On the flip side of this do called controversy, I always found the constitutional clause the birthers latched onto to be rather odd. How could the child of a U.S. citizen not automatically be a U.S. citizen regardless of where they were born (unless there was some effort to chose a different citizenship of the other parent)? And why would it be in the constitution that a U.S. citizen had to be born in the U.S. to be president? Imagine a couple meeting and living in the U.S., but one parent is from Canada. They happen to visit Canada briefly and she unexpectedly goes into labor. So a chance delivery on a trip has now destined the child to never be president, but if he/she was born a week later upon return to the U.S., he/she is good to go on being POTUS?
If the Republicans want to debate the absurdity of something in the constitution, how about that one? Oh yeah, wasn’t Ted Cruz born in Canada to a Cuban father? I guess it’s only an issue when one parent is from a country with people brown or darker.
Well, let's talk about "Flippflopping," then, shal we? Isn't that what the Don called it, when he accused Hillary of "Flipflopping?" He's leading the march of the Conservatives now, but oddly enough, that was exactly the issue when the Birthers were tying to prove Obama ineligible. Proving that he wan't born in America, so they can shoehorn their candidate. (Honestly, I forget at this point. Darth Cheney was smart enough not to run while Revenge of the Sith was still fresh in everyone's minds.) into the white-house by default. After all, we can't let a Kenyan into the White House, now can we?
So, basically, it's say whatever is convenient, rather than say what they actually mean. not just lie, but this is the new Strategy for the lie. "It's not about Mexico," ~D. Trump. They don't have this in Mexico, but it's totally not about Mexico, that's why I keep talking about Mexico, every time I change the subjects back around to Immigration. I mean Jobs, i know, let's build a wall to raise Jobs, and deport all the illegals (Wherever they might be from) that are taking all these great jobs from great people. What do I mean by Great?
What a stupid question, not like Mex, uh. Obama. Yeah, fix all the problems Obama left us, when he went and fixed all the Debt left by W. Fighting his daddy's war on loan, and promising to pay it back some time in the future. You know after Clinton. Not, the other Clinton, what's his name, the one that almost got impeached for a Sex Scandal? Yeah, that one. Ever since Hillary's husband payed off all the debt from King George the First, and Reagan left him to pay for not stopping Hussein in the first place, and Star Wars.
What gets me is that the same people on here, that can't follow what I'm talking about seem to be able to understand what Donald "Flip flopping" Trump is talking about, because he remains so consistent, and uses such easy to follow language without throwing "Confusing" quotes in there on the wrong word, and contradicting ever point with the next point.
Almost as if it's less important what's being said than who's saying it. It's amazing how your reading comprehension shoots up when you care about the speaker being right, instead of skinning every sentence for 3 one point to discredit them.