I stand with Judge K, Coach K, a innocent man, not charged with any crime to this day. Innocent until proven guilty is the standard of Justice to which we abide and this case is no different than any other. No one who may have voted against recommending Judge Kavanaugh for Confirmation, intended to vote in his favor, from before the time of his selection by the President.
No accuser, not any attorney representing any accuser, has made a legal charge, or requested a Police investigation Montgomery County, Maryland, where the jurisdiction exists for such charges to be raised and adjudicated. There is good reason for that, in my opinion. Judge Kavanaugh is innocent, demonstrably so, of such a flimsy charge.
Not one element of evidence has been forthcoming by his accusers. Not one of the supposed witnesses or corroborating persons who were 'there', admit to ever being in any such event, wherever it may have been, whenever it may have been. Mrs. Ford's parents, almost never referenced, perhaps are no longer living, if that is the reason they were not with her in support at the Senate.
The person or persons who gave transport to Mrs. Ford (ne: Blasey), either to or from 'the party', which she indicates was about 5 miles from her then home, is known by Mrs. Ford, or has come forward, perhaps to say what day the party occurred, and where, even roughly where, let alone an address.
Little to no difficult questioning of Mrs. Ford occurred during the Senate hearing, certainly no real cross examination, to highlight the various inconsistency issues raised by Mrs. Ford's inability to recall details, or to present a single witness to the event.
No charges are filed, no accusations made in the jurisdiction, no details which can be confirmed, no address, no date, no year actually, while it is presumed to be 1982, as Mrs. Ford believes she was 15 years old at that time.
The incident was raised in marriage counseling when Mrs. Ford seemed to be not able to agree on "how many front doors to have" when her home was to be redone. It was a serious enough issue between the Fords to prompt a mental health 'counselor' get involved. Mrs Ford has Two 'front doors' today, and says her property looks odd from the street, accordingly, and so the story uncovered during counseling, during the Romney Campaign for President, won out in the end. Was the memory induced? Hypnosis? Vague about what report the Senate was provided from the 'counselor'.
No one has 'investigated' Mrs. Ford as to her veracity, save a 'support' letter from her husband. All internet and social sites have been scrubbed, with 'bleach bit' perhaps? I have no doubt Mrs. Ford has had some upsetting moments in life and cannot imagine having her as my Professor, but she is entitled to her own mind, and thinking.
Democrats on the Committee are uniform, too uniform, when we consider some of them are former prosecutors, in full 100% support of anything Mrs. Ford says, and incurious as to holes in her story, seeing no one asked her a thing about such a vacuum of meaningful proof.
Republicans elected to have a female prosecutor from Arizona do the questions and while she did her job well, the fractured time in 5 minute increments, and her decision to handle it as a deposition type of questioning, rather than as a prosecutor, asking difficult questions in a search for truth, for proof, added little to a full understanding, in my opinion.
Mrs. Ford testified the polygraph was long and intrusive, with wires and such all over her body. 'all over her body' is the way she also described the claim about an encounter with Judge Kavanaugh at the party. The polygraph examiner asked her TWO questions. How intrusive and how long could it take for 2 questions. Mrs Ford is clearly troubled, tearing up while taking praise from the Democrat Senators on the Committee even.
I am happy she got her 2 front doors. She seems pleased as well.
The prosecutor said later there was not enough in Mrs. Ford's presentation to justify even a search warrant, let along any charges.
The FBI has a week to sort out what there is to sort, speak to relevant parties, and get some legally 'on the record' under penalty of jail for lying to the FBI, and we shall see how they handle this assignment. If the take the whole time allocated, or not, it seems the goal of having the President's Nominee sitting on the Court for the entire next session has been defeated, which was the goal of Senate Democrats.
Let us hope the Judiciary Committee survives as a meaningful body. Perhaps not a reasonable expectation in 2018.