If we can investigate Benghazi over and over finding nothing yet having Republicans refuse to accept the findings.
Historically, Benghazi is one of the most successful extractions in the history of Embassies. It was under constant Artillery Bombardment, for days. They managed to evacuate hundreds of people, with 4 casualties.
4 dead. Out of hundreds, under constant bombardment from Rockets, Howitzers, and Mortars. It wasn't about an Investigation, or Findings. It was about turning a relative victory (Okay, one of the dead was the Embassador) into the Political Assassination of the Secretary of State, when it wasn't her Job (That would be Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Foreign Affairs,) and she wasn't even on the same Continent.
So basically, they blame her for one of the most impressive security actions in US history, because she didn't strap on a cape, and fly over there to beat the attackers to death with their own howitzers, swinging one by the barrel.
It's Spin, or in modern PC terms "Politically Correct" to completely misrepresent what actually happened, because the American people are too stupid, and don't watch the BBC. In other words: Fake News. It always was.