I get that you are either incapable of or simply refuse to grasp the concept of what’s being discussed in this thread...
What you apparently are incapable of grasping is the reason I Asked Questions is so I could better understand what's being said, in this thread. So, just for future reference:
If I repeat the question, and "Answer the question," repeatedly, it's not fucking rhetorical. Get it? I'm not asking for more accusations, nor insults to my intelligence, I'm looking for Answers.
I'm not screaming "Racist," nor even disagreeing with anyone, I just want to further understand these complex subjects.
I also submit, that if nobody knows the answers to, how this is Safe Spaces creating intolerance, instead of Intolerant students demanding a Safe Space, then you guys probably don't fully understand what's going on here as well as you'd like to pretend to.
So, for future reference, if you understand this shit, better than I do? Answer the fucking questions. Otherwise, it's pretty safe to assume you don't have all the answer, either.