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Safe Spaces On College Campuses Are Creating Intolerant Students

IrishGirl · 3863

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Reply #80 on: October 05, 2018, 09:58:08 PM
Personally, I see nothing wrong with safe spaces.  Such places include Women's Centers, Veteran's support groups, LBGT Clubs, Jewish groups and others.

While such groups, just like churches, can breed intolerence for others, I think usually the outcome is more positive.

I ran the Women's Center at San Francisco State University in the early 1980's. We had various groups that met there, including Rape Survivors (which included men), and discussions about how to ensure equal treatment, birth control, medical services and sexual assault that also included any men that wanted to attend. 

I think we helped many people explore their options and have better lives.  I never understood those that objected to Women's Centers or demanded Men's Centers.

Few campuses still have Women's Centers today.

Those aren't safe spaces.  Those are outreach programs.  Safe Spaces are areas that students can retreat to in order to not deal with conflicting views.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #81 on: October 06, 2018, 01:06:19 AM
No, these are safe spaces. People come so they can be comfortable talking about issues that might not be welcome topics elsewhere. The problem is that there are those that are trying to broaden the term to include other things.

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Reply #82 on: October 06, 2018, 03:06:24 AM
No, these are safe spaces. People come so they can be comfortable talking about issues that might not be welcome topics elsewhere. The problem is that there are those that are trying to broaden the term to include other things.

OK, are you defending the fact that colleges aren't challenging the views of the people they are supposed to be educating as free thinkers?

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Offline Lois

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Reply #83 on: October 06, 2018, 03:49:48 AM
Not at all.  College campuses are supposed to be safe spaces to learn and think.

I just don't like the people that are equating safe spaces with something they are not.  This is a right-wing talking point being used to discredit colleges and universities because they don't like bastions of liberal thought.


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Reply #84 on: October 06, 2018, 03:56:27 AM
I just don't like the people that are equating safe spaces with something they are not.  This is a right-wing talking point being used to discredit colleges and universities because they don't like bastions of liberal thought.

That "Something they're not" swings both ways, though.  I'm not even going into the "Bastions of liberal thought" when that really depends on the college.  It should be safe for students to learn, but there is a real Liberal movement here, and they are trying to take it farther with deciding what they do, an don't want to accept as reality.  "You can't teach that," of course they fucking can, and there's also Parents in the DeVos movement trying to control what their children are exposed to.  Those children were home schooled in that kind of environment, the kind of environment where vaccines cause Autism, and colleges have to prepare them for the real world, too.

Ideally, schools are supposed to teach students about the real world.  We don't live in an ideal world, and students can't really decide, over qualified college professors, what they don't want to hear.  That's not what Safe Spaces are about.  It's not a revolving door, it swings both ways.  We can't judge an entire set of grades, any more than the largest generation in human history, by the worst examples.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 04:00:42 AM by psiberzerker »

Offline IrishGirl

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Reply #85 on: October 06, 2018, 05:57:13 AM
Not at all.  College campuses are supposed to be safe spaces to learn and think.

I just don't like the people that are equating safe spaces with something they are not.  This is a right-wing talking point being used to discredit colleges and universities because they don't like bastions of liberal thought.

So, the University of Chicago then, would be right-wing somehow for rejecting the concept of sheltering students from thoughts and views that they might disagree with?

Because those "bastions of liberal thought" would be a lot more liberal if they actually allowed different views.  You're not really being a bastion of any thought if you don't allow thought and only push echo chambers.

And, how long has it been since you've been on a campus?  Are you speaking from experience or from partisanship?

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Offline phtlc

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Reply #86 on: October 07, 2018, 02:18:04 AM
This is a right-wing talking point being used to discredit colleges and universities because they don't like bastions of liberal thought.

I don't really see that as being the case. The big issue at least up here in Canada is not that universities are bastions of liberal thought but that they are creating an environment that is hostile to anything but liberal ideas.

While you're waiting in vain for that apology, why don't you make yourself useful by getting on your knees and opening your mouth

Offline IrishGirl

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Reply #87 on: October 07, 2018, 07:13:37 AM
This is a right-wing talking point being used to discredit colleges and universities because they don't like bastions of liberal thought.

I don't really see that as being the case. The big issue at least up here in Canada is not that universities are bastions of liberal thought but that they are creating an environment that is hostile to anything but liberal ideas.

They aren't even liberal ideas.  Liberals by definition are NOT authoritarian.  These are more far left ideas.  They even said that they are against liberals as well for not being far enough left.

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Reply #88 on: October 07, 2018, 07:53:49 AM
They even said that they are against liberals as well for not being far enough left.

Who said that?  Names, quotes.  Not "The far left even said:"  Bullshit.  Strawman, rhetoic, humbug, and balderdash.  You do realize that you've used that "They said" trick so many times, about so many phantom people that it's meaningless, and predictable, AND:

You're calling them the "Far left," you are against them, undeniably, because they're "Too far left."  

So, who?  What did they say when, and which words of your own did you add to make their statements that extreme?  If you're so terrified of these goose stepping leftist Marxist, and Nazis, that you're qualified to speak for them, their plans, beliefs, and their motives. then why are you afraid to say any names?  Surely they have names, right?  Positions of power from which to oppress the poor ignorant masses, so enlighten us.  Surely they're so far left we have all heard of them, just like the far right, right?

Otherwise, a dingo stole your baby, it was brownies I tells ya, and capitol hill is haunted.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 08:01:12 AM by psiberzerker »

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #89 on: October 07, 2018, 04:50:35 PM

They even said that they are against liberals as well for not being far enough left.

Who said that?  Names, quotes.  Not "The far left even said:"  Bullshit.  Strawman, rhetoic, humbug, and balderdash.  You do realize that you've used that "They said" trick so many times, about so many phantom people that it's meaningless, and predictable,


You're calling them the "Far left," you are against them, undeniably, because they're "Too far left."  

Again, spend some time on a college campus, or learn more about what's happening on college campuses today, and you'll discover this is a very real phenomenon.

While I don't give credence to labels like "liberal" and "far left," there's a genuine effort by those farther to the left to discredit and dismiss those not as far to the left for "not being liberal enough." In man instances, the target of the ire of those on the far left is not conservatives, but other liberals.

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Offline Katiebee

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Reply #90 on: October 07, 2018, 05:20:50 PM
Those are the “True Believers”, and they have always done that, be they in secular politics or religion.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline IrishGirl

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Reply #91 on: October 07, 2018, 06:09:42 PM
They even said that they are against liberals as well for not being far enough left.

Who said that?  Names, quotes.  Not "The far left even said:"  Bullshit.  Strawman, rhetoic, humbug, and balderdash.  You do realize that you've used that "They said" trick so many times, about so many phantom people that it's meaningless, and predictable, AND:

You're calling them the "Far left," you are against them, undeniably, because they're "Too far left."  

So, who?  What did they say when, and which words of your own did you add to make their statements that extreme?  If you're so terrified of these goose stepping leftist Marxist, and Nazis, that you're qualified to speak for them, their plans, beliefs, and their motives. then why are you afraid to say any names?  Surely they have names, right?  Positions of power from which to oppress the poor ignorant masses, so enlighten us.  Surely they're so far left we have all heard of them, just like the far right, right?

Otherwise, a dingo stole your baby, it was brownies I tells ya, and capitol hill is haunted.

It is in their own fucking handbook mouth-breather.  If you aren't going to take the time to read the assigned material, don't try to participate in class

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Reply #92 on: October 07, 2018, 06:16:43 PM
Again, spend some time on a college campus, or learn more about what's happening on college campuses today, and you'll discover this is a very real phenomenon.

While I don't give credence to labels like "liberal" and "far left," there's a genuine effort by those farther to the left to discredit and dismiss those not as far to the left for "not being liberal enough." In man instances, the target of the ire of those on the far left is not conservatives, but other liberals.

Again, I'm writing this from Common Grounds.  It's not actually on the campus of Baylor, but can you just abandon the assumption that I haven't been on one in decades?  I'm on one, every singe day, and have been for about 3 years now.

So, I can say pretty conclusively, that it's not Every Single College Campus.  I can also say, due to my friendship with Britney Griner (Who was arguably the most Liberal human being on campus until she Left for the WNBA) that it's not a Far Left thing, either.

You (Plural) are at least exaggerating.  And avoiding the question:  Who, specifically.  If you're going to back up Her accusations, then you can supply her with specifics.  Who represents this Far Left that even considers moderate leftists not extreme enough, the way that Tea Baggers consider moderate conservatives not hateful, and oppressive enough to women, immigrants, and minorities.

Like IrishGirl.  Since you're defending her persecution complex, that her entire identity is an Irish Immigrant, and a Girl, being persecuted by leftist goose stepping Nazis, and we know she can't answer a question, why don't you help her out.  Put a name and a face on this far left movement that's taking over the American university system (They just haven't gotten to Baylor yet) and are just as bad as the Nazis marching withing 150 miles of the capital building, with Shwasticas.  


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Reply #93 on: October 07, 2018, 06:19:30 PM
It is in their own fucking handbook mouth-breather.

Ad Hominem.  Also, let me go ahead, and wait for shipping, then do the reading, but while you're waiting, come up with a name.  1 name, it shouldn't be that hard if they're taking over, and I'm just too blind to see it.  1 name that stands up to the level of David Duke.  Support your position, or it's a false Allegation, and a Conspiracy Theory.

So far, your source is the manifesto for the movement to stop Fascism from growing.  If you remember, they were there in Charlottesville, but they weren't marching with the Nazis, Klan, Militant Racists, Sexists, and Homophobes.  They were fighting the Alt-Right, from the Left.  

The best you can come up with as an example of the leftist conspiracy of oppression are the ones fighting Nazis, and the Clan.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 06:32:31 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #94 on: October 07, 2018, 08:05:44 PM

Again, spend some time on a college campus, or learn more about what's happening on college campuses today, and you'll discover this is a very real phenomenon.

While I don't give credence to labels like "liberal" and "far left," there's a genuine effort by those farther to the left to discredit and dismiss those not as far to the left for "not being liberal enough." In man instances, the target of the ire of those on the far left is not conservatives, but other liberals.

Again, I'm writing this from Common Grounds.  It's not actually on the campus of Baylor, but can you just abandon the assumption that I haven't been on one in decades?  I'm on one, every singe day, and have been for about 3 years now.

So, I can say pretty conclusively, that it's not Every Single College Campus.  I can also say, due to my friendship with Britney Griner (Who was arguably the most Liberal human being on campus until she Left for the WNBA) that it's not a Far Left thing, either.

I'm making no assumptions about you. Nor have I ever stated or implied that you haven't been on a college campus in decades.

So please stop with the straw-(wo)man arguments.

I'm only responding to what you've actually written, and that strongly suggests that you are unfamiliar with what goes on on college campuses today.

You (Plural) are at least exaggerating.  And avoiding the question:  Who, specifically.  If you're going to back up Her accusations, then you can supply her with specifics.  Who represents this Far Left that even considers moderate leftists not extreme enough, the way that Tea Baggers consider moderate conservatives not hateful, and oppressive enough to women, immigrants, and minorities.

Like IrishGirl.  Since you're defending her persecution complex, that her entire identity is an Irish Immigrant, and a Girl, being persecuted by leftist goose stepping Nazis, and we know she can't answer a question, why don't you help her out.  Put a name and a face on this far left movement that's taking over the American university system (They just haven't gotten to Baylor yet) and are just as bad as the Nazis marching withing 150 miles of the capital building, with Shwasticas.  

If you're looking for a list with specific names, organizations, and the like, I'm sure I could provide you with that detailed information. But I see no point in doing so. Especially since you're revealing a persecution complex far more deep-seated than IrishGirl.

And it's not a "movement," it's the general tenor of argument between groups that are all decidedly left of center. It's a well-recognized phenomenon, and it's a widely existing phenomenon. Your "prove it to me or it doesn't exist" attitude achieves little more than lamely bolstering even lamer arguments.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #95 on: October 07, 2018, 08:12:31 PM
I'm making no assumptions about you. Nor have I ever stated or implied that you haven't been on a college campus in decades.

I'm only responding to what you've actually written, and that strongly suggests that you are unfamiliar with what goes on on college campuses today.

Despite the fact that I'm on a College Campus, every day, and I have been for several years.  What precisely were you implying with this?

Again, spend some time on a college campus, or learn more about what's happening on college campuses today, and you'll discover this is a very real phenomenon.

That very real phenomenom?  Isn't here, on THIS college campus.  Today.  

I'm sure I could provide you with that detailed information. But I see no point in doing so. Especially since you're revealing a persecution complex far more deep-seated than IrishGirl.

So, you could, you admit that you can, but you won't because of my "Persecution complex?"  My persecution is irrelevant, a very real phenomena, or not, because we're not talking about Transphobia.  We're talking about extreme leftists who're so extreme that regular leftists aren't left enough.

You want a list of TERFs?  I have them right here.  That wasn't the question.  I know the phenomena, personally.  I've been driven out of PRIDE by feminists that called me a "Wannabe lesbian."

I was asking you, two, to back up your claims.  One name as far left of center as David Duke is to the Right.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 08:19:34 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #96 on: October 07, 2018, 08:17:49 PM

One name as far left of center as David Duke is to the Right.

Grace Klein.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #97 on: October 07, 2018, 08:21:02 PM
Grace Klein.

Thank you.  Now, was that so hard?  I'm going to compare, and contrast her with David Duke, but it's going to take a few moments.  You can prepare your comparison at the same time, and this ad hominem argument can go back to a political discussion...

Right off the back, This is what Google randomly generated on the subjects.  So, just on the axis of popularity, David Duke has a lot more People in support of his prejudiced rhetoric than Grace does.  I'm going to have to scroll down to find her official web page, for samples of that Rhetoric...

Quote from: David Duke

Hear that, White women? NOT WANTED!

It’s time to come home.

You got a tweet from Grace Klien that's this far to the Left?  Because that was less than 20 hours ago.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 08:30:45 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #98 on: October 07, 2018, 09:48:00 PM

Grace Klein.

Thank you.  Now, was that so hard?  I'm going to compare, and contrast her with David Duke, but it's going to take a few moments.  You can prepare your comparison at the same time, and this ad hominem argument can go back to a political discussion...

Right off the back, This is what Google randomly generated on the subjects.  So, just on the axis of popularity, David Duke has a lot more People in support of his prejudiced rhetoric than Grace does.  I'm going to have to scroll down to find her official web page, for samples of that Rhetoric...

Quote from: David Duke

Hear that, White women? NOT WANTED!

It’s time to come home.

You got a tweet from Grace Klien that's this far to the Left?  Because that was less than 20 hours ago.

David Duke hasn't been "on a college campus" since he graduated from LSU in 1972.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #99 on: October 07, 2018, 09:57:19 PM
David Duke hasn't been "on a college campus" since he graduated from LSU in 1972.

A valid point.  Now, I would argue that his Influence (Through the Klan) has.  


Even if he didn't directly orchestrate, and direct that attack.  Even if he didn't go there in person, he has a literal army, that he leads dressed up like a Grand Inquisitor, and then plays the victim by talking about (And I quote) "Political Witch-Hunts" against the NRA, and similar allies.  

That is the Party of Hate.  That is the face of it, and I'd put him right around the Joseph Goebbels of that Party.  Here, in America.  

Now, show me how Jill Klein has that much influence from the "Far Left."  That far left, if not her, who's the Minister of Propoganda for the Alt-Left?  If they're just as bad as the Nazis, and those who march on Universities with Nazis, then they must have someone printing the pamphlets.  Show me that rhetoric.  I know it must be somewhere on the internet, if it's across the Collegic system.  They're Millenials, they can't have a particularly decent fucking Panini without blogging about it.

He might not have been there, but his Rhetoric is on every college campus in the nation.  If you're going to fight against the Lesser Evil, I'm going to point out the greater one.

Just for contrast:  Here's your "No Whites Allowed Day" at Washington State.  Show me the pictures of the Riots.  Show me the numbers of Casualties.  Show me the literal symbols of hate these Far-Left radicals flew on their banners.

When they start acting like Nazis, I'll call them Nazis with you.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2018, 10:06:20 PM by psiberzerker »