Here, On page 2, before IrateGrrl even chimed in is the first place I called for an investigation of the allegations to continue...
Here, Here, is where I called for the testimony to continue. Which is part of the Due Process for both of them. Rather than silencing witnesses.
Another one, where I talked about the investigation being discredited, by the people who called for the investigation in the first place, because their own Investigative team can't be trusted?
Here's where he was asked repeatedly if he Wanted the Investigation, and refused to answer, 3 times.
There's more...Now, IrationalGirl. Whenever you get back to wherever safe place you go when someone agrees with you, thanks you, applauds you, and refuses to attack you so you can't get the fight you came here looking for. I'm sure you can find 1 place where I said any of the nasty shit you accused me of.
The only argument we've had all day is I refused to be the person you accused me of. Say hi to your strawman of me, and leave Him in your echo chamber. Then we can talk, rationally.