Consider the likely scenario of teens being taken to a robo-brothel by peers or an old-school male relative to "learn how to do it", and then the difficulties that teen will have processing the first flesh-and-blood woman that turns his advances down.
At least 18, right? Okay, so what father, uncle, or older friend is going to take his son, nephew, or ward to a Robot Brothel that won't go and take him out to a back alley, massage parlour, OR buy him a Realdoll for his birthday, and save money in the long run, for his investment? (Not to mention having turns on the Realdoll himself, since he obviously doesn't have any misgivings about used sex toys.) By the same token, what about all those teenage girls you hear about with unrealistic sexpectations of men with vibrating dicks that never go soft?
If the same standards aren't applied to men, and women (We'll just assume as a sex service, they aren't legally allowed to serve minors) then it's not a realistic fantasy, it's a sexist double standard. Men aren't that stupid, and suggestible. If they wouldn't have engaged in such behavior before, then they won't because they can rent a chunk of silicone, instead of get a rub, and tug from a Korean woman. There isn't a whole lot actually new her, and I'm still the only one that's even mentioned necrophilia?
Women, and children Scream. You have to kidnap or at least drug them. Dead bodies don't. In fact, I'm kinda wondering how they keep the robohores warm.