set her off, but I've been thinking about some similar—if less dramatic—things that I've seen recently and it makes me wonder.

Is common courtesy dead? Is it wrong to be considerate of others? I grew up in a much simpler era, and it's hard to un-learn things that were drummed into you for years as being the right thing to do.

So, if someone is holding a door open for you and they look a little hesitant or slightly apprehensive, why not give them a smile and just say, “Thanks.” It's the polite thing to do, and it doesn't cost a dime.

The one thing I know for sure is that I have no intention of abandoning my core beliefs, including common courtesy.


Special little snowflake feminist cunt. I've had men open doors for me when I was carrying my baby Latina. Was I offended? No, because I'm not a spoiled little bitch with a head full of Twitter hashtags and fake victimhood.

Next Time tell her to fuck herself and slam the door behind you.

Offline Jed_

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Reply #4 on: November 09, 2018, 04:05:44 PM
Snowflake, exactly.  Unless the unlikely happens and she grows up, she’ll spend her life railing against men keeping her unemployed, when it’s her own fault.

These are the college fucks IrishGirl talks about that followed her around harassing her and calling her a fascist because she dared to challenge some of their assumptions.  One of them being, merely having a penis means you are an oppressor and need to chop the thing off.


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Reply #5 on: November 09, 2018, 06:43:53 PM
Snowflake, exactly.  Unless the unlikely happens and she grows up, she’ll spend her life railing against men keeping her unemployed, when it’s her own fault.

These are the college fucks IrishGirl talks about that followed her around harassing her and calling her a fascist because she dared to challenge some of their assumptions.  One of them being, merely having a penis means you are an oppressor and need to chop the thing off.

My sister and her wife go to a college infested with NPC snowflakes and pathetic "soy" boys. They can't wait to get out of there.

I've had to deal with some of them too. Once when I was shopping a fat whale with pink hair yelled and screamed at me for kissing the baby Latina on her cheek when she was being unbearably adorable and sweet. "You're not allowed to touch a person of color!!!!!!!!!!" the psychotic whale screamed. CJ wasn't havin' that. I may not have made her, but she's mine and I'll fuckin' kiss her if I want. Don't you EVER tell me not to.

Last year when wifey and I were in New York, we were having lunch and I brushed some hair out of her gorgeous face and here comes another CUNT telling me I'm not allowed to touch a person of color. These are white bitches by the way. Wifey took care of the situation and told the bitch to mind her own business.


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Reply #6 on: November 09, 2018, 07:07:22 PM

 She actually called me an MCP.

Why?  Are Microsoft Certified Professionals known for holding open doors for women too?
Sorry, I actually had to look that up and it was the first one. 

Bystanders need to get involved in that situation.  I don't use the C word, but I'm sure someone has called her that word before. 

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)
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Reply #7 on: November 09, 2018, 07:09:47 PM
MCP means "Male Chauvanist Pig".

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Reply #8 on: November 09, 2018, 07:50:51 PM
My dad tells a story of military courtesy that happened to him at the Officers Cub at Ft. Benning. He walked up to the main doors of the club for lunch and a young 2LT reaches the doors at the same time. My dad, a Captain at the time, stopped and waited. Military courtesy dictates that the junior rank open doors for senior ranks.

They stood there for a few seconds waiting for each other to open the door. My dad looked at the 2LT, and arched an eyebrow. Whereupon she suddenly came to her senses and sheepishly opened and held the door for him to enter.

Rank hath its privledges.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

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Reply #9 on: November 10, 2018, 02:37:47 AM

I got my ass chewed out royally by a college age young woman, maybe 21 or 22. She ranted at me for a full three minutes at least. If that doesn't sound like a very long time, try having someone call you and listen to the phone ring for three minutes.

Why was she tearing me a new one? I had the audacity to pull open a department store door and gesture for her and her friend to enter first. I call that common courtesy, and I do it for everyone, not just females.

I'd have listened for about 3 or 4 seconds and then said "Have a wonderful day" and dived through the door, letting it go behind me.  I'm all over courtesy, but I won't tolerate rude and obnoxious.

Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)


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Reply #10 on: November 10, 2018, 03:17:46 PM
I'd have listened for about 3 or 4 seconds and then said "Have a wonderful day" and dived through the door, letting it go behind me.  I'm all over courtesy, but I won't tolerate rude and obnoxious.

Probably the best thing I could have done, but I was so shocked it never even entered my mind. Once they went around the corner I did tip my imaginary hat and say, "You have a nice day now." What was left of our audience got a good laugh and I went on in the store, just shaking my head.

I'm always a fan of a good rant, and this one scores you a 9.25/10. Well done!

You're doing the right thing. She's a moron.

Take comfort in that...

Well, I didn't lose any sleep over it. She was mostly wasting her time though. I'm pretty sure I'd be a poor choice to represent the entire male species.

I'm too old to go re-inventing myself, so I'll always be on the plus side of courteous.

This random rant wasn't even mine, I was just the target, but trust me, I'll have a few of my own in weeks to come. And the topic is here for anyone else wanting to vent.

Thanks for all your replies,

PS: 9.25? Golly, with all those f-bombs I thought it would rate at least a 9.6.  ;D


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Reply #11 on: November 10, 2018, 04:31:45 PM
My turn.

I've been donating to and volunteering at a new food pantry that opened up near the local church. Wifey #2 and the baby Latina and sister and her wifeys daughter go with me, and the kids are always a hit with the people who volunteer there. They're well aware I'm no kind of religious person, but they never bring it up.

Anyway. The place is supposed to help the poor, but it's now completely infested with college kids who just take and take and take. I get you can have financial problems going to college, despite the fact my sister and her wifey have gotten a free ride courtesy me and muh womans  :roll: but when they come in they always have the newest smart phones, the best clothes and the baddest attitudes. They take without giving a shit and feel entitled. I told the volunteers I thought we were helping people who needed it, not college brats. Of course it's not like they can tell them to get out, it's all free. But when you do get people who need the help, there's almost nothing good left for them. That's bullshit and it needs to change especially now that it's winter.  :roll:


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Reply #12 on: November 10, 2018, 06:29:47 PM
The asshole rule to the Honor System:  It only takes 1 asshole to fuck it up, and there's always at least 1 asshole.  

I wouldn't say entitled to free shit (It's free shit) but I would definitely say Greedy.  

Thank you for volunteering.  Seriously, and sincerely.  As a career homeless person, I really appreciate you, and others who donate, and volunteer.  I hate the greedy assholes too.  I'm not going to get off on a rant here, but what really burns my souffle is the ones that try to bum cigarettes off the homeless.  WTF, no seriously.  What the actual fuck?  I know it's first come, first served, but they don't donate, don't volunteer, don't help out, and while we're waiting in line, we're supposed to provide them with cigarettes, too?

"No, I have a pipe."

"Well, if I go get a paper, can I roll one?"

"Tell you what, while you're out bumbing a rolling paper, from homeless people, why don't you see if there's any dry butts in the ashtray over there?"


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Reply #13 on: November 10, 2018, 07:26:15 PM
It's also that time of the year the kids start picking out stuff they've outgrown for donation. I want them to be well aware that even though they live in a big house, have full little tummies, and basically want for nothing that there's kids who don't have anything that they do.

The 6 says she wants to volunteer with me tomorrow.  :D She can sort out canned stuff and put it on the lower shelves.  ;D No one likes doing that.  :emot_laughing:

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Reply #14 on: November 10, 2018, 08:23:56 PM

I was going to put this in the What Ruined Your Day topic, but then I realized that it didn't really ruin my day, so that wasn't appropriate. The What Made Your Day wasn't quite right either, so I started a new topic.

I got my ass chewed out royally by a college age young woman, maybe 21 or 22. She ranted at me for a full three minutes at least. If that doesn't sound like a very long time, try having someone call you and listen to the phone ring for three minutes.

Why was she tearing me a new one? I had the audacity to pull open a department store door and gesture for her and her friend to enter first. I call that common courtesy, and I do it for everyone, not just females.

She called it—let me make sure I get this right... “a dick-centric plot to oppress women and force them into second class status”. And that was just to start with. Her friend's face looked like a shiny red Delicious apple, but she wasn't finished. Oh no.

.  .  . 

I'm always a fan of a good rant, and this one scores you a 9.25/10. Well done!

Please keep in mind that you did the right thing, and, perhaps most important, this women is an outlier, and a more extreme outlier.

It is common courtesy, and it's common courtesy despite your age, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc., and despite the age, sex, race, sexual orientation, etc. of the person for whom your holding the door.

You're doing the right thing. She's a moron.

Take comfort in that...

I had the chance to hold open a door for a couple of well dressed business men.
(so I took it)......The looks I got were priceless.
Especially as I was in jeans and cowboy boots an didn't quite fit the look for "Chase Bank".



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Reply #15 on: November 10, 2018, 08:41:37 PM
I had the chance to hold open a door for a couple of well dressed business men.

I would love to see more of this.  I have seen it, but not nearly enough.


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Reply #16 on: November 11, 2018, 01:26:19 PM
I had the chance to hold open a door for a couple of well dressed business men.
(so I took it)......The looks I got were priceless.
Especially as I was in jeans and cowboy boots an didn't quite fit the look for "Chase Bank".


Good for you Liz. I'm proud of you!



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Reply #17 on: November 11, 2018, 01:37:58 PM
My turn.

I've been donating to and volunteering at a new food pantry that opened up near the local church. Wifey #2 and the baby Latina and sister and her wifeys daughter go with me, and the kids are always a hit with the people who volunteer there. They're well aware I'm no kind of religious person, but they never bring it up.

I'm proud of you CJ, and your daughter too, she sounds like a delight.

As for the takers, they've been around since the beginning of time. I believe (I have to believe) that Karma eventually evens things out. Otherwise, I might be tempted to go berserk with an Uzi someday. (I wouldn't really, please don't report me the the feds.)  :facepalm:


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Reply #18 on: November 11, 2018, 02:26:11 PM
The 6 is an animal obsessed little angel. They all are. They'd all volunteer, but I only need the six.  :D

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Reply #19 on: November 11, 2018, 11:30:45 PM
I can’t imagine not holding the door open if someone is coming regardless of who they are and wouldn’t bat an eye at the same being done for me, would just say ‘Thank you.’  I would notice if someone let the door slam in my face, but probably wouldn’t comment.

Once leaving a building in Berlin, I caught in my peripheral vision someone was coming behind me and held the door.  A well dressed woman walked through and said something in German.  I apologized for not understanding, and she replied in perfect English, ‘I said, you can’t be from Berlin.  You are far too polite.’