This wasn't a referendum on Trump, this was a referendum on the left's identity politics.
...Followed by an ad nauseum regurgitation of the same sLeft RIGHTeous Identity Politics that's so your signature, I saw it coming, in the first paragraph. 5, count them 5 ad-hominem attacks, in 1 sentance, the last 4 attributed to the first. That's how you know they're leftists, because they call Everyone Who Doesn't Agree With Them, "Nazi, fascist, misogynist, and Russian Bot."
Honestly, it would be so fucking easy to write a chatbot, to just say that, in every single thread. You're that rigidly predictable. You start off good, get excited, then forget what to say. So, you fall back on accusing the phantom Left of saying all those nasty things about you.
And again.
It's gotten old. 2 years ago. Change the fucking record.
That is your Political identity now. You're that girl, the Left always calls a White Supremacist. That's all you are any more.