And I'll admit to a bias that leads me to side with the woman in instances like this -- irrespective of the political affiliation of the accused.
I tend to side with the (Alleged) victims, irrespective of their gender, nor that of the accused. Age is a factor too, but let's just assume a He Said/He Said allegation of attempted rape. Just to remove any bias, both are male, the same age, both drunk at a party, and one says "He tried to rape me, but if it wasn't for whiskey dick, I was too drunk to stop him."
Let's look at this hypothetical: What does anyone ever gain from making a false accusation? Sure, there may be peripheral gains, but just narrowing the focus to the accusation itself. Let's say the (Alleged) predatory homosexual grows up to be rich, famous, and powerful.
The noteriety, even getting to go on talk shows, book deals, and a Lifetime movie based on your account of the ordeals is not reason enough to risk the destruction of your life, and your reputation from admitting you're a victim. I've worked with these victims, guys who were sexually assaulted, at parties, by other drunk guys. They can't face their fathers after that, knowing that they were taken advantage of, their abuser is possibly gay (Though Narcissism is another possible motive that can outweigh even being heterosexual.) and still out there amongst unsuspecting guys, just like him.
No threat of violence if they tell. Even blacked out drunk so he doesn't remember doing it, they can't tell their own Fathers, much less an authority figure like a policeman, police woman, professor, lawyer, judge, bartender, nor therapist, much less any of their drinking buddies. Your best bet if you want to hear these kinds of stories is either to work a helpline (Suicide Prevention works) or prostitution.
Now, in cases of He Said/She Said, what does she expect to gain from a false allegation? They won't think she's a slut if she consented, then claimed it was rape after the fact to preserve her reputation?
Too late. That's already destroyed.
Now, what possible motives does he have to deny the alleged assault?
Process of Elimination.